p. 8


PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 15th 1934 TY Laudable Proposal Arrival of Father Oakley What is Communism?
constant moy.
Chong León at ua sexes.
For some time past, a majority contributions from the employees Among the passengers expected Jesus was born and died. No doubt of our Municipal Boards have been of Banks, industrial establishments. today by the Veragua are the Archdeacon Oakley will have much Its Aims and Objects Venerablc Archdeacon Oakley and to tell us of his pilgrimage.
xperiencing much difficulties in etc.
meeting their financial obligations, Doctor Mary Oakley. They had In so far as the public employ left Limon for a much needed va. come are as follows. At 11. 30 a. days. about this political manifes formation of Citizens Association The arrangements for their wel.
So much is being said, in these, achieve economic freedom by the particularly those in connection ees are concerned the scheme is to with the various works of improv. be submitted to the Chief of State cation on April 29th. We do hope there will be a gathering of all tation that it behaves every citizen for Agrarianism and Co operativ that they will have regained their parish organizations ement undertaken by means of for his approval.
on the Rec.
loans specially obtained for such We presume this contribution health while in England and we tory lawn and we trust that all and see how well it would suit one to examine closely this new ism producing Associations, Any system of government whicl purposes. The Municipalities of will remain in force until such time are gladly look forward to hav parishioners will be there. In the particular aspirations or otherwise. has to be based on Economic Slay San Jose and Limon are the heav as the Municipality is able to satis ing them both with us again.
Their holiday has been spent entertainment of welcome. Admis isms which tends toward the the true tenets of Communism, evening at 30 there will be an And as Joaurnalism is one of the ery in order to be successful, asi iest sufferers in this respect, due factorily liquidate her financial largely in England and they have sion principally to the large debts they obligations.
incurred for the improvement of seen many of their old friends. ticket to all members of the con masses, it is well that Editors comfort it may promise for the to this will be free but by education and guidance of the matter what degree of physica their streets Knowing as we do how heavily time with the monks at Kelham.
Father Oakley spent some little gregation should enlighten their readers on citizens, is paid for by too high For her ordinary services, San burdened our own Municipality is On Sunday morning there will this new fascination which seems price in human happiness and con Jose employes about five hundred in this respect, and how much furt. At their monastery, the House of be a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving to fit so easily the ideas of the centment. True men would rathe men regularly, and even these she her she will be handicapped by the Sacred Mission, Father Oakley preceded by a procession at which working masses for ridding them endure hardships, if necessary, an had is now finding it difficult to pay. season of the present unfortunate spent several years and had Father Oakley will preach.
of their troubles, for affording be free to order their own live: In order, therefore, that none of occurrences, we are hoping that also worked with the Fathers at them employment at than to live a sheltered life as sla these men should be laid off, asome of our worthy citizens will their House in Africa. Later the wages regulated in accordance with ves of the country in which the very laudable scheme has been in follow the lead of those in San Archdeacon joined a pilgrimage of priests to the Holy Land which their day dreams, and with all the may reside.
itiated by a number of her public Jose, and initiate a similar comforts which were sprung overAs the Communist State in Rus spirited and generous minded citiement for the benefit of our City was received by the Bishop in Jenight into the life of The Count sia demonstrates, the trend of al zens. They have proposed that all We are far from being unmindful rusalem and also the Patriarch of LIVERPOOL of Monte Cristo.
regulations and decress is toward public employees be asked to con of the very serious economic codi the Holy Orthodox Church. The latter has in his care the custody Webster dictionary informs the absolute subjection of the in tribute one per cent of their salation with which we are faced at Licores Extranjeus that Communism is a Commun dividual to the State, in all things ries to create a fund to help in the present, but we hardly think that of the Holy Places such as the Stable Bethlehem and the ros y del Pais ity of property among all the citi and the total destruction of indiv liquidation of the wages of these la contribution of one per cent by employees of the municipality.
zens of a State: State of things idual freedom. By the adoption ABARROTES those who carn a fixed salary would Mount of Calvary, In the in which there are no individual of the regime of Communism, there The Chamber of Commerce is be considered too great a sacrifice churches on these and other sites Precios all the priests were given altars and or separate rights in property.
to be asked to use its influence for so worthy and humanitarian a fore, we would be drifting back to were afforded the privilege of say.
Económicos with its members to secure similar cause, at this time.
Now, let us see who is a Com the days of Egyptian rule, to the 231 ing Mass at the very places where munist. He is an advocate for a time when Egyptians were all slaves Community of property among of the Pharaohs and ruled by their Notice of Shareholders Meeting Citizens; and some of the adherents Overlords, fed by them and had of this sectcontend also for a no economic worries. But who PARK HOTEL The Shareholders of the Community of the female specie, among us, living in Western Civi.
Agricultural and Building Corporation of 28 Miles, Limón, Costa Rica or a promiscuous intercouse of the lization, would wish to be the slave of a Communist Costa Rican gor are requested to be present at a Situado frente al mar Cómodas habitaciones How could there be a Comernment or any government for Unico establecimiento en el Puerto con cuartos con baño munity of property rights among that matter.
GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING Cantina bien surtida. Salón para muestras citizens? by the overthrow of exis It must be remembered that to be held at the accustomed Hall, MADRE DE DIOS, ting governments, the setting up under Communism, the worker har on MONDAY, 24th SEPTEMBER 1934, al p.
LUISE SCHUSTER, Propietaria of a new regime and the confisca no choice whatever as to the prov to receive the Directors Yearly Report, elect the Board of Direction of all ownership of property ince or city in which he prefers to tors and transact any other business that may be brought before Teléfono No. Apartado 236 by such new regime, without any work, the occupation or trade be them for the Progress of the Association.
