
Briefs on the St. Mark Archdeaconry The Rev. Claude Updike has arrived in Limon since On Thursday the 4th instant, the who was in transit to this port. We FROM OUR DESK By THE EDITOR Venerable William Ziadie, Arch learn that his sermon was like redeacon, Mrs. Ziadie, Reverend Wild freshing dew to thirsty nature.
liam Glenn, the Rev. David Reid The office of the Atlantic was gracThe youths of today are our children, but due to the manner that who recently arrived, the members ed with the presence of the Reverend some of them are drifting from the good old cultural and other standards which had been followed by their progenitors, one can and congregation of St. Mark were David Reid on his first visit to our the recipients of spiritual grace from city. We are grateful to Reverend scarcely apply the creative name of children and is inclined to dub the Right Rev. Heber Gooden, Fr. Glenn for affording us this markthem with the term Products of the age. The possibility to get His Lordship the Bishop ed honour them to follow the right path which is the assignment of youths, is seemingly hidden in the womb of time.
In the depth of our soul there is genuine love for the young and it is this tenderness that causes concern about their very strange conduct.
There are many noticeable phases to their erring actions, but most The city of Limon has been graced have been witnessed by this Faithful glaring is the problem of their education. Our sympathy goes un Tuesday morning the 9th Apostle of Jesus. He has recently hesitatingly to the teachers in our day, and who are constantly eninstant with the distinguished pre conducted services in Bocas del Toro sence of the Reverend Claude Updike and vicinity to hundreds. Many thoudeavouring to mould the characters of these children in similar re who has come of our Blessed Master sands of persons have attended these finement like their own, but to no availablity. The intellectual font to heal those who have a firm belief services and the words he preached is drained and vitality used up in trying to impart instructions which in Jesus Christ have carried their effects; many have are set for their welfare.
We have had testimonies from been healed, not by his power, but We observe often and with a feeling to chastise some of these people from diferent parts of our he in the name of Him whose servant he is children with their actions of open disregard for all that is noble misphere of the great mirades which and all that is good. We have seen scholars on their way to school and although the school bell rung for the commencement of the les FOR: sons, they intensify their plays in some remote corners as well along Ebony. Color. African Opinion. Tan Confessions World. Ring. The Crisis the streets. The opening exercises of the schools are of no importance Opportunity and Other Magazines. Go FIRST to Dixon Barber Shop to them, only at their pleasure to discontinue and then enter the West of the Limon Market.
classrooms drenched with perspiration which, in some cases, stirs un pleasant odour; dirt all over the clothing, face and hands and almost panting for breath; in a state of bewilderment; all these ill circum growth and he will not see the growth of mango from orange seeds stances the teachers are forced to tolerate.
Under all these diverse conditions one is inclined take a reWe are members of the human race and this is a race which is, trospective view of the begetting aspect. God has given us the co as a whole considered next to the angels, so we desire to see its elevation creative blessings, but this Providential Dispensation must be strictly and we lament over any declining tendency. It is in this spirit only in harmony with the fundamental laws of the Creator. The attitude that we are able to approach the subject; firmly convinced that the of mind must be within the realm of thought pleasing to God and special characteristics of the moral and social principles must be inbörn, with the highest ideals of humanity. This origin is comparably with then and only then a generation fit in fulness of God and rightful cithe result obtainable by the sower; if he plants corn; this will be the vilization will come forth.
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