
1934 ábado, 18 de agosto de 1934.
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA The Voice of the Atlantic DEL u ata The Strike to return to statement no turn in ing day.
soon as Allan Sime estr men pra: op de ate Published every Saturday For quick results advertise in Price: 0. 15 per copy LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Coloured Labourers Warned Items of General Interest mo An extensive epidemic of infan from the wrists to the finger tips The Strike proclaimed by the Company interests in this Divi.
The following has been circulated throughout ile paralysis is reported to have measure 15 inches and the soles of labourers employed on the farms sion, who was then in San José gas broken out in Cuba since the lat. his feet 18 inches. He has a huge in the Atlantic Zone, continues was sent a letter signed by one a sid the Atlantic Strike Zone in ihe interests ter part of last month. The medi appetite and eats three pints of apace, with yet no signs of abate Fallas, in which he was inform ate of the coloured labourers cal department is making every rice at every meal. He will be ment. In fact it would seem as it ed it was not the intention of the organ leaving China for the United it is extending with a tendency of strikers their work sing You have seemingly taken the Communist movement effort to eradicate the disease.
States to meet a man who claims assuming a more serious aspect. until their demands, as set out in circule in Costa Rica with much complacense; a minority of the Work under the new building he is the tallest man in the world.
From the latter part of the a which accompanied ub. working class have digested this movement as a salvation previous week it became apparent the letter, were agreed to. We reye for our present economical chaos, but this is quite to the con programme of the United States Naval department has commenAccording to the information to those in that Zone, that some produce a copy this letter and hacie trary. This minority have no boubt been influenced by un.
On the 14th.
inst. from undercurrent was at work among statement.
Fimies reliable literature from a far, which has been inculcating ced, and is to consume the not in.
the idea that a few hundred negroes have recieved equai significant sum of 375, 000, 000 do Atlanta City, the American Fede the labourers on different farms. It was by this time clearly unrights socially and otherwise in Soviet Russia from the Solars. It is estimated to complete ration of Labour reports that there especially those situtae in the vici derstood that the movement had the work by the month of May are not less 10 millions unemploy nity of 26 Miles, so it was not been engineered by the communisviet Government; and that by upholding Communism in 1939.
ed in United States at this time. entirely a surprise to many when, tic element and this was subse Costa Rica the colored workmen of the country will enjoy on the morning of the 10th. inst. quently substantiated by a definite Al a greater amount of privilege than they have been enjoying The Italian Boxing Federation Alv since the advent of the United Fruit Company here.
announces that Carnera has volun Prince Gonzalo Alfonso de Bor it became known that an organiz statement of Deputy Manuel MoThe Government of Costa Rica is a capitalist govern tarily renounced his title to the Ita bon, 3rd. son of the ex king of ed strike had been declared and ra, who, in an interview published La Tribuna of the 12th.
Nue ment, and this Capitalist Government is and has been ad lian Championship.
Spain died in a hospital at Klager that no labourers would be hogeninistered by white men of the highest social and intellecfurt on the 13th. inst. from in ing to work for the cutitng of inst. declared that the Commu automobile bananas required for the New nistic Party assumed full responsitual standing, some from the most noble of the Spanish cas. Mr. Kim Fu Kuel, 29 years old, juries received in an te inhabiting Costa Rica during the Colonial age; yet none and known as the Korean giant, is accident. The Prince was 19 ears York ship due to arrive the followbility for the movement, and that the leaders in the respective localiof these men constituting the governing class of the coun feet inches tall. His hands old.
As the Authorities ties were working under the orders try has ever shown any agressive tendency toward the newere advised of the situation, a of the Executive Officers of the Cos gro population.
number of policemen were dispatch Party.
ya Nevertheless, since 1925, repeated petitions have been ed from Limon to augment those The area now affected covers Me made to the Legislative and Executive branches of the Gostationed in the affected areas, the entire banana producing zone alg vernment requesting the removal of negroes from such emand these were further streng. from Guapiles to Siquitres and ployements as clerks, salesmen foresmen and other skilled thened by force of 50, from there southwards to Limon.
Importer of merchandise in general and occupations. And who have been the agitators of such disfrom San Jose under the The Estrella section was not af.
criminations against us on account of our color? THE VE.
COCOA. EXPORTER command of General Monge as afected for last week work but it RY GROUP THAT ARE NOW DIRECTING COMMU.
precautionary measure in the in is thought that it will be this week.
NISM IN COSTA RICA the greater majority of whom are Consult my special prices which in all cases will be the terests of public order.
About 10 per cent. of the wharf propertyless foreigners from adjoining Spanish American best in the market.
