p. 8


Saturday, September 1st. 1934. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA IS COMMUNISM PERIL? Hitler can keep Peace or make WarU. Co Ship burned at Pier was of an Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de la primera quincena de cada announces anuncia ¿A Recent occurrences in our Ba goverment business to bring New York. fire of unde terfront adjacent to the pier at Car nana Industry have opened our about a reconciliation where London.
Europe mighty underlies the French comments on cermined origin swept the afterlisle Street was choked with comeyes, most forcibly, to the fact necessary by ameliorative met nations gazed on a little man and question, whether he will seek the holds of the United Fruit steams muters who had seen the ship lying that Costa Rica is face to face hods. How stupid, therefore, asked what now? The Govern goal of friendship or assume a hip Atenas at her North River pier keeled over as they crossed the river with the most serious problem would it be for us, as foreigners, ments, figuratively a bit pale, belligerent attitude.
that has confronted her in all her to meddle in any purising of this wondered where Germany early on July 27th.
in ferryboats.
Pope Pius is disturbed by fears Last night, with the combination period of existence since her in nature! Our goverment is quite headed under the rule of Adolf that the sudden change in German passenger freight vessel still resting gross tons, was built twenty five The Arenas, registered at 4, 707 dependence.
alive to the seriousness of the si. Hitler, ersthwile alien house pain rule may add to Europe myriad with her stern down in the mud, years ago at Belfast. She was It is an admitted fact that tuation and is determined to cope ter, and any corporal. Uncer difficulties.
Communism is responsible for the with it, by throwing all foreig tainty was noted in all European salvage workers were attempting to scheduled to sail at noon yesterday very disastrous strike that has tak ners out of the country, who attpump water out of her holds and for Porto Castilla and Porto Cortez capitals.
Mussolini, Italian Dictator is officials of the line were supervis Honduras. Her seventeen passeng.
en place in the Atlantic Zone; empt to meddle; and even to res The first foreign born ruler in watching Hitler move closely.
hence, in order to put an end to cind naturalization papers gran Germany history, Hitler has ing a check of pier cargo to deter ers will be taken by the liner Musa, Russia is anxious.
a condition that savours of the ted to those who have become Ci shown so far that he can make the mine the extent of the damage. departing at noon today.
So too are the lesser nations.
extermination of our Banana tra tizens of Costa Rica THERE grade. He climbed to the point Line after line of fire hose was Fireboats John Purroy Mitchel, The general impression is that dragged along the pier to the holds Zophar Mills and John Harvey de with foreign markets, it be FORE BE WARNED.
where he now holds.
the host of domestic troubles he is from three fireboats and land com were on the scene in a few minutes hoves government to act decisi In an article to the Tribuna.
vely in putting down this appar our Minister or Foreign Affairs, hands now that he has become what test of Hitler. If he can surmount the fire was discovered by a dock tugboats with fire fighting equipPeace on the Continent is in his coming winter will be the supreme panies. For nearly six hours after after the alarm was sent in. Six ent evil.
Mr. Raúl Gurdian, is very clear one Berlin newspaper called exe the host of domestir troubles he is watchman at 20 a. water was ment say evil, because its disturb on the Point. Among other things ranged alongside, pouring probably sure indefinite ing effect has been felt in many he says, in speaking of Commu cutive divine will.
poured into the blazing hold. At tons of water onto the deck.
Europe believes dread future reign. This is felt in most capitals.
civilized countries of the world nism: a. the fire was considered under As the holds filled and the stern where it is looked upon as a de The problem is much more control, but it continued for sev of the ship sank lower and lower terrent to progress. The tempo delicate than it is believed; theeral hours to smoulder and burst into the water, firemen abandoned rary seizure of government in re are many who combat against We beg to call your altention to our remark into flame in spots.
the use of gangplanks and boardHungary and in Bavaria; the foreign capital introduced to at the back of receipt which reads: ed the vessel by means of ladders disturbances in Italy before the operate in our country under our LOSS UNESTIMATED Fire fighters with acetylene torches advent of the Fascist regime; laws, whereas we keep silent with Officials of the United Fruit Line burned holes in several parts of This bill must be paid at our the general strike in England; regard to such foreign ideas as were unable to estimate the dam the hull so the nozzles could send the recent approach to Civil Wari Communism. do not speak of office before the 15th of the month age. They said that earlier unoffi water directly into the holds.
