
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sabado, 25 de agosto de 1934 The Claims of our Costa Rican policemen detained in Bluefields Labourers Our Radio Service up points Prison return.
en route.
in and two in The Banana Takes a Holiday its atid Some amount of excitement men than they were held prisowas created in this city last ners by the Authorities and their Para, Brazil. The Brazilian age was caused to numerous hoc Wednesday when on the return arms taken from them. Clipper, largest flying boat in the ses. The earthquake, which lasted by NATION of the ship San Juan it was On the receipt of this report world, rested on Brazilian territory two or three seconds, first was fell one fully conversant with tivities, no business man has time learnt that the Nicaraguan. ur government immediately en tonight (19th. for the first time, at 45 pm. The quake was fel the operations on a Banana Farm, to consider foolish arguments, thorities at Bluefields had deta quired from the central govern completing the third leg of its in Cape Girardeau and other in Southeast Missouri and the necessities of our working if a claim is to be made it must ined the five policemen who we ment of Nicaragua the cause for maiden ait voyage, speeding re detailed men and the profits accruing to carry convincing arguments and to accompany the such action. Shortly after a reply the connection between the United in the vicinity of Cairo, Illinois The twenty two Nicaraguans deported was received here that the release States and South America.
New Orleans a Banana Producer, would like reasonings.
Bound for the to offer a few suggestions on this Today. when Costa Ricais from this country on account of of the policemen lad been ordered giant 19 ton amphibian reached United States governmen Alcatraz Island their subversive acts in connect and that they were at liberty to the mouth of the Amazon at p: new vexed question at this moment. hardly shipping four million tion with the Strike.
For any proposition to be worstems of fruit, a very great marg. August 19th. after taking off for arch criminals in San Francs The report of the ship Captain thy consideration by those in of which is of six hands: when from Georgetown, British Guiana, co Bay, more than two score fel states that no sooner had the policoncerned, it must be full of rea the price of Cacao has fallen so Launch has been sent for at 30 a. and pausing 52 mineral prisoners were hurried throug cemen stepped ashore with their them.
son and good argument, hence low, that it cannot stand its own utes at Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana New Orleans early Sunday nigle (19th. the claims put forward by the upkeep, what share have we on heavily barred Striking elements of our work those earnings of six millions?
Viena. Two young Belgian guarded railroad cars. Al Capon Luis Wa Chong men seem, really, to have been Can this amount be thought of scientists, after an ascent into the Chicago underworld king of the got up in San José by someone any consequence for a concern haGúacimo y Guapiles stratosphere, which passibly came recent past, was reported amour who knows nothing of conditions ving investments of over close to the world record, drifted the government convicts, said existing on a Banana farm hundred millions in cash, with Cantina, Licores Extranjeros y del pais.
in their balloon into Jugoslavia, number 43, who were brought from To think of paying siq colones ninety seven ships plying the Tienda bien surtida y Abarrotes and scientists on earth feared the che federal penitentiary at Atalan for a six hour day is unreasona seas; operating over eighteen gondola might have contained two ta in two coaches.
ble. In the first instance day hundred miles of railways in en general.
dead men. The conviction grew in Washington The leadership work is impossible on a Banana different countries; having over flying circles that two men, Max of the next House was left Farm. The works must be rated fifty thousand hectareas of ba PRECIOS SIN COMPETENCIA Cosyns and Nereev Vanderselt, doubt by the death in St. Luis ofD by Tasks and Contracts; and nanas under cultivation, of which were unconscious or dead as their Speaker Henry Rainey. The if such tasks be rated at say five Costa Rica only affords two thosky vehicle failed to descend. The passing of the Veteran Liberal who colones for an eight hour day, usand; with over fifty thousand 79 balloon passed over Graz, Austria, lascended to the Speakership when we are feeling there would be hectareas of Sugar Canes. of around p. the 19th. It was John Garner dropped the gavel much satisfaction general which there is none in Costa Riar a height of about 40, 000 ft. and in the House on March 4, 1933, works. In such as Drain works, ca; with nineteen thousand hec This isn a humorous we know that even at prices pretareas of Cacao plantations of volaus announcement or fri jof the masses, these misguided was drifting siowly with no visible to pick up that of the Vice Pres.
ident in the Senate left the over The words folk, in their enthusiasm for the effort being made to descend.
