
August 4, 1951 THE ATLANTIC Page Incoming Passengers by Train Are Suffering a Bit of Hardship an INTER. AMERICAN TECHNICAL CACAO COMMITTEE THIRD MEETING Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture Trinidad, Our attention has been called by trance on the arrival of passenger British West Indies several very respectable citizens to trains. Let us have fair play. Continuation)
Witches Broom, caused by Mapublish their complaint by being rasmius perniciosus Stahel, is by all denied the privilege to enter the odds the most destructive disease of station yard on the arrival of pascacao in Ecuador, Surinam, Venezuela senger trains, especially those from and Trinidad It has not spread to San Jose, for the sole purpose of Eastern Brazil nor to Central Amemeeting a member of their family, rica nor the West Indian islands friend or a visitor to this city. The north of Grenada. Why it has not person arriving. quite naturally will done so was discussed but no conhave personal baggage or parcels to clusion was reached. The control take from the first class coaches or measures recommended to date are: 1)
chair car; these being to the rear of selection of resistant clones; and 2)
the train make the distance greater destruction of infested tissues. It is for a lady passenger, a child, an thought that spraying with Bordeaux old or sick person to carry out weighty mixture might gain control, but no packages, and on the other hand definitive experiments have been contaking off a part and leaving the ducted. method for selection of remainder for a second trip would be resistant seedlings was described in rather risky in these days of rob.
Ecuador The seeds are planted in beries by actively engaged gangs.
seed beds and as soon as they have We held up the hands of the maformed two leaves, they are inoculatnagement of the Company from the By downing six Russian made jet airplanes over Korea, Captain ed with a spore suspension of the James Jabara (center. of the United States Air Force, becomes the outset of the endosure to the station first United Nations ace jet pilot combating Communist aggression organism. Cultures of the fungus are yard; a very effective measure in in Korca. Captain Jabara demonstrates his feats to Captain Eddie Rickenbacker (left. first ace pilot of World War I, and General maintained in the laboratory in order keeping out the undesireables, but Hoyt Vandenberg (right. Chief of Staff of the US Air Force to insure adequate supply of we are not in harmony with the rule in Washington, DC Captain Jabara shot down the Russian made spores for this suspension of objection to persons above suspicion jets in 63 missions and 20 plane to plane combat engagements against the enemy. During World War II he shot down nine and one half These cultures are actually brooms of mis demeanor and who furnishes airplanes in Europe. The 27 year old fighter parents came to the which are collected, sprayed with acceptable reason for soliciting en United States of America from Syria. They live in Wichita, Kansas. Foto USIS)
water, and kept in a moist chamber ready for use in making the susThe steel scrap position is acute in pension. After the treatment of young Britain mainly because of the fall in seedlings, there are always a few supplies from Germany. drive is being team, formed under the auspices die casting. Die casting is more widely launched to recover every possible ton.
plants which have not been infecte the Anglo American Productivity used in America than in Britain.
and these are kept under observation Council now in the study The introduction of methods of increas and planted out in the field to serve ing productivity has obtained excellent as selection garden from which those results in a British steel foundry. Between plants which combine resistance with SAVE MONEY AT 1946 and 1950 the output of castings rose by 50 per cent. and the quality improv.
high yield will be multiplied. recent ed, while the average earnings of the study in Ecuador, which is still in men rose considerably. Continued on page 8)
MY BOY POWDERED MILK 50 WIRE SPONGES 35 Lanco is the trade mark of the wonderful ISLAND PALM SOAP 100 FENCE STAPLES wrist watches 00 HORSE MULE SHOES 60 CARBIDE 00 Serie LANCO comprising one hundred is now ready for sale: IRON PLUGS 25 very grand opportunity to own a costly and durable Watch by ELECTRIC CORD 20 50 subscribing only 00 each week. After one hundred sub.
CARPENTERS PENCILS 45 scriptions have been taken the Club Plan will begin in conjunction RAT TRAPS, that rid your house of rats. 75 with the National Lottery Drawing every two weeks.
GUN POWDER FFF Dupont Brand 14. 00 The holder of ticket whose two numbers correspond with the two TEA SPOONS, aluminum 45 ending of the Lottery will be entitled to the Lanco Watch or any PADLOCKS, they actually work 00 other Trade Mark to the value of 225. 00 on the presentation PAINTS LA CASA 32. 00 BARBED WIRE, 40 kilo roll of the receipt in proof of payment. Failure to pay four weeks 76. 00 COCOA CUTTERS, foreign consecutively will result in forfeiture to participate in the Drawing 00 Due to this cancellation the member will get a refund of 25 BROOMS 25 from amount paid.
BRILLO. LARGE SIZE 30 ALUMINUM FORKS If payments of twenty five quotas are made the subscriber, if ALUMINUM TABLE SPOONS 65 desirous, can get the Watch under a guarantee satisfactory to the NAILS. INCH 00 New York Bazaar for the payment of the difference to cover the full value of the Watch, Visit our Hardware Depi. Thousands of anicles at reasonable prices.
Any member of the Club after paying fifty weeks and the number Quick, contou service, ausys. And Remember, Alro, we Give You does not turn up with any of the Lottery Drawings will be entitled Honest, Correct Weight to get the Watch BAZAAR NEW YORK Adolfo Schifter IN BRITAIN TODAY of is LA PROVEEDORA 60 2494512112112111111 70 LA PROVEEDORA BOX 175 PORT LIMON Ementos propiedad de la termstro de Cultury Juventud Costa Rica

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