
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sabado, 25 de agosto de 1934.
Published every Saturday For quick results advertise in The Voice of the Atlantic Price: 0. 15 per copy LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone use Electricity ke DL use Electricidad CRICKET NOTES. NSUPERAK sma Producto Traube An atrocious murder The Colored Workers Planters Cancellation of Naturalizations Likely Jamaican sells Invention for Large Sun We understand that there is a lin many of their subversive acts; According to an article appear was submitted to the firm who of the Atlantic Zone possibility of the Government these acts are said to be regarded ing in a recent issue of the Glea made him the offer which he accancelling the papers granted to by the Executive as distinct viola rer, a Jamaican inventor recently cepted.
It is stated that when the proces The question for your consideration ot this moment is many of the naturalized citizens of tions of their naturalization, under sold a process discovered by him the Republic the terms of which they assumed to an English Firm for a sum sup is applied to steel it causes the lar not whether the Costa Rican Communist Party is advoIt appears that a number of an obligation to strictly observe the posed to be over 10, 000. ter to lose much of its bittlenest cating in the best interest of wage earners. as a few of our these persons holding naturaliza. laws of the Republic.
The inventor who is said to be while still retaining its smooth peopie seem to believe.
Should the cancellation of these very much interested in chemistry glasslike surface.
and planters, as foreigners who do not enjoy any political the Atlantic strikers, not only by would not be surprising if the in carrying out certain experiments be of much value to aviation and The question, for your consideration colored workers tion papers have been found tak ing an active part on the side of papers be eventually decided on, it was for more than a year engaged The discovery will, it is claimed rights in the country in conformity with article 35 of the assisting them in their determina parties concerned were expelled which he recently perfected. It tool steel interests.
Constitution of Costa Rica are: Ist. Will you as colored foreigners enjoy any of the tion to abstain from work but also from thecountry.
benefits, if any, resulting from the Communists agitations?
Avoid the danger of fires! Don use No, you will not.
2nd. Have the strikers any financial backing to sus.
candles or kerosene. Tain their pretentions? No, they have not.
ies 3rd. Will the strikers suceed through the efforts Et the Communist Party? No, they will not.
4th. Will you be given any protection by the British Government for undue illtre. dient meted out to you Si Ud. quiere evitar el peligro de los on account of taking part in the strike, or aiding and abetincendios no consuma velas o kerosene.
ring the strikers? No, none whatever.
You will not enjoy benefitt resulting from the ComCERVEZA a munist agitations, not only because there is no benefit ne forthcoming, but particularly on account of the fact that the very Communist Party would, as soon as they felt Compañía Eléctrica de Limón themselves enthroned as the political dictators of the coun.
EXQUISITA go try, dictate and put into effect, by force if necessary, all ce the projects that they have already planned to surpress ni West Indian negro labor in Costa Rica. The best evidence al of this is to be seen in the attitude of Communism in conil nection with the contract betwen the United Fruit Company and the Executive Branch of the Government penHeadley creates record as ding before Congress, in asking that one of conditions of The Imperial Cricket Conferen score for the season.
acceptance should be that negro labor should not be used ce has approved of an English team on the pacific side, in the event the Company offer to enPlaying the same day for Ne touring the West Indies during the son against Rams bottom, Constar ter into banana cultivation on a larger scale at that end be 1934 35 season and a West Indian tine who was stated to be unfi e accepted. Another palpable evidence is the absence of a coteam going to England in 1939. took five wickets for the e lored representative in any of the units of the Communist score of 63 but was unfortunate Party Playing for Haslingden on the getting out LBW first ball.
We affirm that the strikers have financial backing for the 7th, July against Coine in the reason that they admitted themselves that they have no Lancashire League, England, Geor There are doubtless many her other financial becking beyond the few hundred colones ge Headley is reported to have who will regret to learn of th promised from the salaries of the two Communism Diputacarried his bar for 136 runs. death of Mr. Sam. Uter whic dos as their sole financial support, which only started in With one wicket down and 231 occurred recently in Colon. Du the month of May of this year. They are not connected with any foreign Labour Unions, through whom they may runs scored Haslingden declared. ing his younger days Mr. Un derive some means of financial aid, beyond the questio. 17th. instant Mr. Ramon Tito Ca after.
