
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. Limon, Costa Rica, Saturday, Setember 8th. 1934.
Price: 15 per copy Things That Count The Lighter. Side of Life Our Radio Service to tension was ten Over Gulfport. Five kittens, their working man, William Green, Apropos the different experiments, which some of the By Sally stomachs joined together by a President of the American Federa.
leading Nations of the world have been trying out in or On Sunday the waters around, little girls not fond of ice cream, a wild mother car at Mississippi America must retrench for a fall band of furry skin, were born to tion of Labour, said recently.
der to establish peace and concord amongst peoples and the Quirigua were beautifully clear. she was asked if she wouldn have races, and institute better and happier conditions of li we watched a school of jacks dis a banana for dessert. No, mot City and are apparently doing business revival if she does not want fe for their own brawn and brain. we wish to quote from well.
she answered to lose all gains and slip back into politely, an article written by Richards, and published in the porting themselves about some refu her!
San Francisco. At 30 o clock, the slough of the depression, he se thrown over the ship side. Sud. They re all green.
Jamaica Daily Gleaner of August 4th. 1934.
August 30th. the biggest gold warned. From October 1933 denly a huge black shadow passed The writer says in part, Men are not equal, never ha. swiftly through the waters and Beauty spots: Cieneguita Lagoon begun at Fifth and movement in modern history was June 1934, the number of persons ve been, and never will be; and therefore Communism will We were informed it seen from the Cieneguita Bridge Streets. There, under an elaborate 300, 000, Green said, while Mission looking for work increased by was gone.
never be workable, and what purports to be Communism was a kind of ray which weighs at sunset. The Moin River in the the will generally resolve itself merely into oni oligarchy, by no more than a ton.
means bringing the fondly anticipated Utopia. as the chot, we are Governor Pin evening or very early morning. La police guard system that involved number of jobs available showed told, in his book Uvita Island.
300 men and 200 machine guns, gain by only 100, 000.
masses of Russia have found. And although the Nazi and about a cruise to the Galapagos began the movement of 2, 000, Berlin Increasing Pacist are based upon different theories they bring similar Islands, describes the strange sport You amoeba! gasped the priz: cisco Mint to the Denver Mint.
000, 000 in gold from the San Fran between Germany and Italy was evils; they must by their very nature curtail the liberties of there is in catching these devil fish. efighter to his opponent, indicated on the 31st. ult. by word as he the common people, those liberties which the Englishman The most comforting thing we doubled up with a wicked blow Dublinsky, a persistently pounding planning to expel Italian correspon Ebbets Field, Brooklyn. Harry that the Nazi government would take for granted, as his natural and rightful herita heard about them was that they struck below the belt.
ge. And that is why such systems can never replace the are harbingers of fine weather.
Polish Jew from Chicago West dents from the Reich unless AntiBritish system of Government based as it is on a Constituside, on 30th. ult. turned the tables German press attacks in Italy tion wich has evolved over many centuries, and wihch has as One needs to commute to San People we admire: The persons on Little Tony Canzoneri in their ceased. The German press in the its supreme achievement a recognition of the liberties of Jose only a few times to become who write the short poems under second round meeting and past few days has expressed rising the subject, and a skilful conciliation of those liberties with familiar with these things. The the señoritas photographs in all gave the former feather, light displeasure, reflecting the feelings the newspapers, get the descrip weight and junior welter Cham of an aroused leadership among the necessary and increasing claims of a progressive state. place on the way down where you It is a Constitution which has forested the development get the good chicken and tortillas; tions all different, and yet never pion the worse beating of his ten the Nazis, from Reichfueher Hicler down, against the Italian of a society naturally graded and founded upon mutual to the tempting strawberries offered seem to fail for a new adjective. year career.
London. sensational lerance.
new attitude toward the Reich. The in paper bags at Cartago. Trade The señoritas who can bear to look With the views of Mr. Richards we throughly agree tricks are the same the world over, at the reproductions of their own war scare story, reporting Germany government, as a result. was reliAnd as a result of the international juggling with the the largest and most luscious ones photographs after the printing ad Jugoslavia as conspiring aga. Jably reported planning a probation inst Italy and Austria, reached period of three or four days for liberties and rights of people by the Governments of the are always on top. best of all presses have done their worst.
