
Saturday, October 13 1934 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA OUR RADIO SERVICE De cars were AFIASPIRINA Complaint Pero THE LITTLE PARIS Méndez WASHINGTON. Organ HAVANA. general strike, MILAN. Premier Mussolini Millions all over the world ization of the greatest fighting air declared by Public Utilities work concluded the second strenuous know from personal force ever marshalled by the Unit ers on the 8th. inst. brought terror day of his Milan visit with an ed States was announced by the to Havana. Thirtyfour bombs address to 3, 000 Fascist Militia experience that War Department on 3rd. instant. were exploded before daybreak. Officers, on the 6th. inst. warning As an integral part of the reorga fired upon. Taxicabs were stoned. the Teutonic North that it had (BAYER nization of the United States Street Op better take account of Italy Army, now under way, it was an positionists toured the City in growing military might. Speaking nounced that practically all servi motor cars firing at random. There from a medieval war chariot, Il cable planes in the Air Corps had was a serious fire, apparently of Duce recalled how, in the 12th.
been organized into an independent incendiary origin, in the plant of centuary, is the safe remedy for valiant Milianese, as General Headquarters Air Force, the Newspaper Ahora. Omnibus, members of the Lombard League, HEADACHES. PAINS. COLDS to operate directly under the direc Ice, Coal, Textile, Tobacco and defeated Emperor Frederick BarPU tion of the Chief of Staff of the other groups of workers joined the barossa and his Teutonic invaders Army. Announcement of the pro strike. Army tanks were ready to and drove them so far they could gram came as Brigadier General leave Camp Columbia, the great not be found for three days.
William Mitchell charged that Bararcks outside the City. In the Boy Scouts in the War Depart. Capital police and troops patrolled ¿POR QUE DORMIMOS?
ment had frustrated military air afoot and in trucks. Because of Todavia no se ha encontrado una cial del sueño es la monotonia: el craft development.
the threat of disorder, men of the American fleet at explicación terminantemente satisfacño se produce cuando la conciencia Guantanamo Complaint Joffence of doing grievous bodily toria del fenómeno del sueño. está estimulada por una variedad NEW YORK. Gloria Mor were denied shore leave.
Mr. Editor, harm to one language.
Es sabido que durante el sueño las sensaciones suficiente para tenerla de egan Vanderbilt, publicly charged Dear Sir: Practicus funciones orgánicas se desenvuelven pierta.
with being unfit to have custody WASHINGTON. 98 per am feeling outraged over the Ed. Note: We sympathise con toda normalidad, y sólo algunas Es una explicación psicológica que of her only child, ten year old Glo cent Income Tax above 10, 000 manner in which my King English with your feeling and very much de las facultades psíquicas quedan tem concuerda con la observación de que los hombres de mayor actividad mens ria, will return to the oak panelled automatically effective with declar. has been mutilated, in recent con regret the cause. Unfortunately, poralmente inactivas.
Según unos, el sueño es debido a tal son los que duermen menos, y con courtroom of Supreme Court Jus ation of war, is urged by Senator tributions, by your Printer Devil. the Printer Devil in our Printery, causas fisiológicos, a modificaciones de que el sueño desaparece cuando los tice John Carew prepared to make Nye, Chairman of the Senate Com. It is evident that your Proof has as elsewhere, does not understand del sistema vascular, regulador de la una gran excitación o hay necesa a few accusations herself, and mittee investigating Munitions Nye never been scrutinized. a single word of English, and when distribución de la sangre y de la lin de estar despierto. De aqui el infos demand that testimony in her case said he was thoroughly convinced The 3rd. paragraph of Needed correcting the proof errors, more fa, que determinan un disminución de que la voluntad ejerce sobre el top.
be open to the Press. She believes that dangers of war would be Accommodations is simply shocking often than not, makes more serious flujo sanguíneo, especialmente al ceño.
rebro that Carew ruling exclud greatly reduced by elim and the intention of the 4th. par. ones which Tal vez la explicación terminante!
cannot be discovered Otros explican el hecho química que se busca pudiera resultar de la ilg Reporters from the Courtroom profit from war activities of privagraph is lost entirely by amitting till our paper leaves the Press; mente. El cansancio produce y acumu conciliación de esas teorias que acaba unfair.
ate concerns.
several lines of the original. then too late for further correc. la en la sangre substancias ávidas de mos de exponer.
It is a fortunate thing for Prin tion. We can only hope that, as oxígeno que, substrayendo al cerebro ter Devil that there exist no code time goes on, he will, by practice, el que necesita para su actividad, consUn verdadero Salón de Novedades. Lo más reciente de of Costa Rican Law to punish the) become more accurate.
triñen al organismo al sueño reparador. De ser asi, la causa del sueño se la moda solamente lo encuentra en la Tienda 31. Carlos Fernández ria una especie de intoxicación no siempre el sueño puede atribuirse al cansancio.
Cirujano Dentista Un médico norteamericano, el docSAN JOSE Crespones de Seda, Medias las más finas, Souvenirs de tor Sidis, sostiene que el sueño es la Establecido hace más de 30 años regla y no la excepción en la vida, Costa Rica. Artículos para niños, Sombreros Oficina: Clinica del Dr. Facil no un estado anormal debido a substanTeléfonos: para grandes y pequeños cias tóxicas, sino la condición normal y Cambio de Moneda de vida. El sueño domina en la infanUn buen artículo a un precio bajo, búsquelo en la Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 cia y en la vejez: es más fácil inducir Tienda de Novedades THE LITTLE PARIS al sueño a un niño que a un adulto.
