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PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday. Setember 8b. 1934.
The Recent Strike Among the West Indies Important Decision An mile Allan Sime Labour Law proposed to see Under is provisions, especial Pacific Shipping Lines Freight Charges emprotect the in On the 30th. ultimo the Final and the planintiff obtained judg. large sugar mill to take the from Japan. Since January Ist.
Court of Appeal delivered a judgment. The government appealed place of crushers which have 48, 000 pairs were admitted in com The greatest strike known in of propagating and fostering all ment which is of much importance against this decision to the first been scrapped, is being erected petition with the English manu Costa Rican history has come and these years by issuing provisional to merchants and the public gen Court of Appeal but the judge by the United Fruit Co. at their factures. The shoes are retailed at gone. Metamorphosis takes place contracts, of short term, pending erally, who use the Railways oper ment of the lower Court was sus 10, 000 ton Central Factory at five shillings per pair.
in all material manifestations, the decision of the government ating here for the transportation cained; not satisfied, the matter Bernard Lodge, Jamaica.
who could have believed that this on her proposals. In the face of their goods and other effects. was referred to the Final Court of. The Jamaica athletes who took quiet busy Zone on the Atlantic therefore, of all that is fair and During the month of March Appeal with similar results. The Lanassa Fruit Co. will nor, part in the British Guiana Olym coast of Costa Rica, could so sud just, who can blame the Compa 1932, a fire occurred in one of the It was held by the Judge of the it is stated, be resuming trade con pind last month have returned dendly and secretly have been ny for taking advantage of the bodegas of the Pacific Railway Lower Court that the causes ennections with Jamaica, but will home. Hayles was the only changed into a condition border, mañana tendency so very evi in Puntarenas and destroyed a dorsed on the way bills of the Rail. continue to obtain their supply of one who excelled. He proved the ing on a state of Siege. At every dent in this country. Men of Vi Iquantity of goods belonging way purporting to limit its respon bananas for the American markets champion cyclist of the meeting by station along the lines could be sion, at the helm of industry. to Mr. Enrique Wing Chon, sibility with respect to damage to from Cuba, where price conditions winning the half mile. one met, on Friday morning the 10th. is what spells prosperity in every a merchant, who subsequen or loss of goods during transpor are much better. At Banes and and nine mile events.
of August last, anxious faces all concern in this world of ours. tly made a claim against the gov tation or otherwise are null and Nipe Bay fruit can be purchased, enquiring. what wrong? We The United Fruit Co. is much ernment, the owners of the Rail void against the rights of shippers. we understand, for the equivalent have all been warned off our maligned in these countries, not way, for the value of the goods.
of one shilling and three pence as strange subterranean upheaval farms and not to cut any fruit because she does any mean act in The claim being repudiated, The amount involved in this against three shillings and up occurred along the south coast of or we may be killed.
her negotiations, but because she action was taken, through the claim is stated to be an apprecia wards in Jamaica.
Trinidad, in the vicinity of Chat What Powers could have told has always had men of great vil Court, to recover the amount, ble amount.
ham and Erin Bay, during the lathe United Fruit Co. that her Vision at the head of her affairs, Despite quota restrictions, it is ter part of last month and resulted ships could have come to Port men who do not sit on the ground Withone and would have to leave and simply took around them to JOSE ACHION NG. reported that Trinidad is being in the formation of 800 feet of flooded leather without getting who med supplies of Bananas for three, but men who, figuratively, get on Comerciante Detallista consecutive weeks! No one could top of the Empire State Building Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, Artículos de have entertained such a thought and looking ahead for twenty Ferretería y Eléctricos, todo se encuentra en yet the unexpected has occurred years are able to see who are likely and there are threats that it may to come and what their coming este establecimiento a precios de situación.
occur again. This only tends to may bring. Every man, or woman, Avenida 2a y Calle 4a, frente al Edificio de Correos y Telégrafos show mankind that everything in or Corporation, who can see ahead Importer of merchandise in general and this world is subject to continual and do not permit others to get LIMON, COSTA RICA COCOA. EXPORTER change.
the better of them in their busiThe question now devolves as ness relationships are always de Consult my special prices which in all cases will be the to who is to be blamed for this signated Crooks and Rogues, by best in the market.
turmoil. There has been a discuss those who are only able ion between the Company and the under the soles of their shoes.
