
Year Number 106 February 2, 1952 JOS. THOMAS OUR TA K IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK VERY STRANGE PACKAGE SEEN IN HOLE FOR THE DEAD FROM OUR DESK By THE EDITOR The opening date of the 1952 official school year is fastly upproaching. There are many problems to be solved. Among these, The Gospel tells us that wben Christ was wailed to the Cross There was darkness all over the earth; principally is the vast quantity of children who are now at the ages to seek entrance into the General Tomas Guardia, Rafael It was a mournful parable of what bad bappened before Yglesias and Cieneguita Schools.
And continually happens when men lose their faith in God.
We are seeing in the distance the streamline of children, mostly of colour, accompanied by their guardains or parents soliciting matriculation. As in past years, the vital necessity of asking the youths simple questions in the official language (Spanish)
will be effected by the teachers in charge of the enrollment. The majority of these children will not be able to acquit themselves, and quite naturally preference will be given to those capable of On Wednesday of last week the more than passing notice. It was speaking Spanish. Then, as in past years, blame will be heaped last remains of one who in life was taken to a place of scrutiny. On openupon the Management of the Institution as being guilty of colour a resident of this city was conveyed ing the tidy bundle, we are told and racial prejudice when such would not be the case. The school to the 2 Cemetery for burial. the examiners were aghast in beholdspaces are limited and regulations established must be maintained.
large concourse of mourners and ing its contents to be a very delicate We have fresh in memory one of the essential notes struck sympathizers were assembled around piece of women clothing, a ten cents, in the address delivered by the Minister of Public Education in the grave. There is nothing strange three leaves of the Bible said to be our Girl School not so long ago; that is. he had under study about that, you will say; only another taken from the Book of Psalms and the opening of preparative classes for infants who do not speak body to be consigned to the grave. the name of a woman written on a Spanish where instructions will be imparted to them and from But read on One of the men saw these primary classes promotions would be effected to the schools.
piece of paper. It is said the woman a package in the hole and thought whose name appeared on the paper The Minister statement was warmly applauded by his it a rather strange incident, so he hearers. Parents breathed the air of relief to the old knotty was formerly of Pacuarito, but now decided and took it out. The neat resides somewhere else. Superstition problem of having their children growing up without the proper ness of the fold gave rise to the is at the background of it all.
training in Spanish. It is well known that the age of seven is set thought that it was something of for admission, beyon that the only opportunity opens is to attend the classes at nights with the unbecoming bad conduct on the streets by the scholars on their way homeward.
We do hope the Minister of Public Education will find it possible to establish, at least, one of these preparative schools in Barrio Roosevelt where reside hundreds of children of school age, On Sunday, the 27th ultimo, the absent the ball against Jupiter, the champion Such an institution will, without doubt, redound greatly beneficial fans missed two of the most orderly and team. The Cubs fielders blended splendidkeenly contested games of baseball sech ly: every man seemingly resolved that to the Government and people than existing questionable houses our diamond.
The exercises Jupiter shall not pass third base. An hour at the place above mentioned.
spectively, were in the lime light of ex of decision came with Francis at third traordinary materials for the cameraman. when none of his team mates was dismisThe first spectacle was furnished by the sed; excitement reigned; it did not seem Braves and Motive Power. The latter took possible that Burke could have baked the the lead and chalked up three runs at very stalwart batsmen of Jupiter. Door the early stage of play, but the Braves die seemingly coursed through the veins Situated beside the British Vice Consulate. Limon.
were not daunted. The key note of the of the little Cubs and Vinici did not pass.
match was hinged on Alfonso Wilson The calm and genial manager, don Rodolfo THE ESTABLISHMENT PLEDGED TO GIVE THE (Rasam. He was cooked at the plate in Johnson directed things from his dugMOST UP TO DATE IN DESIGNS AND FITTINGS one of the innings and in the two fol out and had no cause to go near his TO MEN, WOMEN AND YOUTHS.
lowing he hit two home runs: one in batsmen, catcher nor pitcher while in each. At the close of the ninth inning action Jupiter was shut out after barOur store department is supplied continually wib beautiful Motive was dismissed for a total of three ting eight innings. Cubs earned a Single and fashionable fabrics and charming adornments.
runs against five for the Braves.
in the first innings and that was the Careful and minute attention is given to every person, magic wand which brought home the CUBS SHUT OUT JUPITER glass slipper which fitted to so satisfactorily CLIFFORD and MRS. STEELE THE CHAMPION TEAM the feet of the charming damsels who Burke proved himself an ACE with were cheering for the Cubs.
ON THE BASEBALL DIAMOND on re EXCELSIOR VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT THE PEOPLE HOUSE BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.
GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brother Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard, Britton. Manager.
ia Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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