
OUR TASK IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK CLARIFICATION FROM OUR DESK By THE EDITOR Entering the Manger they found the Child with Mary: They presented their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh; We are not afflicted by the malady of old age and on the other Then the angel of God appeared to the men from the East And they went another way in returning home.
hand we realize fully that it would be fruitless to attempt even in mind to restore the high and dignified moral conduct which existed among youths as near as the eighteenth century, in this modern and romantic age. However, we should like to see a halt or at least a curving of some of the evil and the public deportment We are referring the pub tion chandise The high health ac principally among those of tender ages.
in our edition of December 22, with tivity has been in operation for nearly The good old street etiquette is now a thing of the past and regard to a complaint on the fumiga three years in this city and not one we are seeing in its place the most lowbred mode of youthful tion of commercial and residential case of any damage to articles in promenade along the streets by those of passionate affection.
houses in this city with T; houses or stores have been registered It is a menace to cultural life to allow modernism to replace claiming that harm has been done Dr. Jimenez has called also our at moralism. Never should it be forgotten that youth is the seed time to certain merchandise.
tention to the fact that children in of life and that which is sown in spring will be that which will be At the outset of this note of clari our city take pleasure to get under reaped in autumn. We cannot reap apples from thistles nor grapes fication, we are expressing our ge1 the heaviest volume of the spray, from thorns. An indolent and careless youth must result in an tefulness to Dr. Marcus Chaves. proving conclusively the harmlessness ignorant and common place manhood or womanhood. Youth is Director of the United Medical and of the insecticide.
the period of formation, and as such it is of the weightiest im Sanitary Department and to Dr. Ra.
portance, and, for this reason we raise our voice in protest to their fael Jimenez the Chief of the Sani In view of the very clear explaindulgence in things which will soil and profante the temple of the tary Section for having so generously nation there remains no doubt in our soul. The bad conduct indulged in, is not like when we observe a instructed us and have completely mind that no justification was in ship entering our port and a wave lifts it for a moment, then passes convinced us that DDT will in evidence for the complaint previously on, leaving everything as it was before. Far from that! The evil no manner cause damage to mer. given to us ways of life enters as a poison into our spiritual nature; becomes a blighting force on our character; it has wronged the very soul.
We are of opinion that the States of this so called modern world are invested with the power to see that youths of our day January 9, the date which St. Julian born on the 9th day of January LIVE NOT AS THEY LIKE, BUT AS THEY OUGHT.
paraphrased according Psalm more than three score of years ago.
chapter 35 and the seventh verse. We have discovered also that the mentioning in part Thy justice name HILDA is of Teuton origin stands firm as the everlasting hill with the meaning my support. It came on the calender of time on is no wonder that we find Mrs. Hildı Wednecday of the week in course Lewis endeavouring always to look On Sunday the 30th ultimo, Mr. as Chief bridesmaid. The bride was In the course of human events, it to the Hill from which cometh her James Peart of the Timekeeping Staff charmingly gowned and in high is quite natural that many persons support.
of Manila, took for his loving bride, spirit have seen the marvellous light of THE ATLANTIC honours her on Miss Kathleen Brown, daughter of The reception was uniquely carried out life on this date of scriptural in the occasion of her 1952 birth anMrs. Rebecca Brown of Moin. The in the residence of Mr. Wellesly and junction. We discovered by review. niversary, desiring that she will plane sacrament of holy wedlock was so Mrs. Cranston. The scene was happy of our record that among others, the deeper her footsteps in those left by lemnized by the Reverend William as a clam at high tide. Precious guest name of Mrs. Hilda Lewis of Barrio Him whose advent to earth we are Forde, pastor of the Baptist Church participants graced and enlivened the Roosevelt appeared to have been yet commemorating in this city.
festival with eloquence and mirth.
With sins and fears and fiends shall fight Mr. Harold Murdochably perMy Shield shall put them all to flight; formed his assign as Father giver THE ATLANTIC wishes the newly The conquest gained, ll quit the field, and Miss Hilda Watson, sister of weds all the blessings bestowable by And triumph in my glorious Shield.
the bride was befittingly resplendent God to the children of His creation God promise to Abraham TRIBUTE TO MRS. HILDA LEWIS to COMELY WEDDING VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT THE PEOPLE HOUSE BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brother Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard. Britton. Manager.
JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything.
Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.


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