As an outcome of the labour approved by the International Law Government, as to the fulfilment Undoubtedly the United Fruit troubles in our Zone, and the dif bour Department at Geneva.
of her last Concession for the ex Co. has made this country what ficulties experienced in settling increase ploitation of the Banana Indus it is, has taken many of the nati same, we understand that the gov Tribunal will be established to try in this country. The dispute ves from obscurity into prominen ernment has decided to submit a deal with all matters affecting has arrived at the stage whereat ce, hence it is hardly fair to black project for the consideration of labour throughout the country.
the Company placed before the mail her in the manner it is being Congress at its forthcoming ex. The members of this Tribunal will Government takes Action Executive Officers of the govern done. There is one thing however traordinary sessions to provide the consist of representatives of the ment a solution of the problem which we must call to the atten necessary means for officially deal labouring class, artizans, and In view of the fact that the the representatives of the various This has been accepted by the tion of the Company. it is this, ing with such and similar move players.
Shipping Lines trading on the shipping Companies concerned President and his Officers and it is hardly fair to give all the ments in the future.
Pacific side of the Republic, de and informed them of the steps placed before Congress for their rich men in the interior fifty The main feature of the project The Ministers of Labour and cided to increase their tariff for taken by him to discusions and adoption or recommendations. This matter, of so coloured people whom she brought which should exist between cents for their bananas while the will be to adjust the relations Justice are at preesnt engaged in all freight taken to or from Pun terests of the government and the vital a nature to the entire coun here to build up the Industry em drafting the project, and it is ex tarenas, the government immedia producers, should their principe action to countermand persist in carrying the tariff intry, has been kept hanging fire must be content with thirty and Iployers and employees, and will, aspected it will be ready for submis tely took before Congress far as may be possible, adopt the sion, within the next few days, to the prejudicial effects which such crease into effect.
for several forty cents. It is evident, that methods employed for such pur the Chief Executive who will. in an increase would have on the months, during which time the while craving the goodwill of Pacific Railway and the exporters in other countries and as turn, forward it to Congress.
We also understand that at a poses Company is paying the unequal these rich men of the interior, of coffee, with the result that an recent conference between don price of thirty cents for all bana she has sacrificed the faithfuloffer has been received from an Leon Cortes and Mr. Chittenden, nas supplied her from expiredness of the coloured people. The important English Firm to trans Manager of the Pnited Fruit Com confracts.
old, Keith, Preston, Cutter, ad We beg to call your attention to our remark port all our coffee to American pany, it was suggested that a joint In the new proposition by the ministrations knew what the colou Company, it is arranged that the red people were to them, but Mr.
at the back of receipt which reads: and European ports at a flat ton arrangement should be come nage rate, which would, it is cal between the government and the price of fifty cents will be paid Zemuray does not. Every cents of for all new contracts culated, produce for our exporters Company, which would be of munew the money which they earn from This bill must be paid at Our lands, whereas forty cents is to the industry goes back to the Com a saving of something like two tual benefit to both railroads, and be paid for renewals of contracts pany by means of her hospital, office before the 15th of the month hundred and fifty thousand colo without increasing the expenses of either the importer exporter.
on existing plantations on worn her merchandise department, the Meantime the Minister of Fo. The entire matter is still under out lands. The delay by Congress sales of her houses, her live and Be so good as to comply with this request mento has held a conference with consideration.
of this proposition has had a most dead stock, her shares, her disastrous effect, financially, on shpping, etc.
and do not oblige us suspend our service, the manipulations of the farms. How much does she get back a step which we would much regret to take. The Latest Victrola Records from the fact that no works of from Mr. Alvarado, Mr. Castro, improvement can be carried on in Mr. Alpizar, Mr. Telles, Mr. Voat lowest price at the RADIO CLINIC Fotografía Wimmer, Limon consequence of the price of thirlio and all such men? Hence the ty cents now being received by coloured people have a right to Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota DISCOS NUEVOS PARA VICTROLAS!
the farmers from the Company expect preferencial treatment and al dorso de su recibo que dice: Vendo a precio más baje le RADIO CLINIC Fotografia Wimmer, Limón during the continued suspension protection from her.
of the discussion of the problem.
