
THE ATLANTIC Page February 2, 1952.
de BP PUBLISHED BY SPECIAL REQUESTS There appeared in the Spanish coTumns in our edition of January 19.
the article Lo que dice un Guardia Civil. We have been specially requested to publish in English the very commendable writing Respected Sir Friend: shall remain gratefully thankful to you to give publicity in your important Weekly to the following: DANIEL ZELEDON UMANA LAWYER AND NOTARY Office Upstairs: The Shoestore of Pascual Ingianna Administrative, Civil and Penal Matters. 0: THE THEATRE Port Limon, Costa Rica, January 12, 1952.
Mr. Director of the Weekly.
In my concept it is the theatre that is responsible for the prostitution, the crime, the vagrancy and the delinquescence in general liberty in all people of the world. It is not us the Civil Guardias who are reDANIEL ZELEDON UMANA ABOGADO NOTARIO OFICINA: Altos de la Zapatería de Pascual Ingianna.
CIUDAD DE LIMON Asuntos Civiles, Penales y Administrativos.
CORNER OF 4TH STREET STH AVENUE Specializes in Practical Nursing. Training of the Body Structure. Baby Care. Foods Diets. Medications.
Personal Care of Convalescent Aged Patients.
First Aid. Household Management.
Hygiene and Other Allied Subjects.
sponsible for the bad education or not doing it are; in the first place, the bad conduct in the streets; wc the parents, then the teachers and try by all means to maintain order lastly the dergy: each one in his mistaking care of street to street, house sion is called to educate and bend the to house; suffering under the in tree when it is young; when there clement weather; the number one is time to do it; instruct the youths enemy of us, the Guardias; the cold; and also educate them.
gambolling our lives at each step Instruct with that which does not with the perverts and liquor addicts; instill evil. Where birth the evit suffering insults and being pushed that demoralizes and destroys all the aside by a part of the unconscious world? it is the theatre.
and ignorant people Those responsible to correct and are (To be continued)
Graduate of The Lincoln Institute of Practical Nursing, Why stay under the weight of sickness when Science has prepared the way for your cure? Call today. NEW MOTHERLY HOME FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN To the parents residing on the line towns: JOHN BURKE ADVISES the public in general and commerce in Costa Rica and abroad that his wife ETHEL MAUD BURKE has voluntarily abandoned his home without his knowledge and consent since January 12, 1952 and in view of which he does not hold himself responsible for her conduct or any debt contracted or may be contracted by her.
CAHUITA January 29, 1952.
If interested to further the education of their children in English and Spanish schools in Siquirres and are puzzled for a place to board them, please see (MRS. KNIGHT who has established a motherly home to take the best care of these children.
JEWELLER WATCH REPAIRER. GABELO BENAVIDES Downstairs Annexo Hotel Valencia in San Jose.
For all kinds of work in silver gold GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP PLUS PUNCTUALITY GOURZONG RADIO SERVICE KADER FURNITURE STORE (in front the Commissary of the Cia. Bananera)
The adornment and the beauty of a home depends on the class, the design and the workmanship of the furniture.
CASH AND EASY PAYMENT PLAN AWAITS YOU. Frente a la Estación del Ferrocarril. Abajo de la Pension Progresiva Nuevamente a las órdenes del público limonense y de la Línea, con un stock completo de Repuestos.
VICTOR GOURZONG, Graduado del National Radio de Washington, Gourzong Radio Service is again at the orders of the public of Limon and others: complete stock of parts: We guarantee expert service and reasonable rates in the repairs of all Trade Marks of Radio.
Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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