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Donations paid Treasurer: Per HY MAN Elder Mrs. Morgan Hyman 50. 00 Newton Orlando Gill 29. 00 Manahan Alec Hervinc 00 Angerson Lattic Hyman 50 50. 00 Mrs. Calder 25. 00 Reg. Rouse 20. 00 Mason 20. 00 Clarke 15. 00 10. 00 10. 00 00 Lindsay Mr. Groveror Milton Forbes Hilda Lewis Ann Williams McDonald Ann Boyd Nancy Junior 00 00 50 50 50 10. 00 00 00 Total 1673. 00 Per GENERAL LIST (ENGLISH. Harold Smith 20. Mr. Mrs. John Vose 11. John DaCosta 10. Mr. Mrs. Brotherton Mr. Mrs. Regio Rouse Mr. Mrs. Gouldbourne 00 Total 56. Bargains Without Equal.
TOT ALS: Total 82. 50 Per. FARQUHARSON: KADER FURNITURE STORE Eugenia Brown 10. 00 (In front of the Bananera Commissary)
MI. On Garcia 10. 00 OFFERS: Total 20. 00 THE BEST QUALITY AND MOST MODERN DESIGNS Per ANGUS: IN FURNITURE. Every article for the BEAUTY of the home Angus 25. 00 and the COMFORT of the Family Don José Rossi 00 Pardo 00 STEP INTO THE STORE AND SEE THE GREAT BARGAIN Efrain Arguedas 5. 00 AND THE CONVENIENT PLAN TO PAY FOR THE Astley Tatum 00 FURNITURE OF YOUR CHOICE.
Maldonado Hnos. 00 Tobias 00 Sam. Jackson 00 May Foster 10. 00 Sidney Shechy 10. 00 Alf. Wade 00 RIGHT HEARTY WELCOME TO MR. JAMES SKELTON Mr. Mrs. Aubrey Gaston 10. 00 Rebecca Samuels 20. 00 Tbe Atlantic takes distinguished ment of the Costa Rica Banana Co.
James Brown 00 pleasure to assign these columns to We fondly hope that it will be insert these lines of right hearty possible for his adjustment to one Total 107, 00 welcome to Mr. James Skelion, the climatic and other conditions and Per GENERAL LIST: recently arrived Assistant Superin become homely on the North AmeJamaica Burial Scheme Sotendent of the Merchandise Depart rican Colony ciety, Limon Branch 752. 00 Cia. Bananera de Costa Rica 500. 00 If you don read, you can know if you don know, you can Monsignor Juan Odendhal. 75. 00 argue Keep up with the times; read always Brigadier Mrs. Lynch 50. 00 reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop Fitz. Barrett 50. 00 West of the Limon Market. Butler 50. 00 Per BROTHERTON 344. 00 ROUSE 384. 75 HYMAN 82. 50 Farquharson 20. 00 Angus 107. 00 GENERAL LIST 1673. 00 Total STERLING 2611. 25 56. To be continued in next issue of THE ATLANTIC.
Get all your HANGUS TreasureSeptember 8th, 1951.
ROBINSON SCORES OVER TURPIN TO REGAIN MIDDLEWEIGHT CROWN RECORD BREAKING CROWD SEES ROBINSON BATTER TURPIN INTO SUBMISSION IN TENTH ROUND By MURRAY ROSE NEW YORK Sugar Ray Robinson regained the world middleweight boxing title by stopping defending champion Randy Turpin of England in two minutes and fiftytwo seconds of the tenth round of their scheduled fitteen rounder at the Polo Grounds on Wednesday night September 12th. Referee Ruby Goldstein stopped the bout as Robinson, with blood streaming from a deep cut over his left eye, smashed the Englishman with a furious attack. Turpin was knocked down in the tenth round for a nine count with a terrific right to the jaw. As Turpin got up. Ray Robinson tore after him and pinned him to the ropes. The referee stopped the bout as Turpin, back to the ropes, took every blow but refused to go down Unleashing the full fury of his blows after the Briton opened the gash over his left cye, Robinson pulled to its feet a sellout crowd of over 60. 000 persons at the Polo Grounds. One thunderous right to the head, emerging from a flurry of blows, crushed Turpin skillful defense. The 23 year old Negro fell on his back. Taking full ad vantage of the count he rose from the canvas at the count of nine. But Robinson who lost his title in a tremendous upset in July, pursued his advantage. Pinning Turpin to the ropes he rained blows on the reeling champion The object of curiosity at Bolling Air Force Base, in Washington, is a 76 milimeter, self propelled gun captured by United Nations forces in Korea. The gun was displayed in observance of the United States Armed Forces Day, an occasion celebrated wherever United States Armed Forces are stationed. At Bolling Air Force Base, about 50, 000 civilians watched a day long exhibit of United States airplanes. Photo USIS. Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda.
Competent Male English Teacher Wanted at Old Harbour (OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us The Old Harbour English School will not have the difficult problem Board desires the services of a to depend on school fees for his competent male English Teacher to own existence. The Officers of the take charge of the school of the Board take care of this phase of the district.
educational system.
Very comfortable accomodation are APPLY; OLD HARBOUR SCHOOL Ramón Acón León General Manager.
Alfonso Solé Lippa Assistant Manager de la boca Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
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