
Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday TUIE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. Limon, Costa Rica, Saturday, September 15th 1934 Price: 15 per copy Political Perversion The Fifteenth Our Radio Service ning by means which are againt law and order, from Tropical Cocktail conwe knew ever East name Communism, like crime, doesn pay. For just as cri of Time, we arrive today at one aloft the tri coloured emblem of strength of Louisiana With the lever onward march they were enabled to first unfurl NEW ORLEANS. The full GENEVA. Arthur Henders National son, President of the Disarmament me leads to trouble, to a miserable life in the penitentiary, and sometimes, to a cruel death, either in the electric chair. more Milestone on the pathway our national rights and freedom. Guard was called to arms on night Conference, and Louis Barthou, And as we stand, today, beneath of 6th, inst. Statewide mobiliza. French Minister, agreed that conor on the gallows, so does Communism carry its adherents of the National life of our belovalong a trail of turmoil and blood to the very same bitter ended Country. Milestone the shaddow of that self same em tion order was sent out from New vocation of the Conference would Tell this to a Communist, and he will probably, laugh thirteenth anniversary of her birth devotion, let us recall to mind Adjutant General Raymond Their decision, reached on the eve which marks the one hundred and blem with hearts full of undying Orleans shortly after p. by be futile until early November.
at you, call you o fool, and say that you don not know as a free and independent Nation. those progenitors of old, who paved Fleming. Within two hours ap of the opening of the 15th. assemwhat you are talking about. And, if unfortunately he hapIt was on this never to be for for us the pathway to our natio proximately 2, 000 men were under bly of the League of Nations, depens to be an ignorant and impulsive person, he may try gotten fifteenth day of September na manhood; and while giving arms in 17 cities and towns, includ finitely removed disarmament from his skill with his machete on your anatomy by carving the In the year 1821 that her valient honour to their memory, endeavour ing New Orleans. Some of the the program of important internarefrom a grotesque figure, which neither your family nor and truly patriotic sons obtained to instil in the hearts of our youth troops from other cities were ins tional political questions to be confriends would recognize.
Is this aristicism unjust and unkind? Let consider had so long striven; the day on of love, honour and peace which mediately to the glorious reward for which they ful sons and daughters that trinity tructed to prepare to proceed im sidered by the Assembly.
New Orleans, and WASHINGTON. Airplane the matter impartially and see the result.
which they saw their native land should ever be the outstanding others were directed to stand by and Powder makers who have sold It alear that Communism it not a philosophy nor a freed from the irksome yolk of an characteristics of every true heart for further orders. All members their products the world over will Freed. It has neither platform nor program. It has a vague, alien control; the day on whichled Costa Rican.
of New Orleans units of the Na be quizzed this week by Munitions nebulous banckground with not a thing, which can be adtional Guard who are not already investigations. Undertaken by the vanced for on duty are reported to have been reaction of two South American ordered to report at Jackson Ba countries to things already in the those who by toil, thrift or otherwise have asquired or rracks at a. Sept. 8th. The record, Munitions Committee mem.
built what they have. Surely this method can neither be By SALLY act of the recent extra session of bers said they expected further nght nor fair.
We wonder if it was a man offerent from the rest attains the the Legislature empowering Gov developments before the week was Sad to relate the man on the Street has a false notion prophetic vision who saw our re King Row; a stroke fate lifts ernor Allen to use the Militia at lout. First to face the Senates will Communism, which represents a grave danger. He becent situation, who many years a man from a seconday place and his pleasure became law at noon be officials of the American Ar lieves that every man, woman, and child in a community ago wrote that oddly contradictory makes of him a man of destiny.
while York lor State, should have an equal share of land, goods, and title to his song: Yes! We have in New Orleans made no comment for continued questioning about money. And people owning such possesions should by Sta no Bananas. man must have what it takes on the sudden troop movement. efforts to sell war material in South te control be compelled to pool their belongings for the puto make a great master of an ocean Officers in command of various America. The probe in that direcblic benefit, so that on a distribution thereof, each would Truth is again stranger than liner. Although he had captained units over the State said they were tion had brought a formal diploreceive their just portion. While this is an erroneous view, fiction, as the Captain dies, and smaller craft, Chief Officer not given any explanation as to matic protest from Argentine, and it isn far removed from what Communism wish to main several hours later the Morro Warms had never achieved this the object of the mobilization or action by Chile to ascertain full tain.
