
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE. The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. Limon, Costa Rica, Saturday, September 1st. 1934.
Price: 0. 15 per copy The End at Last! Tropical Cocktail Mrs. Nunes th on Our Radio Service were By Sally unique entertainment was in which he cheerfully and gladly After many days of strenuous effort on the part of our this City staged in the hall of the Dr. Robert de La Bastide, to Minister of Labour, don Santos Leon Herrera, the memCommencing in this issue, we our mind it is something gooey Saint Anthony Burial Sick consented to do. fitting address, bers of the Association of Newspapermen and their co will publish each week, or as which runs together and of which Aid Association in on Tuesday signed by Fr. Acosta, the Execy workers, an Agreement, in the terms mentioned hereun often as possible, an installment you could get pretty sick of you night the 28th Inst in honour of tive; Dr. de La Bastiae, der, was, on Tuesdey last, signed in the office of the for of Tropical Cocktail for which had too much of it.
the Second Vice President of the the Director; and Mrs. Clarke, We offer our own simile: As Association, Mrs. Katie Louise the President; mer by representatives of the private farmers and the Stri. we are indebted to a well known then by kers thus bringing to an end the strike which has been in and much appreciated Collabora out of date as the lives and loves Nunes, who is shortly leaving Mr. Borrow, the Firse Vire of the stars in last month movie these shores for het native land, lident. The Address along with a force for the past three weeks and has caused considerable to loss not only to the farmers but to the Province generally. New York ship recently at an We happened to be down on a magazine.
the Isle of Springs.
Forlorn looking sign seen suitable souvenir was presented by Losses which have so materially affected our economic con.
The Executive officers of the Mrs. Clarke to Mrs. Nunes.
dition that we are affraid ti be will a very long time befo exciting moment. One of the sail the way to San Jose. Fruit Cutt Association, having got the inkling ors caught a shark. heavy rope ing Notice.
re they can be overcome.
that Mrs. Nunes would tender her Fr. Acosta, Mr. Harola had to be slipped about it so that Thoughts upon seeing some At the conference, the planters were represented by resignation on the night in ques Smith, Adjutant Wright, Mr. Chas around Messrs. Neverman, Ricardo Gutierrez and Roberto Sa. it could be hauled up. This was idlers sitting under a tree tion made secret preparations to Hayling, Mr. Rubie and lazar and the Strikers by Messrs. Carlos Fallas, Manuel not easy, since the shark was very Siquirres: Lazy Bones, sleeping in honour her in an impromptu man Dr. Labastide, all spoke in high Mora, Adan Cardenas, José Bastos and Tobias Vaglio. ed the rail around the well deck get your cornmeal made?
much alive. The passengers crowd the shade, How do you expect to ner. few of her friends were praise of the worthy departing ofThe Agreement provides that. Every farm must maintain a medicine and emergenced by the tail, and took pictures. ways liked: The window displays wrihesitatingly responded.
over which the shark was suspend. Things about town we ve al attend the meeting to which they in affected and tremulous tone, given a last minute invitation to ficer, to which she suitably replied cy outfit as well as a anti snake paison serum in keeping Other pictures were taken with at Novedades Ramirez.
being visibly moved.
Beaver with the size of the cultivation. Dispensaries will be esta che crew grouped about the shark. Tuborg. The lovely row of gnarl sociation was called to order in was rendered with songs and reciThe general meeting of the As high class musical program blished in accordance with the requiriments of each dis. One of the sailors had his chest ed banyan trees on that side of the the usual way, and after the item tations, which tenminated with the trict Every worker who becomes sick while at work will were disappointed. guess we have Park.
bared to the waist. We confess we Park facing the wharf. Vargas of Correspondence on the agenda singing of the National Anthem Mr. Wimmer tropical have the right of being guaranteed his hospitalization. Should read too much of Eugene Neill. views.
was reached, which included a let of Costa Rica.
any doubt arise as to the necesity for his being given hos The chest was not hairy.
ter of resignation of office from Mrs. Nunes, who has been respital treatmentsame shall be decided by the nearest MediOur idea of being a darling of co, or in the absence of one, by the Police Agent. The fate. Living in a banana country liked: Geting caught without an of the day be suspended for the ser for Jamaica.
