
Year EDITOR: JOS. THOMAS Number 108 FEBRUARY 16, 1952 is OUR TASK IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK FROM OUR DESK By THE EDITOR God created man of the earth In the edition of January 26, of this newspaper we published, And made him after His own image among other articles the REGULATION FOR THE CREATION By man transgression he shall surely die OF REGISTER OF CUSTOM HOUSE AND DOCK WORKERS For the wages of sin is death of the provinces of Limon and Puntarenas.
We duly respect the Law in all its fulness, but seemingly there are certain aspects in the structure on which we can comment The basic principle of the Regulation is to ensure for these dependencies, the most honest workers with the view to stamp out the ever increasing robberies of merchandise by some of the 02 workmen It is almost assured that many men will secure the necessary clearance from the list of delinquents and good recommendations to warrant their inscription on the Register, but will such good recommendations immune them or guarantee their purity of action? Can not it be that fortune has been on the side of many of these men and by which they were not caught in the act of stealing or found with stolen goods? And, no doubt, many of the former offenders have been the scape goats for the rogues. The dock workers do not swim across the water of the ocean to enter or to leave the docks; they pass by means of the gate; here is where the control lies. It is at the gates the army of guardias and watchmen are required to search rigidly every person passing through the gates; if need be, the most exposing means of search be exercised; this done, and in a few months, we entertain His late Majesty King George VI as he broadcast to his no doubt, that the workers will purge themselves of all temppeople for the last time at Christmas 1951 tations to pilfer In our opinion the vigilance is scarcely required at the hole of the ships or at the loading of the cargoes into the cars; but The new Cashier at the Bank of Costa Rica at the gates; for with the knowledge of the existence of rigid search in leaving the docks, no worker will steal the slightest thing as a pin nor greater It was a moment of contemplation We heartily congratulate him in the Another preventative measure would be to see that no water in not seeing the very accustomed versified in character and disposition.
craft, such as fishing boats or canoes come near the docks; these and pleasing countenance of Don ed also the esteem and honour of can act as carriers for stolen goods Abel Amador at the cashier window his work mates and the management We are of opinion that with these rejected misdemeanants of the city agency of the Bank of of the Institution.
thrown upon the city, without work, the burden will be placed Costa Rica on our visit there several On the other hand the contemon the general public; no commercial establishment nor residence days ago. We learned that the young plation at first sight was readily would be freed from robbery and in turn in would require a full gentleman has resigned to paddle his smoothed out in seeing the vacancy army of detectives to keep vigilance, not only in our city but He is characteristically created worthily filled by our royalthroughout the province if people are to enjoy freedom from courteous, efficient and gentle as his ly estimable co citizen, Mr. Alberto thieves warmly very estimable parents, Don Barrantes, a man of high dignity, efAnother side of the matter, is that sifting of the workers Fermin Amador, our Administrator ficiency, prestige and noble living might create shortage of dock workers and will cause the young of Limon Post Office, Doña Luz We heartily congratule him in the men from the line districts to come to the city, fulfilling their de Amador and other members of new sphere of life and bespeak for yearning desire to pack the dance halls, billiard salons and the family. Don Abel Amador has him the fullest confidence and respect theatres, resulting in the death blow to agricultural activities, won the admiration and love of the by the management, his fellow workthe most important necessity.
general public. a public so di men and the public in general own canoe.
VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT THE PEOPLE HOUSE BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you. GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brother Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard. Britton Manager. மர ர யம ம ய யம del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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