
Sábado, de Setiembre 1934.
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA Traveller complains Statistical Dep. supplies interesting Information In his report amounteers in announces anuncia BLOOD WILL TELL!
Pascual Ingianna Hnos.
to comply with trivial regulations La Elengancia y La Competencia CRICKET Australians secure covetted Ashes Hr. Mitchell Hedge Says are appreciated and that their They Are On Road To At the close of the fifth Test Five Test Matches were played.
patronage is valued. Mr. Hed Match, on the 22nd. utimo, bet. The first was won by the AustraBankruptcy ges says.
ween England and Australia, the lians, the second by the English, activities of the country during the those during the previous pece on the general imports for 1933 as compared It is not so much the five dol Antipodean visitors became posses the third and fourth were drawn; past year, the Director of JAMAICA PRAISED. lars for this and the 20 cents for sed of the covetted Ashes by and the visitors to England secur Statistical Department of the Gov. value, last year, to 48, 571773 the The total exports that or the other nonsensical re defeating England by the large ed the championship of the Season Says Travellers Are Welcomed quirement, and the annoyance of margin of 562 runs.
ernment has supplied some by winning the fifth match.
very as against 38, 815, 449 in 1932; To This Island With Open interesting information in connec. and imports 28, 874, 978 as comdepositing passports etc. that Arms And Smiles.
tion with our commercial transac pared to 24, 813, 329 for the carmost aggravate visitors it is the tions.
attitude the obvious insinuatlier period.
BARGAIN SALE Exportations of coffee from The following is extracted ion that they are unwelcome and The total population of the the 1932 33 crop were 418, 946 country, at the close of the year, is from an article which appeared under suspicion that they are LITTLE PARIS Novelty Shop sacks or 137, 012 sacks more than stated as 551, 541 persons, an the Panama American undesiderables. This is why trathe previous year.
crease of 11, 887 over the former Mitchell Hedges, British velles dodge ports in proportion BARGAIN SALE UN GRAN BARATILLO Bananas shewed a decrease of year.
scientist, author, explorer, arch to the obstacles placed in the way for days only: 19, 996 stems exported, the figures 3, 854 children under the age of aelogist, playwright, lecturer and of easy pleasant entry and the dlas solamente From the 1st to oth of September 1o. hasta el de Setiembre being 4, 293, 383 for 1933 as against months died during 1933. The world traveller whose feature abssence of hospitality displaReductions in prices of ALL articles. Rebajas en TODOS los articulos 4, 313, 379 in 1932. There was also general death rate for persons of stories of Panama, published exyed.
from 10 to 30 percent desde 10 hasta 50 por ciento tensively in Hearst newspapers a decrease by 492, 092 kilos with a all ages was lowest in Limon with Do not miss this grand opportunity APROVECHEN ESTA GRAN OPORTUNIDAD corresponding loss of 317, 885, 00 17. 75 per thousand. Deaths from and States magazines, have done GO TO JAMAICA For days only Solamente dras in tre cocoa trade.
Tuberculosis averaged 79, 95 per more to advertise, Panama cliThere was, however, appreciable thousand throughout the country te, scenery, fishing and sports These things, says Mr. Hedg.
GRAN BARATILLO increases seen in our exports and lor 1, 75 higher than in 1932.
attractions than any other single es, are open secrets in the offices medium, of tourist agencies and steamMr. Hedges has just concluded ship companies. Prospective traOur Radio Service British Prince to marry an extensive lecture and radio vellers are being freely advised tour for the National Broadcast in New York to go to Jamaica Philadelphia. Former Pres when his Wedell Williams The engagement of Prince Geor cially announced. Prince George racer ing Company during which he where there are no restrictions.
ident Herbert Hoover, in his first 44 crashed just after he passed the se, younger son of the King and is 30 years old and the Princess made coast Queen of England, to public statement since leaving the back Pylon, seven miles from the Marina of Greece, has been offiPrincess 27. Her family resides in Paris.
to coast broadcasts and travelogue lectures illustratThe result, Mr. Hedges points White House, denounced funda. Municipal Airport, where 75, 000 ed by slides of Panama views.