in Spain; the present dangerous the Strike in the Atlantic Zone, cial estimates of a 500, 000 loss The sixt members of the crew political turmoil in Germany; the but of the consequences it may were ridiculous.
who were on the ship when the fire revolutionary changes in México; bring to the country, if the go Be so good as to comply with this request Lietenant Lawrence Fagan of broke out stood around the pier the embittering and prolonging vernment does not face the situaand do not oblige us to suspend our service, Engine Company was overcome for some time, many in night cloth.
of strikes in the United States of tion and adopt the means for the by smoke on the Atenas deck but ing and robes, and holding hastily América, to say nothing of the suppression of this danger which a step which we would much regret to take.
companions carried him to the dock gathered possessions under their riotings which have bordered on prejudices the tranquility and for medical aid and he was revived arms. Many had signed on the civil wars in China and Chile, as peace of the country.
After the fire had been brought ship on Thursday and yesterday well as in our Sister Republic Among us, Communisn is not Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota under control the West Street wa Imorning found them without jobs.
San Salvador, where, her Pre justifiable and must be fought al dorso de su recibo que dice: UTUBE sident, Mr. Martinez, had to against. But how can it be done?
shoot them down like so many The government may recruit a BARGAIN SALE venemous vipers, have all been strong contingent of men to go the work of communism.
out and quell any disorder, but LITTLE PARIS Novelty Shop It therefore behoves every so how are we to know that the men mes berminded West Indian, in this so recruited are not of communisA BARGAIN SALE UN GRAN BARATILLO country, to steer clear of this tic ideas and will not revolt and for days only most dangerous condition of po take the very cuartel in which Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitar8 días solamente From the 1st to 8th of September 1o, hasta el de Setiembre litical trickery which is now being they are recruited. Let us form, nos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio. Reductions in prices of ALL articles, Rebajos en TODOS los articulos from 10 to 50 percent desde 10 hasta 50 por ciento subtly brought to our attention. he says, an Anti Communist LeaWe have all been working peace gue and enlist a great OrganizaDo not miss this grand opportunity APROVECHEN ESTA GRAN OPORTUNIDAD Compañía Eléctrica de Limón For days only Solamente días fully under the auspices of the tion of faithful men who will raUnited Fruit Compariy, it islly around the government GRAN BARATILLO true under very great disadvan case of an uprising by the Comtages at times when almost cri munists; but before this we must Ku Klux Klan Revived minal discrimination has been get the employers of labour and meted out to us by our taskmas their labourers to come to an ad the night again in many parts of metimes with political power but Fiery crosses are flaming in reappearing in diverse roles so Items of General Interest ters; yet all this would not wa justment of present difficulties. the United States heralding the always with drama, and mixed will, from The Editor of the Havana La China under the name of the to revolt and Commit atrocities that communism is not apprecia revival of the Ku Klux Klan with fear and enthusiasm from the Tribuna and his wife were injur. Plum Flower. Its object, it is law abiding or against Law and Order. Beware, ted in Costa Rica, and indeed its violence and ghostly regalia.
class mindeded by the explosion of a heavy stated, will be to persecute and astherefore, my friends and coun Communism is not Throughout the south and west groups.
a workable bomb, in their residence, on the sassinate all persons engaged in trymen of your actions as Sojo proposition among men.
old strongholds of the weird or Since about 1925 when its mem 27th. ultimo.
anti patriotic activities. The mem.
urners in a Beneficent Country.
der, are reorganizing their acti bership purportedly reached mobership is supposed to consist of Remember, that so long as you will never admit that each and Man is by nature egoistic, he vities.
re than 1, 000. 00 in a sudden reA Society called the Mutual about eighty persons. The police Hooded and white robed bands vival, there has been little heard Co operative Vacation Society for are endeavouring to unearth the are not a disturber of Peace and Harmony, there is no privilege every unit is his companion, his have appeared in country hillside of it and in most places its force Widowers has been inaugurated members.
equal. We are all born to or alot or city park meetings with their had disintegrated completely.
