
ANCIENT MECHANICS DAY CELEBRATION THE VISITORS FROM BOCAS DEL TORO AND PARTS in As was announced in our edition of The participants descended into the Limon maintains always a joyous ens for a home run. However, the September 8th, that the Fraternity of banqueting hall and enjoyed sump welcome for the friends from Bocas side carned only two runs for seven the Independent United Order of tuosly the well prepared Repast. del Toro and other parts of that pro innings.
Mechanics will celebrate Mechanic The order at the festive board was vince. The tourists arrived on the Limon opened her attack with Day under sponsorship of Loyai as follows: morning of Thursday the 13th. They Pickens on the rubber. From his deHope Lodge Nº Having enjoyed were greeted cordially by relatives, liveries the two runs were scored.
the special honour of being a guest Opening remarks and introduction friends and acquaintances and readi Marcos Herron, surnamed young of Chairman by Mr. Vincent Hart.
speaker on this very important obly became homely, moved about Danny Hayling was brought on tə servation, it became obvious that the Chairman opening remarks Mr.
with unrestrained freedom. Their replace Pickens at the opening of Herbert Charles combined Lodges of Concordia Nº presence in our city, without doubt, the fifth inning. The visitors wings and the Loyal Hope 9 shared Address as representative of Con effected a little stir in our general cordia Lodge 1 Mr. Wilfred were dipped. Our side effected severeven honours in the most commend Gouldbourne.
commerce and social atmosphere. al changes in the line up and there able manner for the service.
Address as representative of Loyal The fist game of the baseball serie was seen finally a NINE of world The members of these two lodges had its start on the afternoon of their serie strength. At the close of our were accompanied by other brethren Hope Lodge Nº Mr. Wright arrival It was dedicated to Mr. sixth inning three runs were on the of the Order and attended divine Address as representative of Concordia Lodge Nº Mr. Amos Hubert Rowe, of real estate fame. tin. The heavily hanging clouds gave worship at the city Methodist Church Hall During the play the visitors gave way and water came forth. The chief on the evening of Sunday the 9th umpire, Leslie Green suspended the instant. The Reverend Holmes Address as representative of Loyal ample impression that the battle would be stiff all the contests match due to the rain falls.
was the Celebrant and highly har Hope Lodge Nº Mr. Barrett planned. They used as pitchers Dazel Mr. Hubert Rowe, the distinguishmonizing was his message.
Address as guest speaker: Jos.
Marshall and Randolph King. The Thomas ed guest of the encounter gave six At the close of the service the crack bat of the team was evidenced balls to the homsters who won the Mechanics marched to the Concordia Addresses by Messrs. Casanova in Reginald Grenalds who hit Pick match and Moore.
Temple, there in solemnity, Mr. Wil.
fred Gouldbourne, Past Illustrative Vote of thanks, by one of the mov.
Grand read certain historical data ing spirits in the celebration, pertaining to the grand fraternity Chambers, followed by the closMr. Barret, also Past ing remarks of the chairman and of Loyal Hope delivered an oration pronouncement of the Benediction (OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
on the sublime tenets of Mechanism by Mr. Hubert Vanhorn THE UNITED CACAO PRODUCERS LIMITED, BEING FOR: NOI UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT IS ABLE TO Ebony. Color. African Opinion. Tan Confessions PAY THE BEST PRICES World. Ring. The Crisis Opportunity and Other Consult our prices and in addition we give our best Magazines Go FIRST to Dixon Barber Shop attention to the farmers and others who trade with us.
West of the Limon Market.
Ramón Acón León Alfonso Solé Lippa General Manager Assistant Manager Miss Blanche Dixon the Bride of Mr. Wilfred Campbell Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda.
On Wednesday the 5th instant, Siquirres township Miss Blanche Dixon, daughter of Mr. The contracting parties are well Mrs. James Dixon of Germania known and are deeply esteemed in on the Old Line became the chosen social and other circles.
bride of Mr. Wilfred Campbell, a We receive the information with native of Jamaica with the parish of special delight and do wish that Mr.
Westmoreland as his birth place and Mrs. Campbell will be the reW Grant and Mrs. Shedden cipients of every happiness, long lives were the sponsors to the precious and prosperity in all their human event which was solemnized at the activities REUBEN, ROTHSCHILD, LIMITED PORT LIMON (THE FIRST AS ALWAYS)
WE ANNOUNCE TO ALL OUR CLIENTS: CO OPERATION AT SEA FLYING DUTCHMEN OPERATE FROM BRITISH FLAGSHIP That we have established the Exportation of RUBBER nd that we are ready to receive any quantity.
THE RUBBER MUST BE OF FIRST QUALITY. DRIED CLEAN THE HOUSE OF: VICTOR The Supreme Trade Mark in Radio in various magnificient Models, It is your best guarantee tobich will bring happiness to all your Family GIFT OF AN VICTOR INSTRUMENT CONTINUES ALWAYS PRESENT During air exercises in the Irish sea, two squadrons of naval aircraft from the Royal Netherlands Navy were based on Indomitable. flagship of the Home Fleet, carrying the in C, admiral Sir Philip Vian.
Netherlands pilots, flying British built Sea Furies and Fireflies took part in deck landings, mock air attacks and target practice alongside aircraft of the Naval Air Arm also operating from the carrier. This remarkable picture shows a Dutch Sea Fury a second or two after touching down on the flight deck of the Indomitable.
The naval fighter is seen with its tail hook engaged in an arrestor wire. This wire brings landing aircraft to a standstill within a few yards. On the left is the safety barrier. Several of the Ne.
therlands pilots in these two squadrons served on the Indomit able during the war, in the Mediterranean and later in the Pacific, where she was constantly in action Netherlands pilots are also operating from other British aircraft carriers putting into prac.
tice the close co operation envisaged in the North Atlantic Treaty, IMPRENTA FALCÓ LTDA.
Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica Te


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