
Página THE ATLANTIC January 5, 1952.
For each purchase, an Action will be given to participate in the National Lottery Drawing of December 23, 1951.
The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth.
SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon. 00 a. Holy Eucharist. 00 Sunday School, 00 pm Solemn Evensong. Sermon.
WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days. 00 a.
Wednesday 00 pm Saturday: Confession 00 00 pm See Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements.
THE ARTICLES: 1st. Prize: One Radio Pick up Decca with one album of records.
2nd. Prize: One small American Beauty Wagon.
3rd 4th. One Coffee set (3 pieces) each set.
Remember to Ask for Your Action HELLO SAN JOSE. GOOD BYE LIMON On an artistically and wisely designed Card, bearing the drawing of a ship in Limon harborur, the train puffing from the station, below, figures representing their famous past teristic British statesmanship. pro grand service by being familiar with time of GOLF greyhounds leap found patience and keenness of un countless dozens of the troublesome ing over the course and in bold let. derstanding, there has been scarcely matters which Mr. Johnston has ters appeared these words: a knot which was cot loosened. smoothed out for British subjects of We bear a just testimony of his colour, both here and in their difGOOD BYE LIMON HELLO SAN JOSE KADER STORE JUST UNPACKING. enThis significant picture served the medium of Christmas and New Year Greetings extended by Mr. Silmated at the most attractive spot on Limon Commercial Avenue Robert and Mrs. Anita Johnston and Family on the occasion of their leaving Limon for San Jose where Me.
Johnston is to occupy a very im THE MOST CATCHY COLOURS AND GORGEOUS portant office in the Management of ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, WOVEN BY THE the Northern Railway Company.
In the names of all truc minded citizens and in our own, we desire GOODS TO SUIT THE TASTE OF OUR REGULAR to say that the transfer of the exCUSTOMERS AND NEW BUYERS.
British Vice Consul, his wife and WHAT YOU DO NOT SEE ON DISPLAY, Family to San Jose is not interpreted PLEASE COMMAND US.
in the words Good Bye. but rather in SADNESS. particularly so in the very soul of the subjects of Great Britain For twenty years Mr. Robert Johnston has served unswervingly the very delicate office of Vice Consul of Great Britain and in conformity to the dignified tenets of the Magna Chata or Great Charter issued by King John 11, at Runnymede, bet ween Stainess and Windsor on the 15th of June 1215, The Keystone of English Liberty and Protection regardless of cree colour or race, During those lengthened years of his services in the Vice Consulate, he has listened attentively to all the GROANS of His Majesty subts. moreso; the aged and downtrodden subjects of colour. These groans have been numerous and at times very much complexed; but with his years of experience, characEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministero ferent island homes. We recall with a pat on his shoulder the great efforts and loyalty he has given to England and the Allicd Nations dur.
ing the 1939 1945 World War. By his able leadership and get to itive ness lucrative financial and other supports were obtained for the British Overseas Red Cross and Seamen Funds. Mr. Johnston exemplified devotion and loyalty to Britain Cause did not rest with himself, but served also the wonderful welding medium to many persons who were indifferent to the British Empire and her Allies when Hitler struck.
With equal pride and equal righe he can say have helped to win the war The subjects of His Majesty, King George VI, are bemoaning Mr.
Johnston departure from the Vice Consulate. We have listened to un.
animous expressions that the tertaining approach, the listening ears, the throbbing heart, the understandable contact and other winsome qualities will not be easily replaced in the local Consular Service Mr. Johnston biography to be should without doubt, bear record that he has served devotedly the CHURCH and loyally, his great Empire and People We close this chapter with the crowing words that Mr. Johastoa has won his spurs as Consul; the employees of the Stores Department of the North Railway Company mentioned that they have lost a father.
He has proven to be a sincere friend to the laws and liberties of Costa Rica and has been brave in telling British subjects to obey the laws and respect the Authorities. We believe also that his family and self have won without seeking it, the title of some of the first outstanding residents of the American Colony TIENDA HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD STORE BIG BARGAINS AFTER CHRISTMAS SALES New Year Specialities.
Do not miss the grand opportunity.
Salomon Berenzon. Proprietor.

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