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Page THE ATLANTIC AUGUST 18. 1951 VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT THE PEOPLE HOUSE BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brother Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard, Britton Manager JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything. Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.
raise RACES!
with Santiago. Champion of the Ayala races 1950, for supremacy. Also LONDON Britain will spend BRITAIN HUGE YEAR PLAN FOR COLONIES plan for 1946 55, as revised in 1951. 140 million (S392 millions) durwill involve expenditure of just over ing the next five years on colonial 12 million. 33. million) of development. The money will be proach to the economic and social stuffs, to discover and make the ful which rather over half will come.
spent on research, roads, education, problems of the territory, the Sa lest use of the colony other na from Protectorate funds, million housing, communications, and the rawak Government will be able to cor tural resources, and thus to (8. million) from a development training of colonial people for the rect its excessive dependence upon standards of health, education and loan, and just under million day of self government.
a single industry rubber to render social services generally.
from Colonial Development and Apart from money spent on co the colony self sufficient in food Similarly, the Nyasaland 10 year Welfare funds.
lonies by the British taxpayers great contribution to development of the colonies resources is also being made on the commercial side by private enterprise. There is also a statutory Corporation, charged with the duty of securing the formulation At Guacimo on the 16th September where Lady Kismet will contend and carrying out of projects for de veloping the resources of the colonial territories. It is called the Colonial Development Corporation. The main King the Atlantic, will defend his title against a hopeful con idea is to place facilities at the disposal of Colonial Governments so tender. Other runs among other horses to fete the day.
that they may carry out development plans drawn up by themselves and carried out through the machinery of Horse owners of this zone are invited to take part on this occasion.
their own Governments The long term plans which they Excursion train from Limon Don Miss these extraordinary demonhave drawn up are very comprehensive. Sarawak, for instance, has a strations.
population of only about 500, 000 people, dependent at present almost THE COMMITTEE.
exclusively on rubber and with its internal communications hardly developed at all Sarawak Development Plan for IN BRITAIN TODAY a Lancashire mechanical engineering the period 1951 involves expenfirm has been shown in production diture of 41 million. 12. milresults. Productivity has risen by over lion) on top of its ordinary ad In spite of difficulties in obtaining British Railways are carrying about 50 per cent in the past two years, ministrative expenditure. Just under supplies of raw materials and steel one third more freight than they were and bonus earnings during this period million. 5, million) of this scrap, the British steel industry is in 1938, with about the same number rose on an average from per cent will be found from local revenues well on the way to achieving the of staff.
to 95 per cent above the basic wage.
and reserves, about 600, 000 Government output target of be. 1, 680, 000) by loan, and the re ween 16 and 1614 million tons. The success of joint consultation mainder from external capital as 1951. In the first six months of the between workers and management in IMP. FALCO LTDA.
sistance, mainly Colonial Development year, output has been at the annual and Welfare funds.
rate of 16, 306, 000 tons.
JAMAICA CHOSEN FOR FOOD RESEARCH As a result of this balanced apJamaica is one of 11 islands all to Rico, Guadeloupe, Hawaiian Isover the world chosen by the Foodlands, Cape Verde Islands Mauritius Research Institute of Stanford Uni. Reunion, Fiji Islands and New Gversity, California, for a study of the ledonia. It is felt that these islands LIMON COSTA RICA changes in consumption levels in sugar are small enough to afford a saThe Church is the Pillar and the Ground producing islands since 1890. It is tisfactory view of the whole economy.
of the Truth believed that such a study may contribute to a better understanding of Part of the 2, 500 given by the SERVICES the necessity for economic progress Rockefeller Foundation to the Food SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon.
in underdeveloped countries, Research Institute will be used for 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist.
Other islands taking part are Puer the study 00 Sunday School. 00 pm. Solemn Evensong, Sermon WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
If you don read, you can know If you don know, you can Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 pm argue Keep up with the times: read always. Get all your Saturday: Confession 00. 00 pm reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop See Weekly Parish Bulletin For Olber Announcements West of the Limon Market.
de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. ST. MARK CHURCH
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