p. 8


THE LUDUSI IN BRITAIN TODAY Federation of Three African Territories Proposed TIENDA BARATA CHEAP STORE LONDON. report recom. 17 representing Southern Rhodesia, OF mending a federation of three te 11 Northern Rhodesia, and Nyas.
MOISES KADER rritories in Central Africa. Sout aland)
hern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia Stressing the agency of the THIS IS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY NOT TO GET and Nyasaland was published today problem of closer association the THESE GOODS WILL BE FOLLY as a Command Paper in the British report express the strong belief that PRINTS IN LATEST SHADES. WASHABLE FABRICS House of Commons. Presented jointly the only policy which can succeed by the Secretaries of State for Co.
IN FRESH SUMMER COTTON in present conditions is that of eco.
lonies and Commonwealth Relations, nomic and political partnership bet FRESH ASSORTMENT OF DRESS MATERIALS the report was drawn up by the ween Europeans and Africans. It FOR MEN POMEN AND CHILDREN London Conference on Closer As proposes that matters most closely af.
FANTASTIC ADORNMENTS, SHOES, STOCKINGS, AND OTHER sociation in Central Africa which fecting Africans should remain under met in March this year.
SELECTED ARTICLES the control of the territorial Govern 11 THE LOT EST POSSIBLE PRICES ments and that a Federal Minister The report proposes a federation for African Interests appointed, of the three territories under the who would act as Chairman of a designation of British Central Afri special African Affairs Board on with a central Federal Govern which Africans would be represent ment which would be responsible cd. In presenting the report, the Between 1947 and 1949 exports One out of every ten people in for matters of common concern to British Secretary of State for the Co from countries of the British Com Britain today is over 65. As a result the area as a whole, such as External lonies stated today that neither the monwealth expanded by 49 per cent. of improved health measures, many Affairs, Defense, Immigration, Eco United Kingdom Government no: Imports rose by 31 per cent.
of them are fit to continue in cmnomic Development Planning, Ex the other Governments concerned are ployment and efforts are being made ternal Trade, Communications, Elec at this stage committing themselves The number of children attending to persuade them to postpone their tricity, Customs and certain other to acceptance of any of the parti school in Malaya has risen from retirement matters There would be a Cabinet cular proposals in the report, which 263, 000 in 1941 to 581, 000 in 1949.
of about six Ministers and a single is published as a basis consideration Britain plastics industry incres chamber legislature of 35 members and discussion Although manpower in Britain ed its production from 30, 000 tons coal mines declined by 20, 500 workin 1939 to 140, 000 ton last year. ers, output of coal from deep mines productive capacity of 340, 000 is (204. million tons) in 1950 was planned by the end of 1952 about 10 million ton more than in 1949 LIMON COSTA RICA IMP. FALCO LTDA The Church is the Pillar and the Ground Hair Cut and Shave Newspapers Books. Novels of the Truth.
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Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 00 pm Saturday: Confession 00. 00 pm See Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Annoncenients BLACK BEANS SOFT Ib. 65 SALT 20 RICE Ib. 75 PURE BUTTER Іь. 00 BARBADOS LEADER AT MILAN CONGRESS FLOUR GOLD MEDAL Ib 10 55 RED BEANS, nice and soft, Іь 1b 650 Grantley Adams, Leader of the the International Confederation of MY BOY POWDERED MILK so tin. 50 Barbados House of Assembly and Free Trade Unions which was held in WIRE SPONGES EA 035 head of the Barbados Labor Party Milan, Italy, July to 12. Mr. Ad ISLAND PALM SOAP 00 and the Barbados Workers Union, 1b.
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BARBED WIRE, 40 kilo roll each ÇOCOA CUTTERS, foreign cach 00 QUANTITY LIMITED. RITE TODAY BRILLO. LARGE SIZE cach 30 ALUMINUM FORKS TACOBO CLARENCE BLACKETT each 70 ALUMINUM TABLE SPOONS each 0, 65 BOX 638 SAN JOSE. COSTA RICA NAILS INCH lb 00 ST. MARK CHURCH LA PROVEEDORA rake CARBIDE 76, 00 Vimow Hardware Dep. Tbowlands of articles reasonable prices, Quick rourteons service, always. And Remember, Also, Re Give You Howell, Correct eigbi.
NEWSPAPERS: Jamaica Gleaner. Jamaica Times Chicago Defender Trinidad Guardiaw, etc. For Sale at Dixon Barber Shop: West of the Limon Market.
LA PROVEEDORA BOX 175 PORT LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.

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