Things about town we ve never Mr. Burrow that the order sail on or about the 7th SeptemMrs. Nunes, it was moved by iding here for over 34 years will cost of transportation of the sick to be borne by the far just when somebody comes out umbrella at the movies during a mer.
downpour. The frequent spaces on bration to the retiring officer.
purpose with a swell banana diet.
of having a farewell celeLA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Every farm whose payroll exceeds two thousand For those who supscribe to the the way home where there are no colones per month must establish a Commissary, and eve theory that things happen in threes: protecting caves over the sidewalk. Clarke, then asked the Director, God speed and, all health, happiThe President, Mrs. takes this medium of wishing her ry such establishment will be obliged to sell at the same. Of a group of three ships which The frequent spaces where the eave prices prevailing in the neighbourhood or those of the nea call here, the Chief Steward of ends over the middle of the side act as chairman of the evening, Iness and prosperty in the future.
Test district.
cne, the Doctor of the second, and walk making it worse still. Workers are to be paid monthly and in cash, with the Purser of the third have pas Earth tremors. Little boys with weekly advances in cash of not less than fifty per cent of sed away within three weeks time. hard luck stories of indigent motthe value of the work accomplished. Advances in the form When our four year old calls hers with six children who spend of orders on the commissaries must not be subject to any the carioca the tapioca. we your charity on candy and at the St. Paul. Homer Van Meter, Oxford, Miss. 50, 000 fire discount if they are exchanged for merchandise. Not mo are inclined to agree with him. To movies.
long sought desperado, was killed swept Gordon Hall at the Univerre than seven days pay must be left over at the making up by police when he refused to stop sity of Mississippi on the 26th: of the payrolls.
On command of four officers arm ult. The west and center wings of The labourers quarters must be constructed hygie The Executive Power will recognize the Syndicate ed with sawed off shot and machine the large boys dormitory nically at the expense of the farmers within two months of Workers of the Atlantic Zone through the respective guns. Homer died in an alley, his destroyed.
department, and will also appoint an Inspector to super body riddled with bullets. He had Moscow, Russo. Japanese The Commissaries are to carry a stock of working vise the strict compliance of the clauses referring to the drawn an automatic pistol and fir friction over operation of the Chitools which are to be sold to the workers at wholesale cost selling prices in the Commissaries, the hygienic conditions. ed twice as he ran after the police nese Eastern railway increased with prices. If the worker guarantees the value of the tools they of the buildings and the installation of emergency outfits accosted him. Van Meter, a Dil the arrest of ten additional Sovie are to be given to him by the farmer, if otherwise, he must and dispensaries.
linger gangster, died in virtually employees The Soviet Vice Pres obtain them for himself. The working machete is to be the The Executive Power will also appoint an Inspector the same manner as his notorious ident of the line in North Man personal property of the worker.
to check the loading of the fruit on the wharf, leader. Four St. Paul detectives churia also added to the tensior In new cultivations (clearing, staking, planting and The Executive Power will also investigate the situa heavily armed trapped him on by sending a sharp rebuke to the covering) no one person will be given a contract for more tion of the Astua Pirie Reserve and arrange a plan for the University Avenue, one of the Manchokou Chairman of the than twentyfive hectareas, and the farmer will be obliged leasing of small lots in this zone to the workers. City most heavily traveled streets, Board, charging him with failur to control the wages of the workers as well as the prices The Executive Power promises its intervention to se. they drew alonghside the bandit to guard the Road trains fron they are charged for merchandise.
cure the following from the Compañia Bananera de Cos. and told him to halt. Instead, Van bandits. In cases where the conditions of the farm in pro. ta Rica: Meter whipped out an automatic Chicago Mary Elizabeth duction necessitates a cutting by day labour and the word That the Company accepts the conditions stipu pistol and started across the Ave. Owens and Jane Larne, Texas Gir ker is thereby unable to earn a day wage, the hourly ra lated in this agreement in view of the fact that they have been nue.
flyers, passed the 72 hours mari te of pay will be fixed at eighty cents as a basis for his accepted by the planters of the zone.
New York. Coast Guard at 15 tonight (27th. ult. wage. That the tenants of small lots on the Company vessels tonight (23rd. investigat in their effort to establish a new Ordinary farm work is to paid for at tre rate of se farms be charged, for the cultivation of bananas, the lo ed a report that three men, believ women endurance flight venty. 70 cents per hour. working day to consist of west possible annual rent per hectarea, if at all possible, One ed implicated in the 427, 000 in their plane the Lone Star.
six (6) hours.
