
Page THE ATLANTIC March 15, 1952.
ALWAYS THE FIRST: WE BUY CACAO WE SELL: For further particulars: Apply ERNESTO VON STOREN ESTRADA VICTOR. The supreme Trade Mark RADIOS. In various magnificent models TALLEST MAN STOPS TRAFFIC IN KING STREET WHY DOES NOT THE ATLANTIC PUBLISH THE MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. Gleaner Staff Reporter him to appear Last Saturday edition had as its cur newspaper were placed at the (Culled from the Jamaica Gleaner)
leading article the Municipal Council disposal of the Municipal Council reply to the publication effected in of course, with a reasenable monthly STROLL on King Street is some even tried to get near enough our issue of February 16.
charge, based on the size of spare usually uneventful for visitors to the to touch him The Corporation has cffected the to be utilized. The high cost of prini island, but for a man nine fect three While Mr. Evans was inside the darification to the citizens complaint ing the newspaper and our genca! and a half inches (9ft. 31, incs) tall store the crowd thickened, all eyes in the original letter, and has without economic condition are standing some complications are bound to arise upon the green shutter waiting for doubt, served to enlighten the ge against our willingness to do sth So Mr. Ted Evans, the world tallest neral public on many of the important publications free of cost.
man, when he left the Myrtle Bank tasks of the Municipality.
Hotel where he is staying with his About ten minutes later, up went the However, a few very prominent We take this opportunity to me.
manager Mr. Pete Collins and took shutter and out strolled the worlds citizens and in particular businessmen tion that the fundamental principle a taxi to King Street, tallest man. He was waist high above have asked why our WEEKLY of THE ATLANTIC is cultural His presence created a sensation the crowd which stared upwards at does not publish the minutes or im. and do the best we can for the uplift Crowds appeared from all directions him as if transfixed.
portant extracts of the transaction o of the general community. To this and Mr. Evans had to dive into the TRAFFIC STOPPED the Council, because by doing so, the end, we are carrying a distressing Swiss Stores where the shutter was public would be kept informed on financial weight, and surely merit quickly pulled down, in order to He wore a ten gallon grey cow the labours of the Council and financial help from those who are escape the milling crowd of spec. boy hat and a white short sleevest turn remove doubts of negligence or in a position to help our just cause tators who wanted a peep at him shirt. His expression was completely indifference from their minds. One blank and pushing his way through of the gentlemen added That we the crowd he entered a taxi barely should endeavour to secure the nr.
large enough to take him. The cessary data from the Secretary of crowd pressed around the taxi, and the Municipality and publish weekly.
traffic at the corner was held up. fo.
This question made it necessary, JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON a couple of minutes before the taxi quite naturally, for us to dear our You will need a good article was able to drive slowly through the position in the matter so that it may for your money so see us first crowd.
People hung out of buses, rot be considered that we are found for the best of everything.
windows of offices and all work or napping. Being cognizant of the Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies lower King Street and Harbou wonderful medium of information Gents wear prices always to Street near the intersection stopped which would be afforded the citizens please you.
as everyone strove to get a glimpse by such publications, the columns of of the world tallest man.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE EXCELSIOR Situated beside the British Vice Consulate Limon.
KADER FURNITURE STORE. Front the Commissary of the Costa Rica Banana Company. Why should you let the golden opportunity slip by to furnish your home with the very best quality and most admirable furniture THE ESTABLISHMENT PLEDGED TO GIVE THE MOST UP TO DATE IN DESIGNS AND FITTINGS TO MEN, WOMEN AND YOUTHS.
If you tarry until Tomorrow, it may be too late Our store department is supplied continually with beautiful and fashionable fabrics and charming adornments.
Careful and minute attention is given to every person.


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