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true news and disseminate false and lying Iversal military training, that with this superior seminate such lying braggadocio and meanly paratively cheap performances of the British arnews to suit the British Censorship and the army Germany suddenly made war upon un aid a mean attempt to rob France of her glo mies? Well, there you have the ins and outs of British Government prepared France, Russia and England; that the rious credit, the British Government tries to bar British press propaganda.
The unforgivable crime of the great news unprepared French armies were beaten back in the avenues of information between Europe and Do you not remember how a few short years papers owned and conducted by William Ran the first few weeks of fighting and were al America to the news agency and the newspapers ago a British press propaganda held up the Beldolph Hearst at whom this pelty exhibition of most miraculously saved by the help of the that will not so stoop to falsehood and meanness. gians as bloodthirsty civilized savages, mutilating, official spite was elmed. is that they are British army, which rallied at the Marne and For the past three months the British Go torturing and killing the poor Congo negroes American newspapers, honest newspapers, and defeated von Kluck: that after two years of vernment has been desperately anxious to de to extort millions of profit from the poor creaTewspapers which tell the truth wihout fear heroic resistance by French and British troops ceive both the English and the American people tures unpaid toil?
and without the least concern as to whether in the west, Great Britain has finally comple as to the present status of the war.
And now every Belgian, no matter whether he truth is agreeable or no to the British Go ted her preparation and for the past ten weeks The British Government needs huge loans. he is a good man or the most worthless creamoment or to any other government on has been destroying the German armies in a It must raise millions upon millions at home ture imaginable, is a radiant hero and a haloed th series of great victories, and finally that under and in America. And to keep its credit good saint!
The International News Service has steadily the pressure of British arms in France and of and its notes and bonds at a price it feels it Do you not remember how, for so many it best to get true news and to dissemi the British naval blockade, Germany, is at the absolutely necessary to make both Britain and years, England hated Russia and feared above te true news of the condition in Europe. point of exhaustion and squealing for neutral America believe that Germany is at the point everything Russia move upon India? And how The Hearst newspapers have steadily main intervention and peace without total destruction of collapse under the irresistible attacks of British during all those years you were carefully insined a correct attitude of neutrality and have 1s that not a fair summary of most America armies and the strangle hold of British fleets. tructed tha the Russian Government was the fused either to be imposed upon by the Bri ns beliefs? We feel sure that it is.
So you have had pages upon pages of glowing most wicked and faithless and treacherous aush Government campaign of falsehood, mis And yet there is hardly a word that is true. accounts of allied victories on all fronts, and of tocracy the world had ever seen, and the Ruepresentation, braggadocio and concealment, In july, 1914, just before war broke out, the German defeat, demoralization, exhaustion and ssian Empire was the gigantic menace of civior to take Bristih applause or more substantial French army numbered 90, 000 more drilled, despair.
lization and liberty in Europe?
Bristih pay to aid in spreading British propa. armed and thorougly equipped men than did Now, out of the plenitude of our public and And all at once we learn that the Czar ganda in America, the German army The French General Staff secret information, we assure you, with the is a heroic high minded sove whose For this, and for no other reason, the Bri boasted that France had better artillery and a utmost certainty and with absolute truth, that ni ideals are the liberty and civilization of Europe tish Government has stooped to one of its more effective artillery organization than did netenths of this so called news is distorted, and that the Russian people noble mission is characteristic acts of petty vindictiveness and the Germans.
garbled or downright lying press propaganda, to rescue mankind from the curse of despotism another of its hundreds of exhibitions of smug At the same time, the Russian army, drilled, prepared in London, without the least regard to and militarism!
hypocrisy and downright falsehood to disguise armed and ready for the field, outnumbered facts or truth.
Well, there you have the best example of the contemptible true reasons for its petty the German army twc and a half times the We say to you that the Central Empires are British press agenting and Judas Iscariot and conduct German army numbering roughly 000. 000 neither exhausted nor defeated; that the Somme Ananias rolled in one could not equal it.
