
JOS. THOMAS Number 102 Year January 5, 1952 OUR, TASK MR. CHURCHILL VISIT TO WASHINGTON Background to the visit to America which Mr. Winston Churchill FROM OUR DESK By THE EDITOR and Mr. Anthony Eden will make in January Once again as the passage of time has brought us to the happy festival of a New Year, it is well to remind ourselves of Purpose of the Visit present chief interest of Commonthat which bears of Christian implication; that we one Thanks wealth affairs.
The composition of the British to God for having spared our lives to enter the year 1952. Ofgroup is taken to imply that foreign The total party will number 35.
course, thanksgiving for entry and upon the part of the children This will be Mr. Churchill ninth and defense policy will be in the forof God should not be confined to times and seasons. but rather efront of the discussions with Previsit to the United States. His most to find continual apprehension and expressions in a joyful state sident Truman and his advisers This recent ones were in 1946, for the of mind and heart for all times, all seasons and conditions.
will be an opportunity for the two famous speech at Fulton, Mo, in By tradition, in a material sense the peoples of Christendom Heads of State to survey the whole which he originated the phrase Iron have from time to time resolved on certain lines of action and field of Anglo American cooperation Curtain and in 1949 for an adexpressed wishes for happiness and prosperity in our human endress to deavours. While it is good and proper to offer these cheering Key Personalities Mr. Eden has been to the on words on New Year Day, it should by no means be the end of When Mr. Churchill leaves for many previous occasions.
goodwill among brethren. We believe the expression of good Washington of December 29, he will After leaving Washington, Mr.
wishes is to be given for the everyday; else it cannot trply be be accompanied, in addition to Mr.
Churchill and his party will spend given at all. We should be mindful of God blessings and the Eden, by Lord Cherwell, who is in some days in Canada, at the invitation living under His grace which provides these mercies to our need charge of Britain atomic energy of the Canadian Government.
and strength and fit us for every day in the year.
program, and by General Lord Ismay, Prior Visit to France It is our wish and seasoned with our prayer that mankind Secretary of State for Commonwealth in every part of the world will enter into the fuller comprehension Relations As Chief of Staff to the As a prelude to their visit Mr.
of the meaning of Good will among men. those words which Minister of Defense, Lord Ismay ac. Churchill and Mr. Eden will go to burst forth in the anthem of praise, adoration and worship, only companied Mr. Churchill to most of Paris on December 17, and expect a few days ago his wartime international conferences. to stay two days. They will confer It would be a fallacy for us to expect all smoothness on our Lord Ismay will, therefore, bring to with the French Prime Minister, pilgrimage on this mundal sphere, if we possess only seasonal Washington his expert knowledge Pleven and the Foreign Secretary, goodwill for our fellowmen. It is for us to resolve to crate and of defense matters as well as his Schuman.
maintain goodwill and love for all, not only at the commencement of 1952, but always, coupled with devotion and reverence to Him, the Giver of the changing years and nothing of earthly strain or tribulation can bring us short of the worshipful state of mind and heart and to do all good we can in this New Year and the We have been observing for a automobiles, bicycles, trucks and other years to come.
long time that mules which are in vehicles are extended the rights of service as milk carriers are let loose movements along the thoroughfares along the streets of this city and the and there is no knowing when by Among the baptist men or boys assigned as conductors unforseen circunstances the blowing Tomorrow, Sunday, January 6, in participants.
are seen at far distance behind. of the horn of a vehicle may stir the It is evidence that the mules, by wild animal nature and cause dankeeping with its well established Beginning on Monday, the 7th. long services know the routes and gerous consequences, perhaps, not program of services, the city Baptist instant, the week of prayer will be stops, but it should be remembered only to the mules and vehicle, but Church will celebrate her Harvest conducted. Baptist and friends are that dumb animals are bestowed only pedestrians can also be engulfed.
Thanksgiving worship. An afternoon hereby reminded of these services with instincts to enable them to We are giving the voice of warnentertaining programme will be ob and with the assurance of warm reprovide for their necessities: this en ing with the view to bring about the dowment is within bounds.
served with the Young People as attention needed by those placed in ceptions By virtue of operating licenses, authodity to see to public safety.
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