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Page THE ATLANTIC OCTOBER 20, 1051 pening day night istriobet stembly of CONVENTION HELD BY JEHOVAH WITNESSES concebre elheted that the of services TIENDA BARATA CHEAP STORE of a it work Jehovah Witnesses here in Port Li.
now being carried on in more than mon. This was to be one of the two English audience. Both of these dis The combined attendance in these 115 countries, islands and provinces District Assemblies to be held by courses were delivered by the branch two meetings was 483.
in the world with their literature thcm this month in Costa Rica, the servant of the Watch Tower Society. Since Jehovah Witnesses have just being published in 104 languages other to follow two wecks later in and dialects. Jehovah Witnesses beSan Jose for the Pacific half of the lieve as the Bible teaches that we country. Many witnesses from the THE EXCELSIOR TAILORING are living in the last days of this lines as well as missionaries from wicked system of things and that the San Jose arrived Thursday afternoon ESTABLISHMENT AND STORE destruction of such will take place on the o clock train. The assembly. Adjoining the British Vice Consulate.
at the rapidly approaching battle of lasted days and many subjects of Armageddon in which all opposers of interest were discussed at the many You have no problem to find this place of business and as God Kingdom and its proclamation sessions held in the Hall. soon as you enter we are sure to solve all your problems: will be eternally destroyed and that Some of these were given in both Our tailor made garments are well aut artistically needled only the faithful will have an opSpanish and English as the witnesses and elegantly fitted.
portunity to be carried through alive include many Spanish speaking people as Noah and his family were at the from the Atlantic side. Some of THE LADIES DEPARTMENT OFFERS MATERIALS time of the flood and to live forever these talks included the discussion AND NOVELTIES OF CHARM AND QUALITIES, in a righteous new world of peace of marriage and the proper relations BUY. TODAY. ABOID THE RUSH FOR CHRISTMAS and happiness between husband and wife as well The value of the Watch Tower CLIFFORD STEELE FIFE. Proprietors.
as the single state in accordance with Society here in Costa Rica can be seen the Holy Scriptures.
in the fact that seven years ago Songs of praise were sung and there were less than 100 proclaiming many experiences of the ministers the name of Jehovah in the Limon were related of the happenings in Province but now the work has spread the field during their preaching work.
to every part of Costa Rica. The These were encouraging to all. The MOISES KADER Witnesses are now organized into 36 regular Kingdom Hall of Jehovah congregations extending from the witnesses here in Port Limon was RUN RUN RUN FASTLY. border of Nicaragua to Panama. Dur transformed into a cafeteria to proing the last month of the service vide wholesome meals for all the CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER, SO year namely August, 1825 ministers conventioners BUY TODAY. NEW ASSORTMENT OF GOODS JUST of Jehovah reported service, that is Thc highlight of the assembly was ARRIVED IN BEAUTIFUL, MODERN COLOURS AND time spent by them helping others reached Sunday when the talk enDISTINGUISHED STYLES.
to understand the Bible. Thus the titled Proclaim Liberty Throughout witnesses look forward to the remainAll The Land was delivered in the ing time between now and the battle afternoon to a Spanish audience and Seeing is Believing, so come and see of Armageddon with the great hope Will Religion Meet The World Cri for yourself.
that they will be able to aid many was given in the night to more to receive knowledge of God purposes and receive life in a Paradise earth under Christ heavenly KingMASS MEETING OF THE SAN JOSE COLOURED COLONY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE JAMAICA HURRICANE VICTIMS 11If dame nature extends her grace Interesting Program: and grant congenial weather our ASSEMBLY SINGING.
friends of the city Baptist Church will put forth another effort on VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC.
Friday night the 26th instant with SPECIAL SPEAKER. The Rev. WILLIAM FORDE the view of raising funds to send a measure of help to some of the people (Pastor of First Baptist Church of Limon)
who have suffered in the Jamaica Hurricane. It is proposed to give many gleeful hours, mingled with wholesome diversions to suit every taste on the smooth Church lawn.
Templo Biblico. SAN JOSE 30 Wednesday, October 24, 1951.
The need of our fellowmen in JaYOU RE INVITED!
maica is well known and all helt given in this sense, we are sure, will not fall short of due recompense!
SES dom Among the Baptists Sponsored by the Christian Union Fellowship VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT THE PEOPLE HOUSE BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brother Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard. Britton. Manager.
JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything.
Suitings. dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.


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