In a country where to the disgrace and men and the Russian army 500, 000 men. offensive has cost the British and French armies We the most idealistic, intelligent, cultured, shame of American journalism the agents of At the same time, the British army was less the loss of over half a million men, and has generous and freehanded mass of people ever Great Britain found so many newspapers either than one third the size of the German army, completely failed to break the German defense; grouped together in a mighty nation since time ignorant enough to be imposed upon by British but the British fleets were twice the strength that the Russian offensive has been stopped in began are pictured to the European mind, cajolery or falsehood, or corrupt enough to take of the Germann fleets, and the British navy its tracks with the awful loss of over one and by the cunning press work of this English race British pay, it must have been a profund disap. had been movilized and every ship stored with a half million lives and the enormous exhaus of shilling changers and shopkeepers, as a lean pointment to the British Government to find coal and ammunition and made ready for ins tion of Russia by no means over plentiful mu and hungry Yankee, who thrust his food down ihat its agents could neither cajole nor intimi tant service thirty days before Austria sent nitions supplies; that the Italian offensive aimed his throat with his knife in one hand while his date nor buy the most energetic news service her ultimatum to Serbia.
at Trieste has been stopped; that the Turks other is pocketing hist host spoons!
in America, and the most powerful and widely And yet the British propagandists in England have driven the much vaunted Russian offensive And there, we think you have the final read newspapers in America.
and in America have so steadily wrung the in Persia, which was to relieve the British in triumph of the most skifully organized band of And the British Government could neither changes upon German preparedness and Ger Mesopotamia and seize Constantinople in short lying scribblers who ever took official pay for intimidate nor corrupt the International News man militarism and allied unpreparedness and order, over two hundred miles in full retreat; black guarding and degrading the reputation Service nor the Hearst newspapers, because lack of militarism that they have succeeded in that the allied offensive in Macedonia is a dismal and character of whatever people their Governboth these great organizations are American making most Americans believe, in the face of failure; and that the Rumanian armies in Tran ment paymasters happened at the time to want institutions, serving their own people, loving the facts and of the easily ascertainable facts sylvania and the Dobrudja are being swiftly dragged down in the estimation of the world.
their own country, jealous of the honor of their that the helpless and unarmed and wholly pea annihilated, and that within a few weeks, at To accomplish this end the British Governown land, concerned only with the welfare of ceful allies were suddenly set upon by the se most, Rumania will be as thoroughly wiped off ment has spent millons of dollars in sustaining their own nation. American first, American cretly prepared and ferociously savage Germans! the military map by Falkenhayn and Mackensen its own press bureaus and in corrupting newslast and American every foot of the way! As if any nation in Europe coult secretly build as was Serbia.
papers and other publications, as vell as. poliThat, good people, is the real reason and up a huge military establishment without the We say to you, with certain knowledge that ticians and speakers in Holland, Denmark, the only reason why the International News knowledge of the Russian and French and En there is neither any shortage of man power, of Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, RuService is so vindictively hated by the British glish secret service agents and the full know military supplies or of essential food supplies mania, Greece and above all to our bitter Government, and why the British Government ledge of all these Governments!
in Germany or in Austria, and that the spirit of shame be it said in America.
stoopsto a palpably petty and mean act to Or as if the whole world did not know for the people and of the armies is high and con And because the International News Service hide the real motives wich made it anxious to years past that Germany and France and Ru fident and their purpose to fight until honora would not prostitute its functions to this shamuzzle this truth telling American news gathe ssia and Austria and Italy were all maintaining ble peace is assured is absolutely and relentlessly mefull secret service, the vengance of the ring organization.
huge military establishments and all compelling determined.
British Government is visited upont it, and beDebarred from British mails an cables becau every able bodied male to undego service in And because we will not conceal these truths cause the Hearst newspapers coul neither be se we distorted news! God save the mark!
the army and will not lie to you and deceive you for the cajoled nor intimidated nor bought to do the Why, there isn any news that reaches Ame Now as to the rescue of France at the Marne. purpose of bolstering up British shaky credit same shamefull work, the British Government rica by British mails or cables that has not The battle of the Marne was fought and won and stimulating British slow recruiting, the Bri hates them with a malignant hatred that knows first been distorted or garbled or falsified by by French troops and by French troops only. tish Government bars the Internarional News, no bounds.
