
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sábado, 18 de agosto de 1934. The Strikers Demands Our Radio Service cou we Farmers hold important meeting New York. Speculative ardor Admiral Richard Byrd, still The Administrator General allowed for the preparation of Vance weather bas The United Fruit Company, payrolls. Discontinuance of very important meeting of negotiations, etc. and suggest the for stocks and commodities cooled Bolling a the principal planters of the Atlan most satisfactory methods of deals off further today (August 15th. was resting comfortably today and Limon pans and discounting of orders.
28 markets revised their ideas of gave evidence of being able Labourers to be facilitated Zone was held yesterday in the ing with the problem.
inflation Hotel Costa Rica, San Jose, in prospects. One of the make a rapid recovery of the The planters expressed their Sir.
with the necessary tools by the farconnection with the strike now entire willingness to discuss these broadest rails in Bond prices in strength, members of the Tracto In my position as general Sec mers or the Company, retary of the strike Committee of Lodgings on the farms to be existing. The meeting lasted from matters with the workmen and to months lent emphasis to the shift party which reached him Fride 11 a. to p.
accept the ultimate decision of the in sentiment away from inflation reported. Dr. Thomas Poule the Adantic Zone, elected at a for account of the farmers and meeting held the 4th of Auguse when labourers provide same on Messrs. Santa Herrera, Minister suggested Commission.
Among those present were Executive as recommended by the cowards a more concerted appeal second in command of the expe of the administration monetary dition, who led the Tractor pare on this farm, with the assistance thei own acount the cost to be reof representatives of the workers icognized when the labourer leaves of Foreign Relations; Arturo Vo submitted to President Ricardo Ji day movement in money markets isolated post, said it will be som of State; Raul Gurdian, Minister The decisions arrived at will be policies. The chief impetus for the in its dash to Admiral Byrd at his from all the farms of the region, the farm. have to inform you that no iaannounce time however, before they can lio, Lindo, Fernando Castro, menez by the Minister of State apparently came from Labourers on farms to enjoy Grillo. Harrington, The Minister of Foreign Relations ment that arrangements had been bring him back. He said they de bourer, from coday, will return to the benefits of the Workman made for export of moderate not think it wise to expose him to work until each and every one of Accident Law.
Illness from di Andre, de Gutierrez, Pin expressed his willingness to person to, Ricardo Gutierrez, Rogelio Gually visit the affected area and amount of gold from New York the hazard of a Tractor journey the causes set out in the attached matic causes and bites of reptiles tierrez and Chittenden, obtain a direct knowledge of the as result of decline in the dollar yet. How long it will be befon statement has been accepted.
to be regarded as accidents under Manager of the United the Fruit matter as it affected both the far.
past few days.
they start back Dr. Poulter did nu We are disposed to suffer the the Law.
Washington Company.
Rush Holt bel say. Medical dispensaries to be utmost sacrifice, if necessary, to mers and the workers.
The entire problem was fully ievers a Roosevelt Senate will impose these conditions as we have established on all farms or other discussed in all its aspects and the AT THE LAST MOMENT Baseball Scores treat him well in the technical no desire to tolerate, for one day places where 10 or more labourers matter of age. Holt, Democratic American League: more, this life of slavery to which are enployed. Employees and the farmers finally agreed that they would in no manner whatever treat Just before going to press nominee for the senate from West the planters have submitted us and United Fruit Company to be oblig. With the Communists or their re learn that the proposed Commis. Virginia, is only 29 years old. The Detroit 917. New York 3.
particularly the rapacious Company ated to afford facility for the which you represent.
farmers, age limit for Senators set by the Boston St. Luis presentatives whom they regarded sion will consist of two transportation of the sick and to Any communication with respect be responsible for their hospital as political agitators; that they two foremen of farm labourers and United States Constitution is 30 Cleveland Washington were of the opinion that the Executhe Minister of State, don Leon and Holt will not see his next hereto may be directed to the Gen. keep in San Jose or Limon.
