
FROM OUR DESK By THE EDITOR FOR: Ebony Color. African Opinion. Tan Confessions World. Ring. The Crisis Opportunity and Other Magazines Go FIRST to Dixon Barber Shop West of the Limon Market.
The 118th Anniversary of the Emancipation of Slaves in British Colonies The Debate Resolved that Radio Transmission as a News Organ Serves Better than the Press (Newspaper)
It should be in no way out of our regular course of action, to recall our youthful association with the anniversaries of Emancipation on each first day of August and of which the 118th anniversary was with us on Wednesday of the week in course. In those earlier years we did not comprehend, however, its full significance; the merriment.
the hearing of the songs of redemption and the old folk lore were to us only as amusement. During those years of primary education, for some reason our educators did not sufficiently instruct us on Negro History; of the great past of the Negro along the banks of the Nile; of his association with the Pyramids of Egypt, of Negro Sculptor of Grimaldi race, called the Venus of Willendorf, of José Vasconcelos (EL Negrito Poeta) of Benjamin Banneker who invented the first clock made in America in 1754; of the mighty civilization of Elam of Persia which flourished about 2900 Ganges, the sacred river of India named after the Ethiopian King who conquered Asia as far as this On the night of Thursday, the subject has teeming points presentable 20th of September of the year in to secure a triumph, but effective course who would stay in his or her bombing is not only the consequence home or attend any other function of the make of the bomber, rather when a literary battle will be raging the efficiency of the airmen.
in connection with the Debate. The setting will be in the St. Mark RESOLVED THAT RADIO Parish Hall and under the auspices TRANSMISSION AS NEWS of the Port Limor. Branch Nº 134 ORGAN SERVES BETTER THAN of the Jamaica Burial Scheme SoTHE PRESS. Each side of the ciety.
river; of Ethiopian ancestry to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba Our Position With Regard the Continuation of this Newspaper morose and beyond that to Cush, 6280 of the Negroes who lived in America thousands of years before Columbus discovery; of Este vanico of Morroco one of the party of four to cross the North American Continent in 1536 for the first time; of the fact that the cha We have been sustaining untold unpaid. In order to help the situation financial loss; we have drained every racters of the Bible are largely Negroes. The Jews were slaves to we hustle to get some medium or the Egyptians for nearly 430 years. Only seventy Jews went to Egypt ounce of energy and intellect from advertisements and the very ncour very humble well spring, en. gligent agents raise the complaint to with Jacob; the Bible says that 600, 000 men left with Moses; this deavouring to keep alive this little the hearing of the readers. TOO according to Haushoffer, meant a total of 3, 154, 000 with women Weekly Newspaper. The printing MUCH NOTICES and not cnough and children. For this large number to have left mixing with the cost twenty five cents a copy; the reading matter.
Egyptians who were black nust have taken place on a great scale. sale price is TWENTY FIVE CENTS and from those sold, FIVE CENTS bit of human, or say business Roman Historian of 90 D, says that the Romans of his day pocommission goes to the agents, reconsideration exercised among all pularly believed that the Jews which then abounded in Rome came spectively. The TWENTY CENTS subscribers and agents as well as the from Ethiopia, the land of the Blacks. The Bible classes the Ethiopian rightfully belong to us, if we dare public in general would have no and the Jew together, Are ye not as the children of Ethiopia unto ask those agents who are doubt prolonged the life of THE me children of Israel, saith the Lord. Chaldea the land in which with their remittances; some two, ATLANTIC, but the weight is more three as far as five months in arrears, than we can bear for any definite the Jews originated was also a Negro land, hence the probability of the only answer is Do not send any period. When the light goes out, its Abraham been black. Negro Jews of Abyssinia led by Queen more newspaper and nine cases in usefulness may be missed by the very Judith, put the line of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba off the throne every ten the indebtedness remains persons who have failed us.
of Ethiopia in 937 and ruled for forty years.
While this was hidden from the Negro scholar, great was the chastisement if one memory failed to retain the history connected with the lives of such personalities as Napoleon Bonaparte, Lord LIMON COSTA RICA Nelson, the Duke of Wellington, Mary Queen of Scots, The Edwards, The Church is the Pillar and the Ground The Henrys, Longfellow, Burns, Scott, Smithfield and the rest. Since of the Truth.
advancing in age, learning and wisdom we have discovered it was a SERVICES very grievious mistake to have with held suth valuable instructions SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon.
from those directly concerned. We believe, whether as master or 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist.
servant there would have been greater demonstrations of achievements, 00 Sunday School.
dignity and nobler characters and loftier aspirations had the people 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
of colour been brought into contact with the amazing facts associated WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a. with their race. Every nation or race fully informed regarding their Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 00 pm Saturday: Confession 00. 00 past is naturally stimulated to lay a great foundation for the lifting ST. MARK CHURCH THE ELDED Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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