During the carlier hours of the left side. Death took place shortly Headley and Holden made the was an ardent cricketer and record second wicket partnership regarded as one of the leadin nable literature received from Communist Russia.
crillo Saborio, a resident of Cafor Haslingden of 204 runs, players in Jamaica. He was It will be impossible for the strikers to succeed, for noas, Alajuela, was cruelly murdstrikes are brought about by thoroughly organized La red soon after leaving home for Contreras was arrested under sus play for his 136 not out, which (C. and represented that Islan man by the name of Jose Headley making a brilliant dis prominent member of the Luc bour Unions, financed by the members who enjoy equal his farm situate in the district of picion in consequence of his hav was the League highest individual against visiting teams.
rights, regardless of race or nationality, and who may par. Carbonal.
ing had some trouble with the deticipate in the lawful actions of such Unions without run.
The murderer stated to have ceased some time previously. His THE LATEST VICTROLA RECORD ning counter to the International Alien Laws. Before you waylaid Mr. Carrillo and to have brother, Eloy Contreras has also move, consider whether you have ever known a strike not unexpectedly attacked him with a been arrested and both are at lowest price at the RADIO CLINIC Fotografia Wimmer, Lin.
properly organized and financed to succeed anywhere. machet, inflicting chops on the swaiting trial, as soon as the prel DISCOS NUEVOS PARA VICTROLA: No protection will be given you whatever because, head, on one arm and one in the iminary investigation is completed.
according to Public International Laws, the British GoYende e precio más baje le RADIO CLINIC Fotografia Wimmer, Lim vernment will be powerless to defend you should you participate in the present movement, directly or indirectly; for AMERICAN BAR although apparently simple to causal observations, it is Panama to reduce Sugar Price purely a political movement grappling with the iabor issue Fine Liquors with an ulterior motive, better inagined than described Tuborg Beer on Draught The Sugar Board which wased at five conts (Balboa) per kil To attain their objects, the members of this movement will Specializing in Ice Cream recently brought into being by Should the necessity arise it not scrupple to intimidate you, and so coerce you into vioPresident Arias is considering the believed that the government Jating Alien Laws: those very laws which compel the BEAVERS possibility of fixing the price for waive the tax of 50 cents now er Costarrican Government so long as you are law abiding to Proprietor locally produced sugar at such a lected on each sack produced protect your lives and property.
Limón, Costa Rica.
figure as will enable it to be retail. the refiners.
Whether Communism is right or wrong, is no concern of ours. That is Costarrican politics. But when Communism attempts to fide on the back of colored labor to is political Notes of General Interest Hitler obtains tremendous Support goal, without first consulting you on your disposition in the matter, then it is high time that you are warned to sit From Shanghai, China, it is re firms who had suffered in conse The returns of the general ple Mashall von Hindenburg.
ight and watch your own interest, less you find yoursel ported that as a result of a terrible quence of the Russian competition. biscite taken in Germany last Sun The total votes poled in favo ves worst sufferes in the end. At the head of such unfled. inundation by the river Yalu, over day gave an overwhelming result of Hitler is stared to have be Sed movements, there are always some few the wise and two thousand lives were lost, and Twelve persons were reported in favour of Hitler election to 38, 362, 760 and 4, 294, 654 again ambitous men, and here the old truism holds good: heavy damage done to surround killed and many injured by the the Presidency of the Republic as him.
esplosion of two infernal machines the successor of the late Field THEMSELVES, BUT DESTROY WHAT IS BET. Six persons were also reported in one of the principal commercial WEEN THEM.
killed and 30 badly injured by an streets of Havana on the 18th.
explosion in a local factory. Most instant. It is understood that the THE SOJOURNER COMMITTEE of the killed and injured were party primarily concerned women and children. The origin mang those killed.
of the fire was not known.
During the past week severalny while others are now conferences have taken place bet. consideration. It is however Five Engineers, charged befove ween the members of the Comi pected that nothwithstanding the Russian Courts with having sion de Hacienda and the repres difficulties being experienced Importer of merchandise in general and caused the destruction, by fire, of entives of the United Fruit Co. account of the Atlantic strike, various matter will be closed and the Co a machine factory, have been found Cantina, Posada y Cafetería in connection with the COCOA EXPORTER guilty and sentenced to death.
amendments it has been suggested mittee report submitted to The Secretary of the Committee Felipe Wing Ching should be made to Consult my special prices which is all cases will be the the proposed gress in time for settlement de in charge of the work claimed that new contract. Many of those susing the earlier part of the comi best in the market.
the Engineers had been suborned Apartado 9 gested changes have, we underst extraordinary Sessions next mon by certain German manufacturing Limón, Costa Rica C.
land, been accepted by the Compa Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
W: now The Banana Contract was und Sime El Caballo Blanco

    CommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyHitlerSubversive

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