vailing now, our drainmen can which Costa Rica owns about are pregnant with ominous mean cause they are espousing, have Houghton. Mich. At least whelming Democratic House seek make eight colones quite easily welve thousand carried on at a in a seven hour day. In miscella loss (as per market prices. plus ing. They carry front page news staged a fruit holdup in the hope four women were buried and being re election without a Chieftain.
of a sensational nature. For figu that it will get them their wishes.
lieved dead under the wreckage neous works, such as Bit dig her interests in the Stock marratively the banana has really gone Washington. The Roosevelt However, as the inside story of of the Houghton County Infir administration was making pain.
ings, a labouring man, at the kets, and other financial transacon vacation this strike is nothing more or less mary, struck by a bolt of lightn fully slow progress today in present price of four cents each, tions; her loans alone to Planters Small indeed was the realization than the old, old story of the ing during a heavy electrical storm campaign to throw out the frozen can easily make six or seven co produce an accruing interest of lones for his day. The only item 973. 002. 92. Let us be reasoon that memorable day, a week or strife between Capital and Labor, on the 19th. The bolt struck the stream of commercial credit which is today unequal is BUSH nable, Would it not be interesting the information, there are no ba conflicts, show how they usually and crashed through the roof, tak pital. Out of a total of approx so ago, when the wires crackled and as the history of these sort of chimney at top of the Infirmary provide business with working caCLEANING at seven or eight to find what would be Costa Ricolones per hectarea; this ought ca share in these profits with nanas today, that the Government, end, we think it infinitely better ing most of the second floor with imately 500, 000, 000 approved to be, at least, double that price. our 133. 22 miles of railways run true dimensions of a thing. And that the parties involved, should it. Nearly 75 persons were patients by Congress to be loaned directly on the floor, although only the to business and industrial concerns, so that the labourer can make his at a loss, our 11. 700 hectareas of farmers would have faced such a settle their differences by a five colones per diem. GOR Cacao also carried on at a loss, serious situation as now confronts ference of the leaders of both four women were reported buried about 7, 500, 000 has been adthem MANDIZING CACAO is one our four million stems of exporin the debris.
elements. This is a far more satisvanced.
show of of the items which, indeed, sav ted Bananas, in comparison with But facts have to be looked at factory method than a. The Sunday Hollywood, Cal. Jerry Jar: ours of cruelty. To expect that the nun millions from Hondu land met. We can twist them. force, or the committing of overt Express Correspondent at Gla ret song writer and husband man can do honest work at a co ras, Guatemala. Columbia: Ja distorted vision does not reveal the acts. The latter lead only to fail mis reported village gossip that Irene Franklin once famous musical lon per hectarea is brutal. If the maica, Panama and even the Ca true demensions of a thing. And ure, the jail and deportation.
the Dutchess of York had receiv comedy star, was declared a suicier is anything at all to be done nary Islands.
the great heartrending fact that We are glad to see that a Com. ed anonymous letters threatening de today by police who reconon the trees, he cannot do one hec stands before us, is that almost mission has been appointed to to kidnap Princess Elizabeth and structed his fatal shooting during tarea per day, hence 00 per Therefore if our claims for overnight the quiet, easy going go fully into the matter, and if Princess Margaret Rose, Grand a gay party at his luxurious Lake hectarea is reasonable. Of course amelioration are made in view Atlantic Zone of this peace loving they move along the lines, which uchess of the King and Queen House. Poor health and money this is one crop which has fallen of the exigencies in the cost of Republic of Costa Rica, has been we have in mind, and their policy Princess Elizabeth is third in line troubles were believed to be the so low in price in the foreign our existence, they may be consi converted into a seething caldron be that of give and take. we in succession to the thront.
motive that led him to destrog markets, that the intelligent la dered from a humanitariar point of malcontents, who at the mo have no doubt but that the word Havana, Cuba. Two bombs himself.
bourer has got to be a bit tolera of view, but to base nur demandsment can only see red. Under the finis will soon be written to the exploded at the peak of the shop Quincy, Calif. Residents of sive with his employer; because on our merit in the transaction banner of Communism, which present demonstration. For be it ping hour late today (19th. in the Twin Rivers, small ainagine that a farmer can care am afraid Costa Rica would seems to have captivated the hu remembered that disturbances of crowded El Canto, largest depart community, fled before the ap rud harvest his crop to sell it at have little or no claim whatever. man heart on account its appeal this kind lead only to chaos and ment store in Havana One young proach of crackling flames tonight welve or fifteen centimos per It is to be hoped, however, that for the happier living conditions distress.
was killed.
