
SEPTEMBER 15, 1951.
THE ATLANTIC Page PERSONALIA BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED WE WERE AS HAMED week ago we had the highly apSteele, jr. and his parents Mr. and preciated visit of Mr. Bertie Pinnock, Mrs. Clifford Steele for having saformerly a resident of this city. He tisfactorily acquitted himself in the has now made the neighbouring Rc.
examination carried out in the local public of Panama his home of adop veral converts and fitted them to ed of his stewardship will be found Boy School and by which he has earntion. We observed and read carefulcarry on the message of the Babe acceptable.
ed the distinction of wining the Lily his Diploma in Modern Criminal of Bethlehem mon scholarship to go to Guatemala Investigation and Identification Finger THE ATLANTIC wishes for him DISTINCTIVE SCHOLARSHIP with all expenses borne by His ExcelPrint Work, extended to him by the a comfortable and enjoyable stay WINNER lency the President of that Republic, Ten Finger Institute of Applied among his principals and brethren known to us as the Mother of the Science, Henry Method, Chicago, Il and that the account to be render We heartily congratulate Clifford Central American Republics.
linois. Accompanying his Diploma is a letter from his Principals in the fulness of commendation to him for TALLER MEMBRENO VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT the proficiency exemplified in his 75 yards east of Robert Hoos.
student career. Mr. Pinnock posses.
Front of Fuscaldo Hnos.
ses all the equipment associatel with Phone 4296 Post Box 1983.
GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK the great science. He effected the San Jose visit to his native land to see his We buy, sell and repair HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED Cash Registers Type writers and mother and other relatives and with SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brother Office Accounting Machines in general of the desire to serve his government all marks and models.
and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard.
in this high office, but on making Our service extends throughout the entire territory of the Republic, Britton Manager.
request to the authorities correspond ing to this technical knowledge, he was told that no vacancy exists and Mondongo soup is only what we in consequence the returned unhccan offer. This shocked the modesty sitatingly to the Canal Zonc.
of these very refined persons on being Quite recently several very young to their securing hotel and other ac offered a dish which must be taken HAPPY BIRTHDAY and prominent Panamanians arrived commodations.
hot, what a torture it would have as tourists in San Jose to spend the The afternoon passenger train ar been to drink hot soup with the sun Tomorrow, Sunday the 16th instant late mid summer holidays. After se rived a few minutes late and after in its peak of heat and with a burnthere will come on the wings of the veral days of comfort and happiness the travel of 103 miles, quite natural ing temperature in circulation? It years another birth anniversary for in the metropolis, they decided to ly, the tourists were hungry. Acting became necessary to wait till after six Miss Ruby Pinnock, the very highly effect a visit to our city. friend at as guide we took these tourists to o clock when the little better restaubeloved sister of the above mentionSan Jose gave the conductor of the almost every food catering business, rants were opened for business.
ed Finger print Expert and popular party a letter of introduction to THE but no food was obtainable. At one sales clerk of the People Bakery of That was not all; the worst was ATLANTIC with the request to see of the restaurants the proprietress said Mr. Philip Booth. We forward our to come. We conducted the party sincere greetings to her coupled with to every pension in the city only to be told. No rooms were availaour wishes that all happiness, health REUBEN, ROTHSCHILD, LIMITED and prosperity will bedeck her crown ble. At one of these lodgings acon this anniversary and those to come.
commodations were offered, but what a fright the visitors sustained on (THE FIRST AS ALWAYS)
LEFT FOR THE UNITED examining the mattresses and pillows; WE ANNOUNCE TO ALL OUR CLIENTS: STATES OF AMERICA all dirty and torn. We prefer to walk the streets all night than to sleep Elder John Anderson, SuperintendThat we have established the Exportation of RUBBER on such beddings. they exclaimed.
ent for Central America of the Church and that we are ready to receive any quantity We were ashamed in having taken of God of 303 Bible Place, Cleveland, MAKE YOUR SHIPMENTS TO REUCHILD, LIMON.
strangers to such insanitary places and Tennesse, took an airplane flight THE RUBBER MUST BE OF FIRST QUALITY, DRIED CLEAN.
which we believe was operated in from the San Jose airfield a few healthy condition days ago to attend a Conference a THE HOUSE OF: headquarters. VICTOR. The Supreme Trade Mark in Radio By the goodness of a few citizens the visitors were accommodated in Superintendent Anderson has been in various magnificient Models.
their homes. We are of opinion that rather actively engaged in his work in this Domain. Two weeks prior to It is your best guarantee which will strict vigilance should be given to bring happiness to all your family.
such public places. It is regretable his flight to the great North American Republic he established the to see such negligence. GIFT OF AN VICTOR INSTRUMENT Faith at Old Harbour, a new field CONTINUES ALWAYS PRESENT in Protestant worship: baptized seIMP. FALCO LTDA.
ST. MARK CHURCH LIMON COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth.
SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon. 00 a. Holy Eucharist. 00 Sunday School. 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Wednesday 00 pm Saturday: Confession 00. 00 See Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements: propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel TIENDA BARATA CHEAP STORE OF MOISES KADER OFFERS ALWAYS THE FINEST AND BEST: Beautiful and New Supplies of Dress Materials New Styles of Ladies Adornments Trinkets Stockings, Superior Nylon.


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