National League: tive Authorities should name a Herrera. They anticipate leaving birthday until June 19th. 1935.
eral Secretary of the Strike Com Commissaries and other estaCommission to consist of a certain tomorrow, by special train, and to Hollywood, Cal. Mary Pick mittee, Los Angeles Farm, 26 blishments not to sell articles at number of expert planters and visit the farms affected by the ford and Douglas Fairbanks will Pittsburgh New York Miles higher prices than the public markworkers who would be requested strike. The names of the parties both be in Hollywood before the St. Luis Philadel. Sgd) Fallas. et places.
The conditions of the employees Annulment of the Cortes to investigate the questions of sa selected as members of the Comis. week is over. But whether the pre Boston 15. Chicago are as follows: Chittenden agreement as being of laries, sanitary conditions on thesion is now awaiting the approval sence in their home town will mean Cincinnati Brooklyn farms, Elimination of Job work. no benefit except to the United the existing commissary of the President.
a reconciliation, even their closest friends are unable to forecast. Miss Day labour from a. to 12 Fruit Company; of prejudice to Pickford arrived home today and Costa Rica Soda with a minimum salary of 00 the farmers and especially the laimmediately went to Pickfair, the with the exception of ditch and bourers.
palatial home in which the famous cricket work which is to be It is desired that in the new Water Factory screen actress and her equally fa.
from a. to 11 a. at the contracts with the farmers (large star husband spent uame pay. Axe work is to be from and small) and on the renewal of their happy days.
LIMON a. to p. with one hour old ones, the Company should pay TIENDAS DE NOVEDADES for lunch and a pay of 00. for the bananas at the rate of 50 London, Ont. John La Fábrica de Hielo With regard to the work of cutt cents oro Americano without Artículos para sodoras caballeros. Parajuus, Sombrillas de toda clase batt, wealthy London Broker who ing, transporting, etc. of bananas, making distinction between the had been under the care of physiy Refrescos when it is necessary to prolong this English and American fruit, and Sombreros de Paja de los más finos. Sombreros de Lana de todo precio cians was kidnapped today by work later than 12 o clock, paym. the recognition in them by the y los famosos sombreros Borsalino persons reportedly demanding Florida Ice and ent is to be after the rate of. farmers of the minimum salary of 150, 000 for his release on pain 00 per hour for the supple. 00 for the labourers.
of death. It was Canada first ranmentary work som kinapping His abandoned Farm Co. Wharf labourers will requireernment by which the arbitary automobile and a note signed three LA FLORIDA to be paid for their work by hour rejection by the Company and loss friends demanding According to advices recently to which it will be necessary for the money at a rate which will guarantee a of emormous quantities of bananas hand from our neighbouring Rep owner to present whenever requestwithin 24 hours, were the only ap.
monthly salary of not less than cut as had been ordered will be ublic. we understand that the goved by a representative of the gove search which spread over all of Fábrica de Hielo parent clues police had found in a 150. 00. Those who work by the eliminated.
Lernment has announced its inten ernment.
Venta de Leche month for salaries less than 150 10. Recognition of the Syndi. tion of shortly putting in force Ontario and extended across the to receive an increase of 25 per cate of Atlantic Workers and the law which provides that every The cards are said to be printed border in the vicinity of Detroit.
y Maderas Foremen to be given an in similar organizations of the count!
person who resides on Panamanian in two distinct colours, one for Little America, Antartica.
crease of 10 per cent.
ry by the government and employ territory should carry at all times Panamanian citizens and the other Payments to be quincenally. ees. Identification Card, and for foreigners.
Prestige and Education, their Power Elimination of the weekly cash payments. Two days only to be! The Atlantic Strike Committee.