In the meantine Mr. Chit. labourers joined the movement countries; then how could we expect that the same treattenden, the Manager of the U: and refased to take part in the ment that is being accorded us by the noble statesmen of loading of the Metapan Costa Rica would ever be accorded to the colored workwhich came in no Sunday in place man if that group of anti negroes should for some reason of the Quirigua which had been come into power?
diverted to Colon; the loading was Salud In August of 1925, a delegation of workmen from that however, accomplished and the ship Very irresponsible group, styling themselves representatives left with a little more than 10. 000 of all the workers of the Atlantic Zone, except of the negro Alegria stems in her holds. The work on workers, sought and obtained an enterview with the Prethe wharf was carried out under Fire sident of the Republic, who as fortune would it was His Con the protection of a police guard.
Excellency Don Ricardo Jimenez Oreamuno, the present Large quantities of fruit, the incumbent; and among the different questions submitted majority belonging to the peasanfor amendment was the question of legislating to prevent try on the Old Line were des negroes from performing any of the skilled labor to which troved, soon after it had been cut we have already referred.
and prepared for delivery, by gangs The President in responding to the proposition in a of the strikers who paraded the sections armed with their mache.
letter dated August 17th 1925 advised them that the matter was taken under consideration by the Company and that number of the men, consider.
an agreement was reached that white foremen would be deed to be the leaders of the tailed to white gangs.
ment, have already been arrested Sometime during August or September of last year, and others are being sought by about 500 of the said individuals now connected with the on Communist movement signed and fowarded a memorial to Up to this time, the conduct of Congress not only reiterating the request that colored men the strikers is stated to be orderly con should not be employed in the capacity of clerks salesmen although there were occasions on foremen and kindred ocoupations, but demanding the de.
which, but for the judicious ac portation of negroes from the country, with the completions of the police, unfortunate ment that negro immigration should be prohibited. The full incidents may have taken place.
text of this memmorial was traslated by Mr. PetgraThe West Indian labourers ve of Siquirres, and published in the English Section of a have, so far, declined to associate local newspaper. These are facts themselves with the movement, The invitation to join them in their present activities but due to the intimidations level.
should be treated by negroes just as discrete as the Presi.
led at them they have kept from dent treated their request to have negroes removed from skiworld, except in such places where kell employment, and just as discrete as Congress has treathey felt they could with safety do ted the memorial to have negroes deported from the coun.
Up to the time of writing try; for at any event you will be considered as inferiors are without any information and as an obstacle. There should be no doubt that behind to the what, if any, move the Conn NO the Communist movement to entreat colored farmers and pany and farmers intend taking EG longshoremen to join them in their strike is the aim to acwith a view of settlement.
cumulate sufficient material against negroes for future use.
Early Thursday morning a spe.
We, none of us, can deny the fact that our presence cial train with an additional fora in the country is due entirely to the industrial activities of Producto TRAUBE of 45 policemen left Cartago. un the United Fruit Company and that had it not been for der Colonel Gallegos nad Coman!
our passive and law abiding characteristics the President Constitutional Reforms dante Jimenez for Siquirres.
od or Congress would have acceded to the request to reject Read The Voice That same day seven Nicara.
and deport; but those two virtues, passivity and lawfull led debates, the National Congress than 40 per cent of the votes.
After much serious and prolong successful party to obtain not less of the Atlantic guans were deported by order of ness, have been the vanguard, that has protected us against has finally passed the 3rd. reading the Executive on account of their the persecutions of our pretended friends; meanwhile they of the Bill to amend the Political communistic activities.
have served as a stimulus for the assistance and protection Constitution In consequence of an attempt to that we have been receiving from the very Government and the election of future Presidents of in connection with AMERICAN BAR break into the Railway storeroom Company against whom they are now inciting us to rebel. the Republic.
Fine Liquors a large quantity of explosives were transferred to Limon.
Be sure that the triumph of Communism would mean Tuborg Beer on Draught With the extra forces which the the putting into effect of the two memorials. Namely that The amendment provides that Specializing in Ice Cream authorities have distributed in the en you should not be appointed to skilled employment, if any the right of exercising the fran.
at all; and that negroes should own no farms; and finally, chise shall be obligatory instead of BEAVERS various sections, it is hoped tha there will be a less loss of fruiti you will lose both friends the Government and the Com optional as at present, and, in the Proprietor the cuttings which should ordina раnу.
case of candidates for the presiLimón, Costa Rica.
Irily have commenced yesterda SOJOURNER COMMITTEE dency, it will be necessary for the morning Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
vel TOS ttes.
ue mi moves the police. Я стане lo DO OOOOOOOOOooooooo

    CommunismPresidentes de Costa RicaRicardo Jiménez OreamunoSovietSpainWorking Class

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