
BY THE EDITOR We urge We are offering these lines as a medium of stimulation to every We have very reliable information day the 25th instant for the purpose sane person in whose sight they may appear, that the Jamaica Relief that on the initiative of the Vener of discussing certain important matCommittee continues its humanitarian endeavours to send substantial able William Ziadie, Archdeacon ters which require the urgent atof Limon, the Ministers of our Pro tention of all concerned.
help to our brethren who have sustained the losses of almost all their testant Churches and Teachers of our material possessions by the fury of the hurricane which scourged English Private Schools have been that on the receipt of the Circulars or invitations every effort should be Jamaica a month ago.
cordially invited to be the guests of effected to attend.
Ву of direct correspondence from the relatively large the Archdeacon at 30 Tues.
area of 4, 400 square miles and its diversification of crops which has been a characteristic of its agricultural development; all have been Diego Calvo Morales set free of punishment and all severely struck, in a greater degree than one would imagine.
It should be borne in mind that Jamaicans of today are of many responsibility in the death of Benjamin Knight racial strains, Europeans, North Americans, Latin Americans, West Indians, East Indians, Chinese, Jewish and others, therefore, in sending Some months ago there appeared The Court of Abrogation has now help we are doing so not only in the broad sphere of humanity, but in the columns of this newspaper, revoked the former sentence and to our people of origin.
that Diego Calvo Morales was con Diego Calvo Morales is set free of demned and sentenced to eight years punishment and responsibility for Let us do all we possibly can to support the work of the Commitof imprisonment for having shot to the death of the said Benjamin tee as well as all other well intentioned fund raising efforts. Things death Benjamin Knight Frazer in Knight Frazer. He was defended by are not rosy: that we well know, but it is worth the while to put in the farm of Mr. Jose Rodriguez Mo Attorney and Notary, Daniel Zelepractice the old maxim: That wherever there is a WILL. there is ra at Cimarrones.
don of this city the WAY.
If you don read, you can know if you don know, you can RECEPTION HELD IN HONOUR OF Keep up with the times; read always. Get all your reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop THE REVEREND WILLIAM GLENN West of the Limon Market.
argue On the evening of September 12, programmee designed on the well the Venerable William Ziadie, established canvas of the ArchDiscourse Pronounced by Don Hector Gutierrez Morales Archdeacon of Limon, Mrs. Ziadie, deaconry held sway to the joy of all the Vestry Committee, Auxiliaries, in attendance and to which the dismembers and congregation of St. tinguished guest of honour respond lumns of this edition the very eloThere appears in our Spanish co sacred patrimony. Among the elements Mark Church held a reception highly of this great blessing are land, air ed in appreciative and commendable befitting the recipient, the Reverend language.
quent discourse propounded by our and water very valuable collaborator, Don Hec He referred also to the classifica William Glenn who arrived te tor Gutierrez Morales of the General ation of Nature in Animal Kingdom, cently to labour in this section of THE ATLANTIC offers its co Tomas Guardia School in this city in the vineyard of our Blessed Master. lumns to Reverend Glenn to assist Vegetable Kingdom and Mineral observance of the week of Natural Kingdom; showing that God gave The very prized occasion was graced in anyway possible in his ministerial Resources priority to the Vegetable Kingdom by a large quantity of persons. services.
Professor Gutierrez effected em for its maturity for the consumption Hair Cut and Shave. Newspapers of man and animal. On a whole the Books. Novels.
phasis on the creation of the world and the goodness of God and the lecture comprehends full knowledge Pictures Magazines: Yes Sir Go to Dixon Your gift of Nature with its incalculable on Natural History which due to lack Barber Shop and Newstand. West of the Limon Market. richness as heritage, which we, the of space, we are unable to publish people of His creation are to care as fully in our English section. HOLLYWOOD STORE de Berenzon Big Clearance Sale Bargains you have never Seen Before Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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