
AUGUST 18, 1951.
THE ATLANTIC Page Theatre. Goers Complain For Excessive Heat 320 ON PERPETUAL MEMORY Although there lies a Gulf between where thou art and us, memory lingers in our hearts for the separation by death of you our darling Mother and Grandmother Is has come to our attention that theatre goers are suffering much discomfort from the warmth of the temperature in theatres, particularly at the afternoon shows. They are using this medium to solicit some measures of improvement.
The atmospheric temperature of this zone is generally hot and becomes almost suffocating when a sea of humanity is indoors.
We are told further that electric fans are installed in one of the theatres but are oniy there as or naments; not put in use in spite of the scorching condition of the people in attendance. Parents with children attending Matinee have complained that due to the circulating hot air in the theatres, in coming out the children appear as if emerging from a bathin pool; a state of danger to their health (Mrs. JANE SE ALEY (AUGUST 16, 1950.
We pass the matter on to the authority of Public Health As you walked before Jebovab on this earth Wib bonour, love, obedience and willing service We pray that you will be among the members To reign with Christ in God Heavenly Kingdom. SEALEY DE ROBINSON (Chilibre, Canal Zone)
Other daughters, sons and grandchildren: REUBEN, ROTHSCHILD, LIMITED PORT LIMON (THE FIRST AS ALWAYS)
WE ANNOUNCE TO ALL OUR CLIENTS: That we have established the Exportation of RUBBER That and that we are ready to receive any quantity.
THE RUBBER MUST BE OF FIRST QUALITY, DRIED CLEAN. Lanco is the trade mark of the wonderful wrist watches THE HOUSE OF: VICTOR The Supreme Trade Mark in Radio in various magnificient Models.
It is your best guarantee which will bring bappiness to all your family. GIFT OF AN VICTOR INSTRUMENT CONTINUES ALWAYS PRESENT WEEKES SETS ANOTHER RECORD Serie LANCO comprising one hundred is now ready for sale: very grand opportunity to own a costly and durable Watch by subscribing only 00 each week. After one hundred subscriptions have been taken the Club Plan will begin in conjunction with the National Lottery Drawing every two weeks.
The holder of ticket whose two numbers correspond with the two ending of the bottery will be entitled to the Lanco Watch or any other Trade Mark to the value of 225. 00 on the presentation of the receipt in proof of payment. Failure to pay four weeks consecutively will result in forfeiture to participate in the Drawing.
Due to this cancellation the member will get a refund of 25 from amount paid.
If payments of twenty five quotas are made the subscriber, it desirous, can get the Watch under a guarantee satisfactory to the New York Bazaar for the payment of the difference to cover the full value of the Watch.
Any member of the Club after paying fifty weeks and the number does not turn up with any of the Lottery Drawings will be entitled to get the Watch BAZAAR NEW YORK Adolfo Schifter.
Everton Weekes, the West Indies playing for Bacup. Weekes present Test batsman, now playing in Eng. Club lish League cricket, continues to hold the spotlight, his latest feat being Last season Weekes smashed the the setting up of another record by record total of runs for a season, and getting six three figure innings in a is expected to beat his own mark this League season The previous best year. He is also holder of the highest was Arthur Richardson, the Aus individual score in an innings in the tralian, who got five in 1929 when League (195 not out. WE URGE THE RENEWAL OF THE SUNDAY BUS SERVICE TO ESTRELLA FOR: Ebony. Color. African Opinion. Tan Confessions World. Ring. The Crisis. Opportunity and Other Magazines. Go FIRST to Dixon Barber Shop West of the Limon Market.
Zent passenger Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda. OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
Many of the travellers between Sunday bus could be 30 in the this city and the Estrella region have morning and return in time for the expressed their gratitude to us in re 30 Siquirres via ference to our recent suggestion for train the renewal of the bus service on We urge the renewal of the Sunday Sundays. Residents along the line bus service which will afford great towns have also mentioned that the benefit in our economic, social and Sunday service was very convenient spiritual life. Many Christians reto them to make trips to Penshurst siding in that region were accustomand other parts along that route; that ed to come to town for Sunday night is, arriving in this city by passenger worship and return Monday oc local train on Saturday afternoon, morning and by which their agriconveyance by bus on Sunday to Es cultural or other interest did not trella and returning the same day, suffer it used to be possible to make con There is also a request for a first nection with the Old Line passenger class coach on the daily freight and train which usually leaves at o clock. passenger combination to Estrella, ofThe occupation of those having to course. exclusively for persons paying visit Estrella does not permit them first class rate. This will greatly to be away for any work day and due remedy the daily congestion and unNacional ltura y Juventud Costa on Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us.
Ramón Acón León General Manager Alfonso Solé Lippa Assistant Manager.


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