the British censors. Not a line; not a word. There was not so much as a single regiment Service from British mail and cable facilities, For the hatred of the British Government theThe American, with its countless public and of British soldiers engaged in that great and and British censors mutilate every copy of the se American newspapers return scorn and conprivate means of information, wich are emplo momentous battle. When the French commander Hearst papers passing throught their hands in tempt.
yed without regard to cost, and which are loca urged General French to bring up the remnants order to keep the British people from reading For the utmost that the British Government ted in every country in the world, ought to of his army, which had been chased clear across the truth.
can do to prevent the He know, and does know, more about the real northern France in headlong rout, the British And to hide its real motives the same British obtaining and from printing the news of Euronewspapers from conditions in Europe and the real happenings general replied that his horses and men were Government asserts that it is forced to this ac. De, we have a derision that hardly rises to of the past two years in Europe than any pri not in condition to move under forty eigth hours, tion because our American news service will the level of contempt.
vate individual possibly can know.
and France could not wait forty eigth hours to not give the news correctly!
And with that knowledge, we say to you, be saved in that crisis. So France own men Now ask yourselves what your general im will print exactly as if the British Government That news we will obtain and that news we private Americans, that no people ever were moved forward and won the day.
pression of Frenchmen and Frenchwomen was did not exist.
so humbugged by press agency as you have Now, these facts are also easily ascertained before the war the impression conveyed to been by the British official and secret press and are absolutely rue, yet, as you all know, you by British press work.
This is an American newpaper, thank God, agencies, and that no such stream of misrepre the British press propaganda began that very In a general way did you not look upon and not the paid lackey nor the willing bosentation, fiction and downright falsehood was day and has never ceased a moment since to Frenchmen as inmoral, frivolous, fantastic, un otlicker of any foreign government on earth.
ever poured out by any press propaganda as boast of the battle of Marne as a British victory, reliable voluble and excitable in war, good for The flag to which we owe our scle allegianthe huge flood of falsehood with wich the Bri aided somewhat by French support. a single wild attack, maybe, but lacking the ce is no Union Jack. It is the Stars and Stritish official and secret press agencies have inun And just as there were less than thirty thous stead valor of the heroic Briton a kind of hy pes the British once saw waving at Yorktown shall now and here prove this indictment up Waterloo was won by Blucher Prussians and precisely the impression of France and Frenchmen obedience is at Washington and not in London.
dated this country for two years past. And we and British troops, all told, at Waterloo, and brid tiger, monkey and libertine? Is not that and at New Orleans.
The Government which commands our lawful to the hilt.
Wellington Germans, and yet is still claimed that British press work gave most to you?
What are the general views most frequently as a great British victory by every British writer And have you not seen now, for two years, For the honor of that flag and the sobereignty exploited by the British Government news and speaker, so, we doubt not, a hundred years Frenchmen silently, valorously, stubbornly beating of that Government the Hearst papers stand paper organs in this country and held by the hence the Marne will still exist in English tra back the gigantic German assault doing great firm as the rock walls of yonder Palisades.
great mass of even intelligent Americans? dition and English tale and history as the battle deeds of heroism whereof the ages shall speak And there we will continue to stand, in spite They are that Germany had secretly built up in which the heroic British saved France. in admiration and saying never a word them of all that the impotent wrath of a vindictive a great standing army, superior in numbers And because the International News Service selves, while the pages of each day papers ministry and a lying censorship can do or to the armies of its neighbors, by forced uni and the Hearst papers will not knowingly dis can scarcely hold the British brag over the com attempt to do.
El Internacional News Service rehusa alterar las International News Service Refuses to Alter War noticias de la guerra como pretende luglaterra News on Demand of England El siguiente despacho cablegrafico fue recibido ternational News Service no es debida a falta The following cable dispatch was received in pers in their news and editorial columns.
ayer en esta ciudad.
alguna de nuestra parte o de parte de los pe this city yesterday: Therefore, have nothing to retract or alter riódicos Hearts, sino que obedece al espíritu de Londres, octubre 10.
London, October 10. in the smallest degree. On the contrary, wish independencia y a la actitud completamente veto assure the English consorship and the EngWilliam Randolph Hearst, New York. ridica con que dichos pefiódicos redactan sus William Randolph Hearst, New York City: lish Government that the Harst publications will noticias y sus editoriales.
