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WE ANNOUNCE TO ALL OUR CLIENTS: We had the distinguished pleasure Store. This jurist became acquaintof having in our city during the pasted with many notables of Limon.
several days, Mr. Harry Nowalsky. Among these was Don Guillermo a very prominent Lawyer with office Goebel, Attorney Notary.
in New Orleans, United States of America Attorney Nowalsky and his travel He was the house guest of his companion were taken to points of cousins, Mr. Mrs. Salomon Be. interest under the escort of Don Sa renzon, proprietors of the Hollywood lomon Berenzon FOR: Ebony Color. African Opinion. Tan Confessions World. Ring. The Crisis. Opportunity and Other Magazines Go FIRST to Dixon Barber Shop West of the Limon Market.
That we have established the Exportation of RUBBER and that we are ready to receive any quantity MAKE YOUR SHIPMENTS TO REUCHILD, LIMON.
THE RUBBER MUST BE OF FIRST QUALITY, DRED CLEAN THE HOUSE OF: VICTOR. The Supreme Trade Mark in Radio in various magnificient Models It is your best guarantee which will bring happiness to all your Family GIFT OF AN VICTOR INSTRUMEN CONTINUES ALWAYS PRESENT To an Effort to Cultivate Rice at Twelve Miles PANAMA JOTTINGS We learn from a very reliable of Production at its meeting held source that a few small farmers of the on the 4th. instant The request of Twelve Miles region have united the farmers has been referred to the themselves to cultivate rice. They Rural Credit Committee of Siquirres.
have effected a complete study of the We hope this Committee will give composition and nature of the soil due consideration to this project and for the growth of this product. Their grant the request of the petitioners, desire to enter actively in the culti and thus bring about the cultivation vation was submitted to the Minister of rice at this point on the Atlantic of Agriculture and Industries and Zone. We are in great need for new dealth with by the National Council industries (GOINGS ONS IN PANAMA AND THE CANAL ZONE)
Florence Isabel Ferguson Box 856, Cristóbal, COMMEMORATIVE CEREMONIES FEATURING WEST INDIAN STAMP ISSUE; NEGRO BISHOP PARTICIPATED VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTE SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brother Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard. Britton. Manager. special commemorative program chancellor of the Curia, Vicariate in appreciation of the newly issued Apostolic of Jamaica, is a native of West Indian Stamp featuring West Mavis Bank St. Andrew, Jamaica Indian Labor in the construction of The son of a schoolmaster he was The Panama Canal 1904 1914 took given a private education by his paplace at the Mt. Hope Stadium on rents and won three scholarships Wednesday August 15 which in before attending St. George college cidentally marked the 36th year of in 1918 Canal operation After two years in the Government Mr. George Westerman, noted Service he spent years as a resident Negro writer and civic leader, is scholar at the Urban college in Rome credited with having concieved and obtaining his with honor in promoted the idea of such a stamp 1926 taking top place in Latin, Greek, before the Governor of the Panama Natural History awards and the Canal who in turn brought it before Chancellor Philosophical scholarthe authorities in Washington, DC ship. In 1929 he won his doctorate Participating on the program was in Philosophy The Right Rev. Monsignor Gladstone Monsignor Wilson later did derical Wilson, dignatary of the work in the and while Catholic Church of Jamaica, BW. there majored in sociology and Monsignor Gladstone Wilson, 45, psychiatry.
HAITIAN EX PRESIDENT TO STAY LONGER The Government of Jamaica has granted Dumarsais Estimé, former president of Haiti, a further extension of six months on his permit to remain in the island. The deposed president and his family hope to make Jamaica their home.
At Guacimo on the 16th September where Lady Kismet will contend with Santiago. Champion of the Ayala races 1950, for supremacy. Also King of the Atlantic, will defend his title against a hopeful con tender. Other runs among other horses to fete the day.
Horse owners of this zone are invited to take part on this occasion.
Excursion train from Limon Don miss these extraordinary demonstrations.
The Republic of Panama is greatly anticipating the loun of 16. 000. 000 from the to help tide the Country over the present financial slump The loan is been megotiated by a special economic commission named by President Arosemena.
IN BRITAIN TODAY The deaths in England and Wale fell by 20 per cent last year over 1949, the biggest fall for any o year since 1929. Since 1945, whe the National Health Service began
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