
Page THE ATLANTIC January 5, 1952 WEST INDIES DEFEAT AUSTRALIA IN THIRD TEST NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN THE UNITED STATE The West Indies cricket team tour wickets for 20 runs at close of play, ing Australia got themselves and Valentine taking two for their supporters a Christmas present The wicket told a different story STATEMENT ON NOMINATION OF AN AMBASSADOR by defeating Australia by six wickets on Monday, and the West Indies did TO THE VATICAN in the third Test match, which ended well to get Australia out for 255, on Christmas Day, more than two with Valentine starring.
Adopted unanimously by the General Board of the National Counc full days ahead of schedule.
Stollmeyer and Marshall openel of the Churches of Christ in the at special meeting It was the West Indies first first class for the West Indies, needing 233 runs in New York City, October 31, 1951 win of the tour, and one of the most for victory, and for the first time dour cricket struggles witnessed any on the tour the opening pair stayed where. The West Indian players en together until 50 runs were up. This The National Council of the conscience, to protest against wha tered the field with dogged deter they did in 81 minutes of patient, Churches of Christ in the United is to us an alarming threat to basi mination to attack, and keep attack dogged batting. Stumps were drawn States of America is saddened and American principles. We believe tha ing; they secured and early advantage, at 54 for none. On Christmas Day, profoundly disturbed by the contro the appointment of an Ambassado and hung on to it, despite a brilliant the tourists made the remaining 179 versial issue that has been precipitat to the Vatican would be wrong in display by their Australian rivals. runs for the loss of four wickets. ed by President Truman nomina principle, useless in practice and The scores were: Australia 82 Stollmeyer got 47, Marshall 29, tion of an ambassador to the Vatican. would produce consequences both fa (Worrell for 39, Goddard por Weekes 29, Worrell 28, Gomez 46 As Christians and as Americans we reaching and disastrous to the nation 36) and 255 (Ring 67; Valentine not out, and Christiani 42 not out. repudiate prejudice against Roman al unity of the American people. for 102, Gomez for 17. West Walcott did not play owing to Catholics and deplore religious dis Taking a step which arouses re Indies 105 (Johnston for 62, No. injury. Guillen kept wicket bril. sensions. This issue now thrust upon ligious controversy, the President ha blet for 7) and 233 for wickets. liantly us, however, forces us, because of done a grave dis service to our On Saturday the first day of play, country. We are especially distresse a wicket slightly affected by rain led PERSONALIA by the published reports of his sugto the dismissal of 22 batsmen for gestion in a press conference that an average of less then 10 runs THE ATLANTIC extends its most Dunn, his brothers, sisters and rethis is a time to fight it out. It is cordial welcome to Mr. Albert Dunn apiece; and that after play had been latives. We bespeak for him a com normal and wholesome in a dedelayed for 40 minutes at the start who arrived recently from the neigh fortable and enjoyable stay in the mocracy to fight it out on political after it was found that light rains bouring Republic of Panama to visit land of his birth.
issues; but this is different. Religious had seeped through the covers at one his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil convictions lie deeper than politics.
end of the wicket.
Authorized and representative After Morris won the toss for Ausleaders of great bodies of American tralia and elected to bat, Frank Wor Christians have made it unmistakably rell immediately found the bowling clear on frequent occasions since 1939 form that gave him first entry into LIMON COSTA RICA that the question of sending an big cricket in Barbados, and bowled ambassador to the Vatican is a seriMorris with the Australian total at 4, The Church is the Pillar and the Ground ously divisive matter. Conscience and getting his second wicket with only another run added. The West Indies of the Truth.
conviction with regard to religious liberty, combined with loyalty to an pressed this advantage, permitting SERVICES: essential principle of American deonly three Australians to reach double figures. Harvey (10. Hole (23. mocracy and gratitude for a national SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon.
tradition consistently defended by and Ian Johnson (11. 00 a. Holy Eucharist.
our fathers, have compelled us to Bill Johnston was almost as dan 00 Sunday School.
take a resolute position. The President gerous as Worrell when the West 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
has known this through an extendIndies took their turn at bat, and WEEKDAYS Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
the visitors were able to retain the Wednesday ed correspondence and consultation 00 pm over several years. We are making initiative thanks mainly to a brilliant Saturday: Confession 00. 00 the record public in a separate doknock by Weekes for 26.
See Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements.
Australia opened with bowlers in (To be continued)
their second innings and lost two IMPRENTA FALCO, LTDA.
ST. MARK CHURCH DANIEL ZELEDON UMANA LAWYER AND NOTARY Office Upstairs: The Shoestore of Pascual Ingianna.
Administrative, Civil and Penal Matters. LEOSON Visit the new Dressmaking and Fancy Store LEO SON Situated: Fifty yards, West from the building of the United Medical and Sanitary Department. Limon.
Give us a trial and you will be satisfied with our service, Materials, Prices and Everything in General.
LEONIE JACKSON. Propriettress.
DANIEL ZELEDON UMANA ABOGADO NOTARIO OFICINA: Altos de la Zapatería de Pascual Ingianna.
CIUDAD DE LIMON Asuntos Civiles, Penales y Administrativos.
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