Castle. the ship he loved and rank. Here was a situation requir. der. Reports from other sources, facts affecting her officials the duct of munitions matters.
The true concept of Communism, as we understand helped to build, was overtaken by ing the steel nerves and transcen however, indicated that it is however, calls for a re adjustment of the basic principle a disaster in which his great marine dent judgment of the seasoned plan of officials to concentrate the ALGIERS. new series of of life of all classes in the community, on the foundation wisdom, experience and generals ship master. Did Warms rise to his full strength of the Militia in New earthquake shocks struck the Chief desof an equality of interests, irrespective of birth, education, hip were most needed.
fate imposed responsibility subli rleans. Mayor Walmsley, when River Valley, Sept. 10th. environment, but as yet no one as been able to evolve or mely or not? This is the question informed of the mobilization, said troyeing 25 houses at Carnot and invent a system for the attainment of this excellent and How terribly macaber was the which will be wrangled over for We have no intention of surren causing heavy damage at Lessa praiseworthy ideal in a manner satisfactory to all. Honest cremation of that gentle person many future months in marine dering the City to the Militia with and Wattingnies, no injuries were minds and true hearts yearn for a solution. Communism whom as Slide Rule courts of inquiry.
out an effort. We will take what reported, but reports said the steps are necessary at the shocks continued all day in some las tried to bring it about but without success. Its history Wilmott! In this awful instance in the Countries in which an endeavor has been made to the manner of things was reversed: proper time. dont see any occa sections of the Valley, causing ship to which like disastersion or justification for declaring severe fright. Inhabitants of most put it on a practical and workable basis, shows that dismal a Captain was not destroyed with his ship; strangely like an ailure has been the reward. study of the conditions in has happened becomes a thing dis the city under Martial Law, and of the villages were living in tents Honored. The beautiful Russia, Germany, Italy and other places reveals that this Indian suttee, a ship was destroy Morro Castle will probably ing the city without an effort.
we have no intention of surrender supplied by Military Authorities.
ed with her Master.
Five persons were killed on the 7th.
is no exaggeration.
never again grace a ship bow.
And right here in Costa Rica today we have the evi.
WICHITA, KANS. farm and 20 injured when a violent Suence on which to found a verdict against Communism. It ficer Warms was in Havana, eight The last time we saw Chief of. Its awful connotation will cause boy near Topeka brought down quake hit the town of Orleansville.
it to be shunned.
stands convicted on the silent testimony of the damaged an airplane on the 7th. with one All towns reported damaged on and ruined banana farms in the Atlantic Zone, and the idle ture with a small tug boat which years ago, on the eve of his deparshot from his 22 calibre rifle, but 10th. suffered also by the quake banana loading machines on the docks in Limon. Meanwhile he was taking to New York.
Fate his lovely tribute, his encourage Aviators were flying at about 200 We wish to thank Spiamar for the Pilot made a safe landing. The of the 7th.
DETROIT. The old arranwith empty hands and empty pockets, praying that the end erboard; a small checker the farmers, the banana cutters and loaders are looking on plays with men as on a huge check ment, and the thrill of our first feet altitude when the boy fired at gement was the best, announced may soon be reached by the washing out of this political no dif lettor them. The shot cut their oil line Charles McTaggart, 42 years and forced them down. Repairs old, of Detroit, and Mrs. Marga.
Anti Communistic League formed were made in the field.
We are glad to see that the Government now seems ret Backer, 39, of Silver Creek, BARI, ITALY. Premier Mu Mich, his first wife, when they apy have realized the true and sinster meaning of the so capled strike. For the past week or so they have been working in Limon ssolini, repudiating Nazism as a plied for a license to wed. We political doctrine, declared his have learned we really loved each lay and night to stamp it out. We hope that soon their ef.
