
Page THE ATLANTIC AUGUST 25, 1951 Salvation Army to Hold Meeting of Welcome CARD OF THANKS EULALEE HESLOP DE MURDOCK Brigadier and Mrs. Thos. Lynch The program featuring a Welcome and Comrades of the Salvation Army will be staged on Monday night the in this city have announced the ex 27th instant and to which the public pected arrival of Licut. Marcel Grant is invited.
from Jamaica to work with the local THE ATLANTIC extends a right Corps. It is said that he is an able hearty welcome to Licut. Grant and officer and full of experience in the wishes for him a comfortable and suc.
cessful stay in our Republic Son, Sisters, Aunt and other Relatives Adopt this medium to express their sincere appreciation to the many friends and acquaintances from far and near for their Cards, Wreaths, Letters, Visits and other tokens of Sympathy during the long illness and sad bereavement of Despacho de Recetas de Oculistas STEINTON MURDOCK MEN DELUXE BEBOP PRIVATE EYE Be the hit of the crowd Genuine Optical Zyl. light or Dark Tortoise Shell Block or Light Brown frames Sus ojos no tienen precio hágaselos exami nar una vez al año.
WORDS OF THANKS OPTICA TRENAN FLORENCE ISABEL FERGUSON Post Office Box 856 Cristóbal, Canal Zone BO VARAS SUR DEL BANCO DE SEGUROS SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Adopts this medium to express a word of Thanks to Miss Iris Williams of Limon and Mr. Sydney Cox Hall of San Jose, Costa Rica, in appreciation of their kindness during my short stay in their beautiful and hospitable Republic NEED FEDERATED ARMY LA PROVEEDORA FLOUR From the military point of view, quarters are at Jamaica, gave this RAY OF HOPE TO SULLY THREE QUARTER FRUIT a well organized British Caribbean opinion while in Trinidad on Army would have to be a federat. inspection tour.
TO ENGLISH MARKET ed force, in the opinion of Briga He said he had two types of traindier Jackson, newly ap.
We conversed with two of our baing to give his troops in the CaribThe cacao producers are also jubilant pointed commander of British forces bean: firstly, for war combat, to nana exporters a few days ago and over the very promising crop. if a in the Caribbean islands, British obtained the very pleasing inform adverse weather condition sets in kill as many as possible; secondly, ation that by their effort to inject May the bud of hope blossom and Honduras and British Guiana. to maintain local order, by killing life saving elements in our Banana bear fruit Brigadier Jackson, whose head as few as possible.
Industry, there is a possibility of supplying three quarter fruits to the COMPARE PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY English market and should their ef.
TALLER MEMBRENO fort be crowned with success, the SAVE MONEY AT 75 yards cast of Robert Hnos.
first shipment will be effected early Pront of Fuscaldo Hnos in September. This is very good Phone 4296. Post Box 1983 San Jose KLIM news, not only to the banana proTin We buy, sell and repair 25 LARD ducers but to our community in geІь.
Cash Registers Typewriters and 50 COFFEE ІЬ.
neral. We are in great need for such Accounting Machines in general of 20 BLACK BEANS SOFT all marks and models.
1b Ib. 65 a help to our financial situation. At SALT Our service extends througbow she 1b Ib RICE 20 this time all hands are folded with entire Territory of the Republic Іь 15 70 regard to the intensification of baIb Ib. 50 BOY POWDERED MILK nana cultivation IMP. FALCO LTDA to. 50 WIRE SPONGES EA 30 ISLAND PALM SOAP FENCE STAPLES cake 00 15 If you don read, you can know if you don know, you can an Ib 09 HORSE MULE SHOES Ih argue. Keep up with the times; read always. Get all your 60 CARBIDE IRON PLUGS reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop Ib. 00 West of the Limon Market.
ELECTRIC CORD 20 each 25 yd. 50 CARPENTERS PENCILS cach 45 RAT TRAPS, that rid your house of rats. 75 GUN POWDER FFF Dupont Brand Ib.
14. 00 TEA SPOONS, aluminum cach 45 45 PADLOCKS cach they actually work cach 100 LA CASA PAINTS cach 00 LIMON COSTA RICA 20 BARBED WIRE, 40 kilo roll gal. 32. 00 each each COCOA CUTTERS, foreign 760 The Church is the Pillar and the Ground each 600 BRILLO. LARGE SIZE 00 cach ALUMINUM FORKS of the Truth. 30 cach 70 ALUMINUM TABLE SPOONS SERVICES: each 65 NAILS. INCH AND 2 INCH.
SUNDAYS: 6, 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon. 00 LIGHT BULBS, 25 watt each 00 a. Holy Eucharist. 75 Visit our Hardewre Dept. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices. 00 Sunday School Quick, courteous service, always. And Remember, Also, se Gire Yox 00 Solemn Evensoog, Sermon.
Honell, Correet Weight WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a. Wednesday 00 pm Saturday: Confession 00. 00 mn.
nov 19 Este documento del biologa Nacional Miguel Obregón Lill ma Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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