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THE ATLANTIC February 16, 1952.
Page MERRY MARK DANIEL ZELEDON UMANA LAWYER AND NOTARY Office Upstairs: The Shoestore of Pascual Ingianna.
Administrative, Civil and Penal Matters.
DANIEL ZELEDON UMANA ABOGADO NOTARIO OFICINA: Altos de la Zapateria de Pascual Ingianna.
CIUDAD DE LIMON Asuntos Civiles, Penales y Administrativos.
PBX Miss Jestina White passes into the great beyond On February of the year in course, sentable coffin were deposited into the Grim Reaper, Death, reaped Miss the grave on the afternoon of the Jestina White at her residence at day following that of her death. The Zent, Costa Rica.
funeral service was conducted by Mr.
She came to this Republic from the Bryant. Edwards of Zent.
parish of St. Ann Jamaica where The deceased is mourned by her she was born and spent the flowery daughter, Mrs. Lorina White de days of her life Trew, her grand daughter, Mrs, MaIn life she was the possessor of rilyn Cope de Spencer and other re very pleasing disposition and was latives. To these deeply bereft dear generally esteemed ones we extend our condolence. May Her last remains, inlaid in a pre the soul of the departed rest in peace.
OIL DRILLING SURVEY BEGINS IN BARBADOS The Barbados Gulf Oil Co. is seas have slowed down the carrying out a seismic survey progress of the seismograph with the hope of finding a suit party. On its staff is Neil Mc able location for the drilling of Kenzie, a Barbadian who rethe first deep test for oil which cently qualified in Canada as a is scheduled for early 1952. geologist The rainy season and heavy MERRY MARK comes from an illustrious line. Out of Mark Anthony by Picasso out of Abonico, by Pawne out of Flash by Starlight out of Mizpah by Rosythe of Gimsy Mark Anthony was bred and owned by Mr. Brandon. He was a long striding galloper. He was the winner of Jamaica 1945 Pyramid Cup in great style and two class handicaps. He was imported from Jamaica to Costa Rica by Mr. Stanley Black in 1947.
MERRY MARK as seen in the picture is a handsome medium sized colt with a blaze and white stockings: a chip of the deceased Mark Anthony This pedigreed stallion will be ready for service next month (March) at Sandoval on the Zent Line FEE: 50 COLONES All care will be taken. No responsibility for accident or disease.
APPLY: Stanley Black LIMON.
10, 000 FARM WORKERS MAY GO TO THIS YEAR The West Indian Regional under which the workers will Labor Board, which recently be employed were agreed upon sat in conference at Kingston, at the conference, which was Jamaica, expects about 10, 000 attended by representatives of farm workers will be the employers.
required in the United States during this year, in addition to Forty four American em8, 000 now there.
ployers flew in to Jamaica for Terms of the new contract the talks ST. MARK CHURCH TIENDA HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD STORE LIMON COSTA RICA De SALOMON BERENZON.
The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth. SERVICES: New Assortment of Washable Prints, 36 wide 00 yd.
New Assortment of Gabardine in all Colours.
New Assortment of Cotton and Silk Organza Palm Beach, Double Width, Pants Cut 30. 00.
Sweaters for Men, Women and Children.
Bathing Suits for Men, Women and Children DON MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon. 00 Holy Eucharist. 00 Sunday School. 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days Wednesday 00 PM Saturday: Confession 00. 00 See Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements.
6, 00 Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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