At least 13 (21st. as the most serious forest pound and pay living wages is an some attention will be paid to men and women were injured and fire of the year in northern Sierra impossibility certain lines, such as the Railway SIQUIRRES two of them are believed dying. Nevada mountains swept out of Another matter of injustice service, where a man has to bear HOTEL Many Americans were in the store. control. The flames, fought by and lack of consideration on the the burden of the heat of a tropiCOSTA RICA El Encanto and other large depart. 1, 300 men along a ten mile front, part of our workmen here is the cal sun in his spine all day long, El pasajero de Limón a San José se detiene en Siquirres 20 ment stores in the City had been had brought injuries since Tuesday claim that, because the Company as well as the reverse, intermitthreatened by terrorists. Police and burned what forest official minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan almorzar cómodamente.
published an earning of six mi tent squalls. The present rate of said they believed a youth carry estimated at 175, 000, 000 ft.
llions of dollars she should pay wages allowed here is certainly Compre su tiquete en el tren para que sea atendido a la llegada.
ing a package had the bombs and timber.
better wages in Cosat Rica. The inadequate. However, toleration El precio es 50. El Restaurant queda a la derecha de la Es. that one of them exploded before BASEBALL SCORES argument is unfair and lacks ba on both sides, and a judicious tación. Cantina, Cigarros y Cigarrillos. Se habla inglés, español, he had time to deposit the packlance. It is apparently forgotten mode of soliciting the attention francés y alemán.
NATIONAL KISSLING that there is really little or no of our superiors is sure to bring Charleston, Mo. An earthAdministrador business being done in Costa Ri desired results, rather quake shock Charleston early ton New York Cincinnati ca at the present time. In these appeal to FORCE AND VIOight (20th. causing some dam Brooklyn Pittsburgh days of competitive business ac LENCE.
age. No one was injured. Several AMERICAN chimneys were torn and slight dam. No games played. Fatal Occurrence conmountain woman than an From Cuba Creek United Fruit Company LOCAL SHORTS While a Permit me space in your valua man McCarthy were on intimate ble Journal to report that on the terms of friendship they planted SERVICIO DE VAPORES 15th. instant an awful occurren some corn. Their intimacy subsce took place in the district of equently ceased and while Mc number of workmen Board of Highways having a few Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Chicago Spur, Toro, between a Carthy was away from his home were demolishing an old building days ago granted the well know con escala en CRISTOBAL. HABANA.
youth by the name of Harold Wi on the 15th. instant, Mrs. Wi in the suburb of San Jose known firm of Messrs. Adela de lliams and one Samuel McCarthylliams took some of the corn. On as Mexico, they came across an ménez and Sons the building con VAPORES SALIDAS which resulted in the latter his return McCarthy expresed excavation with a large barrel in tract for the sum of right arm being chopped off by his strong objection to the action it. When this was opened it was 469, 046. 00.
26 de Agosto the former. The injured man was of Mrs. Williams, a fight ensued, found to contain a large quantity transferred to the Limon Hospic and the latter got the worst of of very old silver, fifty and twentyQUIRIGUA de Septiembre tal in a very serious condition and it. Harold was absent when this five cent pieces, which totalled With reference to the murder died the following day. As soon happened, but on his return later 15, 000 pesos. Taken at the present of Mr. Carrillo reported elsewhere PETEN de Sep! iembre as Williams was informed of Mc the same afternoon he was told day value the find is estimated to in this issue, We now understand FELIPE ALVARADO Cia. Sucs. Carthy death he went over to of it. He was then seen to take be worth not less than fifty thous that the man Eloy Contreras Zent and gave himself up to the his machet, sharpen it and leave and colones.
confessed that he alone was Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON Police Agent. He is now in the his mother home for that of Me ponsible for the foul deed.
TE cuartel Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Limon, awaiting the Carthy with the result as above Authorities are, however, usual judicial proceedings. stated.
Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica It would seem as if the much opinion that his brother, Jose, The facts which gave rise to Corresponsa! talked of road from Turrialba to also implicated and are, accor TELEFONO 3156 the trouble are said to be that!
Juan Viñas is at last likely to be ingly, continuing their investig while Harold mother and the Cuba, Agosto 21.
come an actuality, The National tions along these lines.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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