Fail not to attend or send in your Letters of Proxy.
indemnity or compensation whate prefers to follow, the farm ver, to the farmers or other owners factory with which he would 29 GIBB, of such property sociate himself, the conditions un Secretary It will, therefore, be seen chat der which he should labour or the We beg to call your attention to our remark the Aims and Objects of a Com remuneration he should receive at the back of receipt which reads: munist State or Government are The State, by guaranteeing the to acquire all properties and indus workers livelihood, as the Army This bill must be paid at our tries by force or bloodshed if ne does the soldiers keep, the workers The many friends of Dr. Angeles College will today bescessary; to assume the responsibility must be conscripted and held sub Facio, who lived and worked in tow on him the Medalla del Ni office before the 15th of the month of operating all industries; to prov. ject to the commands of the State our City for many years, will be no. The ceremony is to take place ide housing accommodation, work All personal freedom is denied pleased to learn that as an act of at 10 a. similar decoration Be so good as to comply with this request and sustenance for each and every and if a worker attempts to change gratitude for his meritorious labour will be bestowed on Profesor don citizen according to his need, and his job or environment, without on behalf of our younger popula. Fausto Coto Montero who ably and do not oblige us to suspend our service, the carrying on, thereby, of the permission of government, he is tion and the future health of our assisted in the Anti Tuberculosis a step which we would much regret to take. civil and diplomatic relationships stigmatized a deserter and placed country, the Directorate of Los campaign.
of the Community under these under the Black List by the auto conditions.
cratic Officers. This means. no BARGAIN SALE Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota Let every reader of this article Ration, no housing condition ask himself or herself how, under ultimate death by starvation LITTLE PARIS al dorso de su recibo que dice: the sentiments of the greatest Novelty Shop law exposure.
of Heaven. Do unto others as It is true we are, at times, treatA BARGAIN SALE UN GRAN BARATILLO you would expect to be done unto ed very hardly under the selfishby them would such a treatness of our Capitalist rulers, but for days only. días solamente e ment, such a condition, suit my more often than not it is prefera.
From the 1st to sth of September 1o. hosta el de Sefiembre aspirations?
Reductions in prices of ALL articles, Rebajas en TODOS los articulos ble to remain under the ills De from 10 to 30 percent desde 10 hasta 50 por ciento After a man has obtained the know, rather than to flee unto the Do not miss this grand opportunity APROVECHEN ESTA GRAN OPORTUNIDAD Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarvery minimum of subsistence, if woes we know not of.
For days only Solamente e das pena de tener que cortar su servicio. even under the greatest privation, Of course we are all entitled to his deepest desire thereafter is to our individual opinions and we GRAN BARATILLO be free to order his own life with would not coerce anyone, by such Compañía Eléctrica de Limón tyranny or dictation from articles as these, to think as we do, another.
but we sincerely desire to give the For this freedom the human race less informed a correct explanation has fought kings and conquerors on such topics as are being brought for thousands of years, has over to public attention for adoption, SHONG LUNG FAI Mr. Albino Villalobos, who held by the government in connection LUIS WA CHONG thrown tyrannies throughout the even though we may be ridiculed, che office of Port Captain from with the labour and communistic LIMON course of history, and for this free called all sorts of names, and GUACIMO GUAPILES the inauguration of the dom of action and spirit the major coward epithets showered upon us present movement in our Zone.
Licores government, resigned the position While we regret the going of Cantina, Licores Extranjeity of the race is still struggling by hot headed youths who will not last week end. He is succeeded by Mr. Villalobos, we are glad to Artículos del País throughout the world. Are ros y del país we, read that which tends to human Mr. Julio Jurado welcome Mr. Jurado, as his Los precios más then, going to throw it so easily uplift. And if they do read, they Mr. Villalobos resignation is cessor. He being an old official of bajos.
Tienda bien surtida y aside on account or our ignorance will not use their inner powers of Abarrotes en general as to what this new condition of mind to think what course is the due, we understand, to his dis Limon, will, confident Manzana 23 agreement with the policy adopted lafford entire satisfaction to all.
Precios sin competencia politics really does mean? more laudable. Hence, if anyone Lote número In almost all countries, in this feels it is more decorous, more twentieth centuary, the masses have ethical, more in keeping with his thrown off slavery.
sober judgment, after having conIn all advanced countries, sidered the pros and cons of the they have also thrown off feudalism different movements being exhibitor the privilege of occupying landsled and demonstrated, to elect Cum Importer of merchandise in general and While attending a secret meetfrom the rich owners, on the un munism ing in one of the suburbs of Ha Spain Minister of the Interior derstanding that they must fight or Republicanism, he but enjoy as against Democratis COCOA. EXPORTER vana, Cuba, twenty six Commun reported to the Press in Madrid for them against their enimies (a that freedom of choice, wh Consult my special prices which in all cases will be the were arrested in connection that the police had discovered one system formerly prevalent in Euro when thrown away, may never fith the plot against the life of hundred and seventy six projecti They are now painfully strug: regained, and having so chosen he best in the market.
Jefferson Caffrey, American Min les at a locality situate between gling to throw off the fetters of should not regret hereafter.
ister, to that Republic.
San Sebastian and Pravia. industrial peonage in order to Practicus Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Decoration for Dr. Facio and announces Onuncia Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de la primera quincena de cada mes nos la out The Port Captaincy sucwe are Aian Sime Interesting Brevities ists


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