In any society or corporation, ſend the divine power of the soul.
the leader must and will excel not Nothing makes a superior more only on account of the prestige of loved than his kind ways towards Avoid the danger of fires! Don use his authority and position, but also bis inferiors. He will lead them by the refinement and amount of with his manners, and they will candles or kerosene, ESTRADA his education. Sympathy and like and respect him, while, if kindness are virtues of intelligen rough, hard and violent, he will ce and talent.
only be despised. man who is above others is In any society or corporation, Si Ud. quiere evitar el peligro de los agreable, serene, patient and in every man should be treated as a Articolos el País Precios Económicas dulgent, while roughness and lack gentleman and not as a slave.
incendios no consuma velas o kerosene, are characteristic of Education and good mannen narrowminded people whose intel are the basis of social happiness.
Notes from Estrada ligence did not arise to compreh Quiros Pascual Ingianna Hnos.
La Elengancia y La Competencia mous screen We desire a control by the gov. Panama to enforce Identification Cards are cent.
an Salomón Ching We Lee use Electricity ABARROTES y LICORES of manners ng use Electricidad de de Banana Exports Fall Over te a Two Sad Endings no to was On the 8th August 1934, an an appearance around the suburbs Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Ideal little party was held in San of Estrada, bue fortunately causJose Creek (Estrada) in Honoring no damages.
of The Girls League, for which the Only causing a little Scare among 000. 000 in Years attendants beg congratulate the in habitants.
Miss Ada Ellis the Captain for From a very interesting report fral for the entire period is given her efforts of same, like wise we issued recently by the govern 2, 956, 402 stems.
We very much regrer having to the Los Angeles Church, San Jose, On the 13th, about 45, very is observed that there has been a ment Statistical Department, it announce the two sad accidents and a bomb falling from a pole hope the many other young ladies For the six months of this year which took place last Saturday exploded on her head which who compose said League, will little fruit was able to be cut on account of some communists, pass. tation of the country principal sent abroad has amounted to.
very serious dedine in the expor ſending 30th. June, the quantity and resulted in the deaths of a completely destroyed. She is said always stick to their Captain.
The party was a real success. ing by discouraging the Farmers to young lady and a youth in Santo have died instantaneously.
do so, and causing timidity, thus product during the last six years. 1, 585, 114 stems, which gives as Jose. Mrs. Nelly Araya de Oviedo While travelling by train from was also injured but not very se incessant rains fell up to about Fruit.
On the 13th August at 30 the shortage of the out put of 7, 323, 381 stems were, the report estimated total for the year of states, exported in the year 1928 little over three million Puntarenas to San Jose, Mr. Juan riouslly.
13. 50 and slight indications of while the total for last year reach less than half sent away six year Maria Castro fell from the platthe Matina Rivers over flow made THE LATEST VICTROLA ed only 4, 293, 383 stems. The to lago.
Corresponsal form of a car fracturing his skull.
He was, on arrival of the train in Records at lowest price at the San Jose, taken to the San Juan RADIO CLINIC claim for 100. 000 de Dios Hospital where he died Fotografía Wimmer, Limon no shortly after Russia continues to be the land a trial flight next month.
Later that same afternoon, a DISCOS NUEVOS It is reported that the family lodged a claim against the Com of innovations; her latest is a fly The inventor declares that the young lady, Miss Ines Rodriguez para Victrolas vende a precio of the late Deputy Jose Monge, who pany for the sum of one hundred ing bicycle. Such a machine is re Bicycle will receive its motive power Sebiani, 17 years old and a student más bajo la lost his life as a result of the motor thousand dollars. It is not unlikely ported to be under construction at for assending, from the stroke of the Cologio de Señoritas, at RADIO CLINIC, Limón car accident on the railway in the that the matter will be amicably that the body of the unfortunate of the wings which will be set Lic.
ended a turno on the grounds of FOTOGRAFIA WIMMER Ivicinity of Turrialba recently, has sertled.
Moscow and will probably make motion by the Pilot feet.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
stems of ఆశ జనక కత Flying Bicycle Man Mr.


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