
Number 107 February 9, 1952 Year OUR TASK IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK FIVE HUNDRED MILLION SUBJECTS MOURN THE PASSING OF MONARCH FROM OUR DESK By THE EDITOR quick perception of the feeling of others And a gracious tenderness for such feeling, Some weeks ago business transaction with the printing of Even if mistaken, are gifts to be coveted and cherished.
this newspaper urged us to effect a trip to San Jose. Our humble financial position did not afford us to travel by airplane; in consequence we went by the passenger train. An anxious spell was on to reach the Capital and no attention was given to nature and things. However, on returning to Limon, this means of travel afforded us a great study of the two often imposing works the works of a great Creator and those of man. As far as our News flashed around the world on Wednesday February 6th. knowledge goes we have not known one of the works of God which announced the death of King George VI Sovereign of Great Britain at Sandringham Palace.
has been wanting in admiration, in beauty, in charm and in per His late Majesty, beloved by over 500 million subjects and fection; in those of man we have found. who has not failures, others, died peacefully while he slept.
imperfections and a continual state of un easiness.
The British people at home and abroad received the lamentable The mind dwelling upon these mechanical devices and their news with the usual composure so characteristic of the great nation.
set backs, specially when wanted, ought to stir the very soul to Spontaneous expressions of condolence sent from every corner higher and steadfaster comprehension of the works of the Creator.
of the globe, manifest without one iota of doubt, the high esteem in which this exemplary figure of the English Royal Family Along the route we observed the rippling water of the rivers was held.
rushed; it swelled; the charming landscape, the sweeping and The King has died but the memory of his noble deeds will live rushing of the winter wind among the leaves and the damp; the on in the hearts of Britons and non Britons.
birds chirping among the branches of the trees and the towering THE ATLANTIC voicing the opinions and demonstrations of thousands of British Subjects resident in Costa Rica, tenders its mountain, drooping and ready to totter at nature command. On sincere and profound condolence to the Royal Family; at the same the other hand of the observation was the works of man. There time swearing allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Isabel II.
was the tunnel which the engineer had constructed throuh the Long may she reign within the precepts of her illustrious premountain had to give way to the works of the Creator; the rails decessors.
on which carries the engines and trains had to surrender their original position to the crumbling earth and rocks; all other ma VALENTINE SETS TEST RECORD terialism had to bow to the rains and winds; these no works of (Says the Jamaica Gleaner of January 4, 1952)
man can control perpetually.
The turmoil of man work should create in us an instrument Alfred Valentine, 21 year old Ja. and ball duration whilst wickets of thought with propellant consciousness about the works of the maican left arm spinner on the West are well prepared to the advantage lodies cricket team now touring Aus of batsmen.
Creator. Consider the Lilies.
tralia, created another Test record (3) Valentine was more consistent, when at the end of the Melbourne failing only once to take a wicket VERY DARK CORNER Co op Officer Goes Test he had taken in his first eight in an innings against twice by SpofTest matches 55 wickets four more forth who also took one wicket four on Study Tour than the previous record held the times as against once by Valentine.
Australian fast bowler SpofThe installation of a light is very (4) Spofforth took wickets or The Government of Barbados has forth more on five occasions, whilst Valenimperatively necessary at a dark spot sent its newly appointed Cooperative Both Valentine and Spofforth com tine performed this feat four times of the building adjoining the south Officer, Charles Beckles, on a study pleted 15 innings in their eight Test including wickets in one innings, ern end of the Rafael Yglesias tour to review the working of the games, but Valentine 55 wickets, but Spofforth took seven wickets on school in this city cooperative systems of British Guiana cost 1, 305 runs to 51 wickets for 847 four occasions On many occasions we have seen and Trinidad. He earlier pursued a by Sofforth An index of Valentine colossal persons engaged in very reproachable course in cooperative work at the Outstanding factors surrounding achievement is gained when it is reconduct in that dark spot and we Summer School in Jamaica.
these two great performances are: cognized that the greats. Maurice have reason to think that more things When he takes up his work in (1) In Spofforth day overs were Tate, Bill Reilly and Clarrie Grimare being carried on than we have Barbados, Mr. Beckles will be ex of ball duration and wickets were mett took 49, 47 and 45 wickets observed, We invite the attention of pected to put into practice the best less prepared than they are now respectively in their first eight Test the competent authorities, he has seen abroad. 2) Overs in today cricket are of games. EXCELSIOR Situated beside the British Vice Consulate. Limon JOHN BUR KE ADVISES the public in general and commerce in Costa Rica and abroad that his wife ETHEL MAUD BURKE has voluntarily abandoned his home without his knowledge and consent since January 12, 1952 and in view of which he does not hold himself responsible for her conduct or any debt contracted or may be contracted by her CAHUITA. January 29, 1952.
Our store department is supplied continually with beautiful and fashionable fabrics and charming adornments.
Careful and minute attention is given to every person.
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