Colon per annum.
Brooklyn armored truck robbery, They have more than six days Axe work to be paid for after the rate of seven co Tenants to be permitted the free use of tra had been sighted off Sandy Hook. go to beat the present record.
lones per day, the work hours to be from a. to p. mways for the bringing out of their fruit if the cars are the Two patrol boats were sent to a Rio Janeiro. With its part with one hour for lunch.
property of the tenants.
spot two and one half miles south of United States newspaper execu Clearing of new cultivations up to five months old, The Executive Power to offer its mediation for the and 15 miles east of Sandy Hook. tives. the Brazilian Slipper Par to be paid for at 16. 00 per hectarea, and the other two purpose of solving such conflicts as may arise with refer The first patrol crew to return re American Airways new flying boat arrived at five 27th. ult.
cleanings to complete the year of cultivation at 18. 00 ence to rents or occupation of small lots, whether they be ported no trace of the vessel.
per hectarea on lands belonging to the Company or private owners.
Berlin. Dorothy Thompson, en route back to the United States Quarterly cleanings and prunings to be paid for af. The Executive Power to negotiate with the Compa Journalist and wife of Sinclair The huge plane will take off agai ter the rate of 14. 00 per hectaria.
ny to obtain any kind of work for those worker of the Lewis, American novelist, was ex for Miami at six o clock tomorrow Creek work to be 60 per cubic meter.
wharf who will be out of work with the cessation of the pelled from Germany on 26th. morning (28th. ult. Istanbul. According to a nes Ditches, ft. by ft. by 1, 50 and larger at 55 strike; meantime the Strike Committee will try to obtain ult. Your anti German articles in per cubic meter.
work for them in accordance with negotiations started with American press make it impos decision by the government foreig Ditches smaller than ft. by ft by 50 at 60 some of the planters.
sible for us to extend German hos companies operating in Turke per cubic meter The planters will not exercise any reprisals against pitality. Thompson was inform must pay dividends to their sha ed by the Secret Police. She was eholders abroad by exporting Turl No farmer will be permitted to accept a commission the labourers because they participated in the strike.
from the owner of the establishment or commissionary to The Executive will negotiate, through their Agents, requested to leave as soon as pos ish wheat.
sible and avoid the necessity of the which he sends orders.
with the Attorney General that the lawsuits initiated by issuing of a formal expulsion BASEBALL SCORES All Commissaries must place the list with the pri reason of the strike and now proceeding, or which may be order.
American League ces of their goods in sight of the public.
brought for the same reason, shall be closed as soon as Buildings for occupation by labourers on farms un possible, and in case the result should be condemnatory, victs in the new Eastern Peniten St. Luis 9. Washington Waterford, Pa. Rioting con der exploitation must not be less than four varas squa to extend a pardon as soon as the necessary procedure tiary on the 26th. ult.
re so as to accommodate four persons. The bush ranches has been affected. The Executive will also procure, by thousands of dollars damage to Cleveland 2. Boston caused Chicago 0. New York 2.
erected during the making of the farm must be constructed means of the same Agents, the freedom of those detained machinery and equipment before Detroit Philadel in the most suitable places, and where necessary, a rustic with dispensation of the guarantee as provided by article they were subdued by State Troop floor of should be placed in them in low lying lands. The 343 of the Code of Penal Procedures.
ers with machine guns. They set National League planter must erect these ranches of sufficient capacity and Under the terms of this agreement the strike in the fire to seven buildings. Two hundEn compliance with the above stated conditions, but if the Atlantic Zone is considerad terminated as from today.
red and fifty of the 1, 000 prisoners Philadel 5. Cincinnati 6 labourer is permitted to buid his okn ranch, the planter On Wednesday morning the representatives of the stri engaged in the riot. The trouble New York Chicago will recognize the value of the work on the laboure leaving kers left San Jose by special train to make the final arran started in a kitchen and spread to Brooklyn 11 St. Luis 7.
the farm, whatever the motive may be.
gements for the termination of the strike.
the exercise yard.
Boston Pittsburgh Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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