
Number 111 MARCH 15, 1952 Year JOS. THOMAS OUR TASK IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK. FROM OUR DESK By THE EDITOR We should always endeavour to combine virtue with pleasure We learn that a difficult situation has arisen in the official In forming our friendsbips and social connections educational programme due to the shortage of professors to Remembering always the old adage that one is known by bis company.
maintain the well established high standard of tuition in Primary Education. This shortage resulted in the appointment of a number of aspirants who have not the necessary preparation in this special THE DEATH OF AN OCTOGENARIAN and all important seat of learning to fill the vacancies and in consequence the scholars become ill trained.
Mrs. Catherine Simpson has been neral procession gave evidence of the It cannot be reasonably denied that the years of preparation specially blessed to have lived sixteen high esteem and widely known status is an indispensible factor in any particular seat of learning or years more than the three score and of her life career At the grave the science serves the medium of injecting into the very soul of the ten years divinely mentioned; thet funeral service was conducted by students the fulness of the profession, instilling not only intelis she died at the age of eighty six lectual fitness, but also preparing morally and spiritually if the Brigadier Thos. Lynch of the on March 1, 1952. She was born at Salvation Army high objectives are to be obtained.
The shortage of teachers graduated has spread over lengtherKingston, Jamaica in the yea: 1866 The deeply bereft loved ones are and arrived in Costa Rica 1903. Mesdames Leanora Patterson Floed period and in turn has fallen on our children as the non recipients She resided for nearly a half of of a good elementary education as far as that mental ingredience rence Stone, Lena Anglin, Ida Lewis expoundably by the efficient professors.
century of years in this democratic de Smith, daughters, Messrs. Frank Smith and Cyril Smith, sons, twenty We are of opinion that the condition is remediable by annexing Republic and has contributed her bit three grand children and fifty che a teacher training department to the Limon College. an insti praiseworthily, and in harmony with tution equal to that of Heredia and with the provision to transfer the foreigners of those pioneering great grand children. We express our therein the Graduates of the college or perhaps such students with days.
condolence to the sorrowing survithe desire to be thus trained and if found qualified at any year On the day of her burial the fu.
previous to the fifth College year.
intellectual background to accept the training, but in the majority of cases the intellectuals are among the children whose parents are not financially able to send them to the colleges in the Interior.
There is no doubt in our mind that Limon has youths with the An extract fron the reply of the Municipal Council which was published last week In our edition of eight days ago SUSPICION EXISTS WITH REGARD TO FRESH BUTTER the publication with respect to the Municipal Council reply to the It has been reported that suspicion position of the purchasers. There are tizens complaint of February 16, we exists with regard to fresh butter on sellers, the world over, who have their extract the following paragraph, sale at certain groceries and other marks on the buyers and by which under the heading of rentals: trading places in this city. It is daim the corresponding grade and price of That the Municipal Council it not ed that from an observer viewpoint goods are presented. This should not blamable under any point of view the purity of the butter appears be so; all persons are entitled to fait for the high increase in rentals. The doubtful, and to add to the suspicion and impartial treatment.
high increase in rentals is blamable some traders carry two distinct grades to the same tenants who have accept of butter which are sold at the same We invite a thorough inspection ed these increases. The tenants say price per pound, respectively. in the refrigerators where the butter that it is accepted by force if not This system, we opine, is based is stocked and an analysis of all they will be cjected by the owners.
upon the intellectual value or social grades.
No house owners can raise the rental because he or she wants to do so, or by this reason ask for the house, except when needed for personal oc.
cupancy. If all tenants place themselves in the knowledge and do not accept the increase with out a justi fiable medium of repairs, no house or property owner can abuse; but it is understood the same tenant docs not complain by fear or ignorance.
These matters can find help or backing in the Municipal Corporatior if the complaints are duly presented with documents KADER STORE DANIEL ZELEDON UMANA LAWYER AND NOTARY Office Upstairs: The Shoestore of Pascual Ingianna.
Administrative, Civil and Penal Matters.
DANIEL ZELEDON UMANA ABOGADO NOTARIO OFICINA: Altos de la Zapateria de Pascual Ingianna.
CIUDAD DE LIMON Asuntos Civiles, Penales y Administrativos. Situated at the most CATCHY spot in Limon Commercial Square)
BARGAINS The most fashionable handkerchiefs for Ladies Head Wrap. Men Fancy Shirts, incomparable.
Elegantly tailored furnishings for men and boys. Artistically needled ready to wear out fittings for Ladies and Misses.
KOBRATISATION BIOTEKOSEINA PERSONAL TRAINIANUS TANAMAN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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