enjoyed by the native which you in Yugoslavia for the purpose of too do not have a right to ex ted different circunastances and burning crosses. The first case of Recently Imperial Wizard Hi facilitating married men, who are cept his franchise our violence is reported from San An ram Evans, chief of all separated from their wives, taking Remember opportunities in life; and The National Congress of Ni. Horse got no educational abilities, our adage, our cultu tonio, Texas, where a man 34 Klansmen, announced reorganiza vacations. The Society is also tocaragua has decreed an business in a cow fight. If you imbibe certain ambitioris which gagged with the sign of the clan, gia and summoned their remain and to provide them with ral attainments and aspirations, years old was found bound and tión at a Sacred Grove in Georo assist the wives in a similar respect to the presumed assassinators of come to drink the milk, drink neces. Genl. Sandino. The reason given render us abhorrent one to the KKK, branded into his back.
it, but dont count the cows.
ing Wizards, Cyclops, Kleages, is that from documents discovered The Clash between Capitalists) other. It cannot be expected that Soviet Russia is the chief ob Dragons and Klansmen of rank sary clothing.
it is found that Sandino was mak.
and Communism is perhaps the one can appreciate being forced ject of attack in this latest re to stir a revival. These are the into accepting the companionship, vival of the order. But other fac titles given to leaders to heighten ciety has made its appearance in litical peace of the Republic.
Yet another political secret So ing preparations to disturb the poprofoundest and most widespread menace to world peace at the prethe Sociology, the conviviality, tors are said to enter into its plea the element of mystery and awesent time. Adherents to both sys Tom and the Harry.
the Communism, of the Dick, the for the purging of the natio somness of the order.
tems of economy assert that no nal spirit and protection of the The new fight is stated to sa SIQUIRRES HOTEL reconciliation is possible between As Communists we all become nation from a great danger. ve the Constitution from SovieCOSTA RICA Capitalism and Communism, the slaves of the government, we can At different times in its histo tism, Communism. Fascism and Trains from Limon stop 20 minutes at Siquirres for Lunch.
refore the danger of a world war own no property, we all work for ry the black man, Semeticism, other ism obnoxious to the pabetween these two would imme the government and are rated, by Buy your Lunch ticket on the train so you will be quickly served Catholicism, and other groups ha triot.
on arrival. Price 50. Costa Rica Currency. Restaurant is order diately become a terrible nightm some villain who has more politi ve been attacked by the Public spirited people, realize right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Gigarrettes. English, French, are; for it cannot be doubted, af cal pull than us, as mere duinb, which usually alleges patriotic that this nation is in great dan German and Spanish spoken.
ter seeing the methods used in Ru driven animals, thus spelling the or philanthropic motives in its ger. Evans said, because of its ssia, by the Communists against destruction KISSLING record of heroic achievement, the their opponents, that such a war freedom, destruction of indiviKlan has been called to mobilize Manager would very quickly degenerate dual incentive to work, destrucOriginating in the Civil War and coordinate those who are in into one of extermination. Both tion of individual initiative to an period, when white residents of terested in preserving the constiOur Municipal Debts systems would naturally reason inventive mind, destruction to the South feared an uprising of tional government set up by our that the only way to destroy an thoughtful energies. Must the slaves, the Klan appearing and forefathers, According to the statement prep The remaining amount is dividexsiting condition or ideology workers of such a Nation not be ared by the department of the Insed between the other provinces, would be to destroy every human come a lazy lot with no incentive pector General of Municipal Fibeing imbued with such condition for inventions? As a proof of nance, it is observed that the ag.
or ideology. men, women and this, see how many hundreds of gregate amount due the Central children alike. Therefore, if this thousands of American inventors Government by all the municipal antagonism between Capitalism and workmen have been imported Importer of merchandise in general and Boards of the Republic is and Communism, throughout the into Soviet Russia. My advice than 8, 868, 000 to the 30th. June Cantina, Posada world, is allowed to drift into a therefore, is to keep shy of trouCOCOA EXPORTER Cafetería Jast.
world war it would be one of such ble. Sometimes it will overtake Of this large sum the MuniciConsult my special prices which in all cases will be the ferocity, that the war of 1914 to us without our looking for it. Let Felipe Wing Ching palty of San Jose is endebted for 1918 would seem like child alone. best in the market.
about 6, 071, 000 and that of Apartado 9 play. It is consequently, this NATION Limon for 1, 200, 000.
Limón, Costa Rica Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
in amnesty of our individual acts.
Allan Sime El Caballo Blanco more

    CapitalismCivil WarCommunismEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniSandinoSovietSpainViolenceWorld War

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