Me permito manifestarle con las mejores raBeg for best reasons possible to say that si continue to pursue the same independent Amezones posibles que la situación depende abso alterar lo más minimo. Por el contrario, yo le personal action.
Por esta razón nada tengo que retractar ni tuation depends absolutely on your immediate rican course that they have been pursuing, with redoubled conviction of the truth, justice, prolutamente en su inmediata acción personal. aseguro a los censores y gobierno ingleses que Sugiero que personalmente cablegrafie garan las publicaciones de Hearst continuarán desarro garbling by anyone under pain dismissal and Suggest cabling personal guarantee for non priety and patriotis of that course.
Instead of discharging editors, would rather tizando no habrá cambios en los cables bajo llando el mismo programa independiente y ame publication all dispatches exactly as received, raise their salaries wherever find that they pena de despedir al culpable, y publicar los ricano que hasta ahora han perseguido, con re adding as result personal investigation offenders have honestly and earnestly endeavored to siſt despachos exactamente como se reciban, ana doblada convicción en la verdad, justicia, pro been discharged. Hopeful of result.
the exact facts out of the mass of misrepresendiendo que serán despedidos los que resulten piedad y patriotismo de la causa.
tation which the English censors impose upon responsables mediante una investigación per En lugar de despedir a los editores, prefiero HARRIS, this country.
sonal. Deseo éxito.
aumentar sus sueldos siempre que encuentre European Manager International News Service.
HARRIS The only obligation of our American instituque ellos afanosa y honradamente se han esAdministrador en Europa del International forzado en investigar los hechos exactos entre reply was sent by Mr. Hearst as follows: tions is to our American people, and it is our News Service firm policy and fixed purpose to print not the las masas de falsedades que los censores inOctober 12.
things which the English Government desires El anterior despacho fué contestado en la gleses han mandado a este pais.
printed in this country, but the things which the siguiente forma: Las instituciones americanas no tienen obligacio Harris, Representative of Interna American people require for their accurate innes más que para con el pueblo americano, y tional News Service. forniation and patriotic guidance. Harris, Representante del International nuestra firme conducta y propósito inquebranI am proud to have our American publications Waldorf Hotel, London: News Service. table es el de publicar no lo que en este pais take their place with other American institutions desee el pueblo inglés que sea publicado, sino Waldorf Hotel, Londres. will apologize for nothing, retract nothing, on the roll of honor which the English blacklist lo que el gobierno americano requiere para una alter nothing.
constitutes; and will take a personal pleausura No me disculparé de nada, no me retractare exacta información y una dirección patriótica.
The act of the English censors is wholly un in giving our readers and clients the most conde nada, no alteraré nada. El proceder del cenYo estoy orgulloso de que nuestras publica just and unjustifiable. believed at first that plete information of the utmost truth and vaue, sor inglés es completamente injusto e injustifi ciones americanas hayan sido como otras insti their attitude was based on some actual error and in getting it from more trustworthy serces cable. Yo creia al principio que basaba se ac tuciones americanas inscritas en el rol de ho of importance in our news service. But find than the biased and bigoted English cenorship titud en algún error de importancia de nuestro nor que supone el figurar en la lista negra in on careful investigation that the couple of items affords.
servicio de noticias. Pero después de una cui glesa, y yo tendré a personal placer el suministrar on which they based their claim were so trivial WILLIAM RANDOLPH FEARST dadosa investigación he venido en conocimiento a nuestros lectores y clientes la información más as to prove the claim absurd and insincere. am convinced that the exclusion of the Inde que los dos errores en que fundamenta su completa y de más veridico valor, obteniéndola reclamación son tan triviales que denotan el ab de fuentes más fidedigna que las tendenciosas ternational News Service is not due to any de3253 Imp. Boniy surdo de una reclamación sen falta de sinceri e hipócritas que suministran los censores ingleses. linquency on its part or on the part of the Hearst papers, but is due to the independent Cartago in de que la exclusión del ste documento es propre Mobbel MIRANDORI RAJUHEABSTano derandmashallan de bethful ei aderio de cultura y Puentut, Posta Rica.
wholly attitude of the Hearst Cos Rica ionar Miguel Obres


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