out, is that Kingston is enjoying mental concepts of President Roos ons watched the racing. Only the most prosperous period in its evelt New Deal program and two Interviewed upon his re history. Water front land on Mon warned Americans that they were world record for land planes in a hours Davis credited the turn to Panama, Mr. Hedges tego Bay has been bought up at gradually being stripped of person time trial. On four laps he averag.
referred with surprise to the hanged attitude of Panama as fabulous prices. Independently al liberty.
ed 306, 215 miles an hour, but he By Roden Scyrri 476 and Priam, King Cleveland to passport charges, immigration rich people are coming by hunDouglas Davis, set no official record because the of France, 382 restrictions and other facilities, dreds to establish winter homes, 35 year old Atlanta transport pi National Aeronautical Association Students of eugenics, genealogy, So much for the blue blood of formerly granted so freely and The Myrtle Bank Hotel has been lot, flew down Suicide Alley to his requires a margin of 97 miles and kindred subjects, are all ears Europe. What of the blue blood, courteouusly to travellers and vi crowded all the season and merch death on the 4th. inst. in the an hour. The present record is at this moment, the man in the aristocratic blood relations of the sitors to her shores, ants and businessmen are happy Thompson Trophy contest, speed 304. 98 miles an hour, set last year street is blinking in the glare of President in America. was astonished to find Colon, and optimistic, classic of the National air races. at Chicago by the late Jimmy We the unearthed facts. the school The genealogy shows, that He at 10 o clock on a Saturday night People who have money to traThe flier was hurling through the dell.
of told you sos are aglee, for jis kin of six previous Presidents of dosed up. dark, and Front St. vel on and who are impelled to air at a speed of 248 miles an hour as a Rosetta stone in their path, the United States. They are John was formerly a bright white way leave their own shores for rest, the discovery is made, that in the Quincy Adams, Grant. an attractive lure with shops recreation diversion and change veins of the present incumbent of Zachery Taylor, and William filled with tourists spending mo of scenary, are weary of restricthe highest office of the state Taft. The President is a sixth ney.
tions are tired of being asked (Franklin Delano Roosevelt, cousin of the late Theodore Roo thirty Second President of the sevelt. When the character of that DTTER COMPLAINTS United States of America) their transcending political luminary gence and integrity, Mr. HedgTIENDAS DE NOVEDADES flows the blood of they whose and strong man is considered, one Shop keepers and business es argued.
name is somewhat to conjure with would be blind if he did not see men in Colon, find, are complaArtículos para señoras y caballeros. Paraguas y Sombrillas de toda clase in history. distant but self its reflection in the present occu Whatever keeps travellers ining bitterly about how few vireliant cousin of the President, pant of the White House.
sitors are now arriving, and are away and discourages visitors. Sombreros de Paja de los más finos. Sombreros de Lana de todo precio (Thomas Severance Delano, of There is something about His Iblaming it all on the depression Mr. Hedges argued, is a barrier y los famosos sombreros Borsalino Sparks, New. made the discov utterances that is truly Roosevelin the States but, in my opi to business of all sorts, as, witery. As appartently they are no tian, something dynamic, strong hion, that it not the cause so ness, Colon. Perhaps you do not ghosts in the family closer to create Like. His illustrious ancestor, He much as the restrictions and share directly in the profits of la blush, an A, case seems to be handles weighty issues, He electricharges which make it difficult Front St. and Central Avenue in the hands of they who lay store lies with sheer force of personality, their for an intending visitor to enter tourist shops, but when Sunday, September 9th 1934. Special Preacher Revd. by these things. And who do not? He speaks in the first person, Panama and gives them the im stores are darkened and there are Public Lecture of Jehovah Gregory of the American Bible At least four Kings are of the (singular. pression that tourists are not no customers for them, every buSociety of Panama.
line! They are, William the Consiness enterprise in both cities Witnesses. regret cannot quote Him wanted any more suffers proportionately and the the Continuing this line of arguSubject: The Seed of Musical Service at P. Serv queror, Alfred the Great, Charle verbatim, yet can chus quote a magne, Priam of france, este. The famous utterance of His. He was hent, Mr. Hedges pointed out entire country pays the penalty, Woman and the Seed of the Ser ice at P.
of pene.