Nations involved, what is happening to day? That right are the generous slices of juicy London on the 30th. ult. through the Italian press. If the Anti Gerhere on the Atlantic Zone of this peace loving Republic of pineapple at Turrialba, which cool We are going to be as the medium of the Exchange Teman attacks continue at the end touchy Costa Rica, the Octopus of Communism has fastened one one off suprisingl.
as Walter Winchell about this legraph Co. The story, credited to of that time, Italian Corresponof its tentacles in the shape of a strike.
column. Only original and here to the Reichspost of Vienna, an of dents all over Germany may be This is indeed a misfortune. What good will the stri The bright sayings of children fore unpublished contributions will ficial government publication, was expelled.
immediately denied by a represenPeekskill.
Thirty six persons ke bring? None whatever. It is the old, old story of Capi appeal most to their relatives, we be accepted. For better or worse, ral and Labor. Sympathy usually is with the weaker side. think. The rest of the world listen the similarity to Walter ends there. tative of one the Nations concerns were injured, one fatally, on the But there are ways of losing that sympathy. Going about dutifully and smik unenthusias We are not going to be a key hole ed, but nevertheless created keen ist. inst. when a Montreal bound damaging and destroying the property of others is both tically. Unless the relater name peeper or a blessed event proclai interest here. In brief the story train of the New York Central asserts that Germany and Jugos crashed into the rear of a Lake foolish and wrong. And to intimidate with threats the li has sufficient luster so that we mer.
lavia intend to make war on Italy Placid train just south of here berties and lives of one fellow workers is against the law. think his story ought to be funny, Then, of course. Such things do not count. They lead to failure and the jail.
we just howl. Things which fascinate us at the and then despoil Austria of con according to a police report.
Geneva. League of Nations Better call off the strike. Try constitutional methods However, we liked this one. lic hospital laboratory: The human siderable territory. The Exchange through proper influences to present demands. Open nego home in the States had been watch living black man turned complettle girl who was returning to her brain preserved in alcohol.
Great Britain The Telegraph immediately sought our Officials credit Dr. Jeftitch, Jugoslavian Foreign support of Russian membership to tiations with the Company. An attentive hearing will be political ensured. If the claims are just and reasonable they will be in the bananas being loaded at lely white. Little oblongs of glass Minister, who is visiting King her apprehension Alexander at the Royal Palace at tension in the far East.
considered, because the Company policy is to always Limon. Being one of those rare with violet smears.
Beded, who had the following sta Washington News Dealers give a square deal. not alone to their employees and tement to make. must deny have revealed an impending huworkers, but also to those with whom they treat. jeffer lo ow Collaborafor Sally the allegations and emphasize man relief crisis of unprecedented Here to Sally that we have no territorial aspira proportions in an official report tions whatever.
that 23, 000, 000 persons would reDear Editor: once right through one of those St. Louis. The Mississippi river quire aid to live through next At the time of our going to efforts, our local police force has Last week read in your paper gatherings so dear to all bona fide was at its lowest August level on winter. Relief costs this year will press, we observe that the Com been re inforced with 100 armed La Voz del Atlantico a rather bachelors, that one at the table the 31st. ult. in the history of the far exceed 1933. The estimate muristie element, here, are again men who arrived here on Thurs good article entitled Tropical finally remarked to him: Look St. Louis Weather Bureau which dwarfs all previous relief problems endeavouring to promote a stri day evening under command of Cocktail signed by SALLY. And here, old man. don think you was established in 1860. The level in the United States. Drought ke among the workers on the ba Cols. Gallegos and Guardia, use here the word rather ever be satisfied, cause if you ever was ft. below zero on the and seasonal employment shrinkage nan farms and are threatening to and there is an aditional contin strictly in its colloquial sense resort to acts of violence. This gent being held in readiness, in something very good, within the because there was nothing to kick. went to Heaven you would kick weather guage.
are held accountable for the swellNew York. Benjamin Fran ing figures.
effort on their part is, we unders San José, for dispatch if nece the limits of unpretentiousness and about. Sally should, according to klin Varn, 33, of Charleston, South Hollywood. Never regaining tand, in reprisal for the United ssary.
