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Page THE ATLANTIC February 2, 1952. TODAY IN BRITAIN THE ATLANTIC OFFERS SPECIAL SERVICE OF BRIEFS FOR LABOR EDITORS AND EDITORS OF LABOR MAGAZINES Total membership of all trade than she did in 1938, the industry unions in Britain is now about 914 exportable surplus would be about millions. Over two thirds of union 45, 000, 000 tons.
Children born of foreign parents and members belong to 17 large unions cach with more than 100, 000 mem campaign to encourage British desirous to secure their Certificates of bers. Only per cent of union trade unions to develop their educa Option can see us for the necessary assismembers are in 400 small unions tion and research activities has been (each with less than 1, 000 members started by the British Trades Union tance and information.
Congress, Unions are told that they As part of the campaign to increase cannot know too much about the inOFFICE ROOM No. industrial efficiency in Britain, a film dustries in which their members carn Front of Catholic Church. The Easier Way is to be put on their living and are also advised to in 4, 500 factories throughout the train specialists in the techniques of country. Other films, dealing with work study, production engineering, factory layout, human relations, sim incentive payments, etc.
plification and mechanization being produced The British gas industry finished Coal output in Britain in 1951 was its second year of nationalization with about 7, 000, 000 tons higher than in a net surplus. Nine Arca Boards The work on the new bridge across long felt, necessity for the large 1950. This was due largely to the made a profit and three made los the popularly known Cieneguita River quanity of people who require its cxtra Saturday shifts voluntarily work. However, the Gas Council is is progressing splendidly. It is a no use, and greater still it is the only ed by the miners.
worried by the fact that demand for dernly designed bridge which is sup way for traffic to and from the airgas has been steadily rising for doported by over head cables; no pil. port and when completed this work Consumption of coal in Britain is mestic and industrial purposes, while lars underneath to block logs and will solve the great problem which increasing faster than the rising pro future supplies are hampered by lack debris which are always carried in the inhabitants of Cieneguita and ductivity of the miners. If Britain of plant, steel and coal.
the current in times of rain floods.
Westfalia have been confronted with were today consuming no more coal It is provided with walk ways on during lengthened period of years.
both sides of the main way for pe destrians, thus leaving the main way Limon will have an incalculabl.
for conducting cattle and vehicles. debt of gratitude to pay to the MiniThis bridge over the above mention ister of Public Works for this realied over flow of water has been of zation LIMON COSTA RICA THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CIENEGUITA BRIDGE IS PROGRESSING are ses ST. MARK CHURCH The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth.
SERVICES. SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a. Holy Eucharist. 00 Sunday School. 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Wednesday 00 pm Saturday: Confession. 00. 00 See Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements. FLASH. FLASH!
THE BRITISH PHARMACY of long and reputable Fame will be reopened this month and will have in service a distinguished and duly competent Druggist. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF DRUGS AND OTHER ARTICLES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS LINE OF TRADE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.
REUBEN ROTHSCHILD LIMITED Port Limon Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda. OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
ALWAYS THE FIRST: WE BUY CACAO WE SELL: VICTOR. The supreme Trade Mark RADIOS. In various magnificent models THE UNITED CACAO PRODUCERS LIMITED, BEING NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT IS ABLE TO PAY THE BEST PRICES Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us.
Ramón Acón León Alfonso Solé Lippa General Manager.
Assistant Manager.


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