Monday Evening at o clock family tree was transplanted to deliberating National hat Havana, formerly the most as, witness the present state From P. to P. By Cantata will be rendered during American soil with the coming of Industries Recovery Act) at the Popular tourist center in the Am revenues in those countries that which Certificates will be distribut the Mayflower in 1620, which end of the speech, He said. a Fricas filled from season to sea have overtaxed merchandise and Bro. Henry Steele.
of ed to successful canddates of last brought Richard Warren. The Rooseveltian finality. Should on with travellers and money raised repulsive restrictions Limon Methodist Church Exemination.
name Delano is of french ori fail, may be the last President of penders from every corner of all kinds against the travelling Sunday 9th Sept.
Cordial Invitation to all. gin. de la Noye realy, and in its these United States. Blood will the globe some time ago placed money spender who once throng.
School Sunday on tra ad the stretes with every incomAnniversary are Reverend. Berry. ancestral branches, inreasonable restrictions Charle tell? think of the exploits of (Minister)
Service at 11 ellers stopping there, and now ing ship.
magne, and the Duke Huges de William the Conqueror, of the la Lannoy. An assidious fate exploits England beloved Saxon her streets are dark, her buildings Jacant, her merchants bankrupt (perhaps Clotho who spins desti King. Alfred the Great, of Char and the city like a morgue, with Figuras mundiales nies) took an hand in the affairs lemagne, of the races from which biscontent rampant and revoluof the family in America, for the they came, of the occasion, the tionary talk on every corner.
son of Phillipe de la Noye married cause that declared the stubborn Colombia, Costa Rica and SERVICIO DE VAPORES. Warren maid! The branch was lall conquering people with whom Guatemala have followed Cuba thus strengthened, and the link Richard Warren cast his lor yes, Salidas semanales de LIMON paro NUEVA YORK lead in placing restrictions on made stronger, for the grandfather, the Pilgrim Fathers, and feel and tourists dollars and the proficon escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
Richard Warren blood, was of do say, that barring superhuman Saxon and Norman blend of intervention. an extraneous table line of trade and commerce VAPORES SALIDAS which form erly went indiscrimithe Saxon and Norman mlen DSa cumstance. the dictum that, blood nately to all Caribbean and Pathe Saxon King Alfred the Great, will tell, should prove its worth. de Septiembre and the Norman King William Blood should tell. The Prescific ports accessible to American PETEN.
travellers and money spenders. VERAGUA the Conqueror.
ident like His renowned ancestors 16 de Septiembre The extraordinary consanguinity should conquer all, and rise CONTRAST QUIRIGUA 23 de Septiembre is ramified in Richard Plantagent, they did; but not merely to be a in Hulof, the first Viking King King, but to be truly a Kingly By way of contrast, Mr. Hedg FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
of the Normans, born 860 Man, a Saviour, Captain to lead es referred to Jamaica and Ber Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON St Arnold. Charlemagne anoes the NATIONS out of the chase muda whose ports are still wide tor, 611 Guelph, Prince of into which they have fallen.
open and unrestricted as to passPar otros informes, dirijese las oficinas de la United port and other redtape regula Fruit Company los bajos del Gran Hotd Costa Rica MR. HERRIOT tions that make entry difficult, TELEFONO 3156 disagreeable, expensive and axesEl popular alalde de Lyon, lider TORMENTA EL DIA DE BRASIL perating to strangers. In Jamairadical, ex Premier, y que actualmen.
be forma parte del gabines de con Washington, La Oficina de Rio de Janeiro, Fuera de hand Bermuda, port authorit6 immigration officials, police centración nacional que preside Mr. Predicciones Meteorológicas comuni. otros festivales cívicos poobla ya Doumergue. Es partidario de que a que ma fuerte tormenta ba ori Gbao, celebra el dia de la indepe and bussinessmen welatne traves Francia cumpla sus compromisos con ginado a doncientas mais adencia de Bruil, habitados doctus llers with open arms and smileslos Estados Unidos acerca de la des Sereste de Charleston, Carolina de de ma parada militar impone making strangers feel that they Ida de guerra, actitud que le valió susu, se hacia Norte. capital Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Religious Activities United Fruit Company Cir Aerogramas de ayer Imprenta BORRASE HERMANOS


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