No one can naturally blame the ENTRY OF COMMUNISM Company for taking advantage Death Sentences in Austria of the inactivity of Congress.
dentro de la primera quincena de cada mes In consequence of the reticence g!
The longer the Government de of the government in either acAccording to the notices publish given sentences of death, but only de lays on this all important matter, cepting or rejecting the proposiLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitar ed at the close of last month, sen nine of them were actually exccue.
the better will it suit the Compa tions of the Company, the Comde tener tences of death cortar su servicio.
pena were passed, by ed.
ny, and it is surprising that no munist Party took the opportunique the Courts of Austria, on 16 poliht member of Congress, not eventy of bringing themselves promitical prisoners in connection with our very energetic representative nently before the gaze of the proCompañía Eléctrica de Limón the disturbances which occurred Dr. Carlos MI. Fernandez in that August Body don Jua dil letariat with a view of political in that country during nito Romagosa. and his asso strategy, and declared a strike of July last. Thirteen of the sen Cirujano Dentista ciate, don Virgilio Chaverri, will on our banana farms, getting our until considerable damage had eventually, as we understand on tences have been carried into exsee far enough to submit a sus labourers to demand wages which been done to property, which will, good authority that if the governecution. Fourteen persons SAN JOSE pension of minor matters so as to could not be met by the smaller doubtless, be paid for by the go ment cannot quell the uprising, also condemned to prison for life, Oficina: Clinica del Dr. Facio proceed to an adoption of a reso producers, seeing, have vernment later on. It is known Nationals of different countries while a large number were sentenso lution on this all absorbing ques pointed out, that such producers that everal claims are being will appeal, internationally, ced to serve various long periods Teléfonos: tion.
are only in the receipt of the pri prepared for presentation to the their countries for protection.
which aggregated eight hundred Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 ΑΙ Nearly all contracts had expi ce of thirty cents for their fruit. goverment for banana fields da It therefore behoves all who years.
red, hence while overtures were settlement has been arrived at, maged, bananas chopped up. are domiciled here, as foreigners, Apartado 1252 At the close of the February being made between the govern between the larger farmers and tramway lines, bridges and other to be very careful in this revolt, rebellion twenty two persons were ment and the Company as to the the striking labourers by means property damaged. In the mean try to protect your property, try de future of the Banana Industry, of the intervention of a Commis time some fruit log has been cut, to get the identity of any one who the Company took the opportunity sion appointed by the government while we learn that the climax threatens your life our property, of preventing The Green Star and headed by the Minister of will soon be reached in consequen or does any damage to you, but The Black Star or any other Labour thus assuming the res ce of the Company not having do nothing that Star Company from coming in ponsibility of the government to identified herself as a party to thought to the idea that you are laws and other Nazi propaganda these, 21, 000 are said to have pas As a result of the anti Jewish emigrated from Germany. and meddling in the business maintain Law and Order. They the settlement. Anxious eyes are helping to foster this uprising. it is reported that since the earlier sed into France, 10, 000 to Pales, pu wiich she had been the means were not able to do so, however, watching to see what will happen PRACTICUS Ipart of last year 65, 000 Jews have line and 8, 000 to Poland.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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Su till Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina m nos la חן ul ות VE were as we to 65, 000 Tews quit Germany ра tar 24 in ch col can lend any tud

    CommunismFranceGermanyLeón CortésNazismPresidentes de Costa Rica

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