
Number 109 FEBRUARY 23, 1952 Year JOS. TIIOMAS OUR TASK FROM OUR DESK By THE EDITOR Yesterday, the 22nd of February was the 220th Anniversary of the birth of George Washington who became the first President of the great North American Republic. He was born near Bridges Creek in Westmoreland County in the State of Virginia on a Friday, the 22nd of February 1732 and died December 14, 1799 Although he was the outstanding figure in the movement which gained the original Thirteen States their Independence, Washington did not possess any personal aspirations for the Presidency, resulting that his election to the high office found him in a chronic state of mind The early work connected with so gigantic an organization was no easy sailing; there were stormy billows; sleepless nights and he encountered such bitter experiences within the first two years in office that he earnestly desired to retire from the Presidency, but was persuaded to remain. He also declined re election, but was, never the less, returned for a second term. In like manner as others who have been persecuted for a righteous cause; ingratitude and indifference and all manner of abuses and accusations were heaped upon him. His life was even threatened In spite of these evils he maintained his indomitable force and continued directing the destinies of his nation until the expiration of his political period.
To this date, the marked democratie principles of the great North American Republic, the magnificient pride of the Western Hemisphere and in fact, of all true peoples of the universe, have their origin in the marvellous procedents established by its First Chief Executive whose patriotism and worth were fully and genuinely recognized before leaving the Presidency hence it is with the passing of so lengthened a period he remains and ought to remain the Beloved of every true hearted North American and the recognized Father of the most grand and increasing powerful Republic on the Terrestrial World.
In recalling his two centuries and more birth anniversay, we hope the principles which George Washington dedicated his life will ever be the basic features in the policies of his native land and be the means continually whereby the United States of America will be enabled to materially and spiritually assist in the elimination of the forces of evil which now threaten all civilization Lusing camp problems at the United Nations General Assembly in Paris are (left to right) Francis Sayre, United States Representative on the UN Trusteeship Council; Ralph Bunche, American Nobel Prize winner, who is director of the UN Trusteeship Department, and Apa Pant, an Indian delegate to the Assembly. All are working on the Assembly Trusteeship Committee, which handles economic, social, and political problems of trust territories. major aim of the committee is higher farm production and the economic development of rural areas.(Photo USIS)
THE TWELVE MILES. COLORADO BAR BRANCH RAILROAD to extend its rails in that region which teems with fertile lands and other materialism in readiness for development IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK According to the news, the contract for the long proposed railroad extension from Twelve Miles to Colorado Bar is signed between the Government of Costa Rica and the Northern Railway Company. It is to be placed before the National Congress for amendment, ratification or rejection In spite of the very difficult situation under which the Company has been labouring since its ten years renewal of ownership. it is very noteworthy to learn of this interest Persons who grasp new truths are apt to drop old ones; And be bitter against a Party or System when forsaken And embrace and adore another or new form, Yet it is out of the old that they have been enabled To get hold of the new action and fondness And while they may rejoice at the fuller or new light They owe a respectful memory to the old light which guided them.
The construction of this railroad branch will be a BALM IN GILEAD for our beloved province in more ways than we can put in print On the other hand it will furnish proof of the indomitable fortitude of the English as it is said of their great nation. That England fights best with her back against the wall.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything. Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.
GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brother Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard Britton Manager


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