Fruit Company refusing to accept entirely free from high sounding my most personal opinion, give Carolina, was under arrest on 31st. consciousness after he was accidenthe agreement which was reached The Executive is determined. words and unnecessary adjectives. that off shoot of humanity a little ult. charged with threatening totally shot earlier in the day by a last week between the individual if and autbreak arise, to use the Even though no attempt is made once over. and am sure that kidnap Sistie and Buzzie Dall and close friend, Russ Columbo, who farmers and the workers. most stringent means for the proElliot sang his way to radio and screen In view of the reports which tection of the workers, farmers to show off, one can detect origin her remarks on that would be just the infant daughter of have reached the government in and other inhabitants of the ality, taste and learning as well as as good and as vivid as any of Roosevelt, Grandchildren of Pres. fame at the age of 26, died in a connection with these renewed Zone.
intelligence, and the one thing those printed last week. ident Roosevelt, unless he received hospital at 50 o clock, Sept. 3rd. like most about that article is the But here am, just like any 168, 000. Varn, a former Naval as Specialists were prepared for a Local Shorts clear cut way in which ideas and other kicker grumbling and kick Officer and member of wealthy major operation to remove an old remarks are put forth. they are ing because SALLY does not family, was accused of sending a fashioned pistol ball from his Mr. Ramon Madrigal, who re left here on Tuesday last by spe alive, they are vivid. Speaking from gratify my feelings, when the thing threatening letter to Mrs. Fran. brain.
ceadly returned here after spending cial train. for their respective home a purely personal point of view, that was farthest from my thoughts klin Roosevelt at Hyde Park Paris. wildly careening many years in England, is of the stations.
sorry that SALLY in those was to criticize her (or is she a about ten days ago. The letter railway locomotive, with its crew opinion that there is a splendid snapshots of humanity does not he. in the least. Maybe it is a na said that if Mrs. Roosevelt failed vainly pursuing is afoot, smashed market over there for Costa Ri Over hundred thousand go in for critic work; constructive tural mean streak ever present in to carry out instructions harm into a crowded suburban train in can oranges provided they could stems of bananas were exported criticism would call it. I, for one, all of us and which always comes would come to the President. It the busy East Station, Sept. 3rd. be produced in sufficient quantity between Saturday and Monday despise critics unless they are good, to the surface at the smallest of was signed by The Order of Zan injuring 54 persons.
Mr. Madrigal is willing to give, last by the Quirigua and very good, these like, but cer frictions. No, was far from in garra. As Vam is thought to be Harbin, Manchuria. After any one interested in the matter, Zacapa In addition, it is stated tainly do hate that breed com tending to criticize SALLY or the mentally unsound he was commit dramatically rescuing nine men, all the information he has gather that about 20 thousand stems, remonly known as bor kickers or Tropical Cocktail. On the conted to the Bellevue Hospital obser one of them an American, kidnaped on the subject gratuitously. ceived by the Company, could not chronic kickers that complaintrary, think that article good, vation ward. He was placed in the ped by bandits near Wuchia Jabe shipped for want of ship space. about everything and about every very good, and would like to have Psychopathic Ward at the request panese troops gave chase to the As a result of the meeting of body and who take the attitude some Won you please of President Roosevelt, who asked outlaws and killed 25 of them, coffee producers which took place the world is down on them and oblige, SALLY?
that the man be given every needed Washington. Trade agree in Santo Domingo de Heredia At a meeting of the Anti Com everything goes wrong just to spite SPIAMAR hospital attention.
ment negotiations with four to six last Sunday, a new political Party munistic Group held in San Jose them; they believe themselves to im New York. Charles Dil Latin American and European has come into being under the last Monday it was agreed to portant in the whole scheme of lingham, 66, one of the theaters countries will be announced by the Dame of El Partido Agrario.
Launch a boycort against all print things. And talking about kickers, William Lee y Manuel Sánchez srcare se poate duce hits musical State department this week.
ing establishments had a friend once, fellow shows, died in on the London. Commander EvanThe extra police forces which and radio stations which in any in ewry respect except for his proGUACIMO 31st. ult. at his suite in the Hotel geline Booth, daughter of the were sent from San Jose and ot way helped in disseminating compensity to criticize everything and Cantina, Licores del país y ex Astor.
Founder of the Salvation Army, per places in the interior, for duty munistic propaganda. special everybody whether in sight or non tranjeros, tienda, pulpería y aba Washington. The demand for was on the 4th. inst. elected head throughout the Atlantic area affece committee was appointed to deal present; he was a true bora kick rrotes en general. Los precios jobs is outracing the supply and of that Organtation, succeeding sed by the recent labour troubles, with the matter.
er. He went to such más bajos de lugar dark winder is ahead for the General Edward John Higgins.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Further Trouble vThreatened am one more.


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