We are glad to note that the rooms of the League are situate in contempt for the teachings of its other after all. McTaggart and orts will be blessed by the complete abolition from this timely suggestion of our Minister the building to the South Eastern apostles in a dramatic address on his former wife were divorced 19 eace loving Republic of the modern evil of COMMUNISM. of Labour is already bearing fruit. corner of the market and is open the night of the 7th. His reference years ago. They cach remarried In addition to the League of Anti daily. Visitors will be gladly wel to the Third Reich of Adolf Hitwice and secured divorces after Our Agricultural Troubles Communistic Citizens, which was comed at all times and the fullest eler was unmistakeable. We can each marriage proved unsuccessful.
inaugurated in San Jose a couple information given regarding the look with contempt on the doctrine Continue of weeks ago, another has DOW aims and objects of the Associa of a certain race which did not been established in our City, with tion.
know how to write, while we had Baseball Scores The Farmers and other inhabi to protect the fruit cutting opera les. Its membership is branches at Siquirres and Guapi. It is hoped that every law abid. Caesar, Virgil and Augustus II ods of our Zone have had anot. tions which it is expected will be several hundreds and include our community will avail himself already ing and well thinking member of Duce told a startled audience. American League.
op somewhat trying week, for resumed this week.
SYRACUSE, Hurled Washington, Chicago, withstanding Detroit Boston the very large percentage of our most of this opportunity to help in the from his skidding racing car into agreement u! ch had been reached with the Philadel Cleveland The head quarters of the direcprominent and influential citizens. eradication of an evil which certain the path of another racing car de cers and which was thought tors of the movement at 26 Miles open to all residents in the country, endeavouring to foist on Membership in the League is evil minded persons are strenously going at more than 70 miles an :ld have ended labour was raided by the police and the irrespective of nationality. The country.
our hour, George Braven, 33, Barnev National League: a bles, certain malcontents have parties are now, it is believed, hideld, New York, was decapitated in Pittsburgh New York isted in such subversive acts asing out in the higher regions of the 100 mile feature auto race at Cincinnati Brooklyn esa jave caused the United Fruit the district. Orders have been the State Fair grounds, Sept. 10th. St. Louis Philadel spany to cancel its fruit cutting issued to the police department to ours last week end and to send pursue and arrest all the known lose New Plane Chinese Expulsion bant ships elsewhere for their sup leaders. Col. Gallegas has of unfavourable quin We regret having to announce ly blished himself at the plantation the loss which the National Air coming worse, Mr. Holtz was Commenced ut these acts of violence consist. El Bosque with 150 men to pro ways Compar; have suffered by forced to seek refuge off the coast!
the chopping down of banana tect that section from further mo the destruction of the new plane of Guatemala, and alighted off the As we stated in previous issues, formation necessary in each case is 212 rations in different sections, lestation.
900 ripping up of tramway lines, they had just acquired for the ex shore in the vicinity of Champeri the Police Authorities throughout complete.
Pension of their services.
ed of destruction of bridges and the the Republic, on the instructions As we had previously announof the Minister of State, took, a qe ng of commissaries, the govThe first of these expulsions has elent decided to act swiftly and ced, the plane was recently purch Mr. Holtz was accompanied by census of all the chinese domiciled taken place. During last week, one ug gly. Col Gallegos was again ased in the United States and was his wife and two year old daughter, in the country. The reports from Horacio Canton Lee was arrested down with armed forces and Cantina, Posada y Cafetería of being brought here under charge and they both came through the the various provinces disclosed that by order of the Minister of State, Saturday afternoon the have since been renforced, experienced Pilot, Mr. trying experience without suffer a large number of these Asiatics and on Felipe Wing Ching at there is now under his comHoltz.
ing in any way. The plane was, had entered the country illegally. decree authorising his expulsion a total of 365 men, distriApartado 95 At 15 Tuesday morning the however, very seriously damaged It is now definitely ascertained from the country was signed by Executive Officers in the several affected areas Limón, Costa Rica C. Mexico. travelling somewhat slow bly be abandoned.
plane took off from Tapachula, by the heavy seas, and may possithat the Government intends to the necessary expell all such as soon as the in of the Government.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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