Apartado 1252 Para el doctor Sidis, la causa esenMADRID. Following the CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Be.
AEROGRAMAS REZAGADOS fall which UEVA YORY, Bruno Ri UN COMPAS DE ESPERA chard Hauptmann y su aboga Nueva York, 10. El procesa to be do comenzaron hoy una deses contra Bruno Richard Hauptmann tionary outbreaks have taken place to Universities throughout the In consideration of the com (further sum of eight hundred cooperada lucha, probablemente inútil, sufrirá hoy un receso cuando sea llain the Capital and other localities. world, Harvard University has plaints which the regular commer lones will be added to this tax for dido por New Jersey. Las autorida. Mientras en Nueva York, el proceso contra el recurso de ertradición pe mado ante el tribunal de Bronx.
Conflicts between government for announced its rejection of the cial establishments had made the purpose of the Central govern des de New Jersey se encuentran pre comienza con la cuestión de la estafa ces and the revolting elements have 1, 000 German Travelling Schol. against the perambulating trade ment, the total tax will amount to paradas con una acusación presenta por los cincuenta mil dólares, en occurred in various parts with san arship offered to it by Dr. Ernst of the Polacos, the Municipal twelve hundred colones per quarda al Tribunal de un pueblecito que New Jersey se hacen preparativos guinary results. The death toll is Hanfstaengl, Nazi Press Agent, Board of Cartago, at a tramitirá con rapidez los procedi para comenzar already reported to exceed a thous last May.
session, resolved that these traders This new tax will become effecmientos para obtener jurisdicción en cuestión del asesinato.
el proceso.
El gobernador Lehmann de Nuev and with the wounded at should, in future, pay a tax of four tive as soon as it receives the necesEl abogado de Hauptmann pro York, según se cree, firmará en than 3, 000. Hundreds of the cons NEW YORK. Hauptmann hundred colones per quarter. As a sary approval of the Executive. bablemente irá ante el Gobernador curso del día de hoy el pliego pirators have been arrested, includ will be placed on trial in New Lehmann de New York con una ape extradición. Si las autoridades de Nex ing Luis Campanys of Catalonia, Jersey on a charge of First Decree lación contra la extradición y posible Jersey fallan en su acusación contra who had proclaimed that region an Murder, for the death of the Lindmente no firmará el proyecto de ex Hauptmann, éste podrá volver a la tradición sin antes escuchar a Faw Corte de Bronx.
independent nation, but surrenderbergh Baby, it has been celt, abogado del alemán. Las autoued later. Military Dictatorship ced.
ridades de New Jersey dicen que si was forecast in responsible congresHauptmann es inocente, no ven la SHONG LUNG FAI sional circles, as Nobles of the CORNING, NEW YORK.
razón de por qué se empeña en opoLIMON Monarchial Party joined 12, 000 The finish of the casting of the El más surtido en Matina nerse a la extradición.
retired Army Officers in offering 200 inch telescope disc, the biggest El promotor del distrito Foley de Licores aid to the government. Martial piece of glass ever made, was anBronx cuando fué interrogado sobre Artículos del País si retiraría el cargo de extorsión, con Law is in force throughout the nounced at the Corning Glass Flavourings Wanted testó: Esto sucederá después que Country. 20. 000 soldiers with hun Works. Removed from its oven, Los precios más el Tribunal de New Jersey lo haya your correspondent Sally taste dreds of field guns and numerous the 20 ton eye is cool enough Dear Mr. Editor: electrocutado.
baking planes are being dispat for workmen to walk upon. It is As a man versed in Chemistry for her Cocktails in this week to the northern districts to shaped like a slice of canned pin. readers what flavourings are ex that in next week issue her decocTV you might be able to inform your issue; it is certainly to be hoped Manzana 23 sup he large number of rebelseapple with a hole in the center, tracted from the Orchid, Cactus, tions may be more exhilarating.
Lote número Sid rating in the mining sec. floor.
edro cantime the National Conor the Copper Beech, to animate Planters Punch LIVERPOOL uos revived the Death DEMPSEY HOTELERO PAPEL PERIODICO all who may be caught 50 la resma Licores ExtranjeNueva York, 11. Jack Dempsey, el viejo maestro de boxeo, va a weapons.
Imprenta Borrasé Hermanos ros y del País construir un restaurant para huéspe des en la misma calle del Madison ABARROTES Square Garden. El edificio representará un gasto de 25 mil dólares.
ALMACEN, MERCADERIA EN GENERAL Precios Alexander of Jugoeslavia sassinated at Marseilles during the Económicos o:Barthou, France Minister afternoon of AAA cmfy mfw bg Zapatería y materiales para el oficio.
y. Pinotea.
mos. ign Relations, and General afternoon of the 9th. instant, Maderas del País, Zinc, Pinturas y toda clase de ad uo an ex Commander of the shortly after King Alexander had UN RAPTO AUDAZ Materiales de construcción Abarrotes. Mercadería en Army, were brutally as conference with President Lebrun.
Louisville, Kentucky, 11. general se ha registrado aquí un acto de má Venta al por Mayor y The assassin was one Kalem Pe. Proposed Changes in Income Tax xima audacia por un hombre que se Menor od trus, a Croatian, and supposed to We understand that on the and another to enable contributions cree maniático, quien penetró en la Agentes exclusivos de la fahabitación de la señora de Berry Stoll, sorp be a member of a political secret initiative of Deputies Romagosa to be obtained from all persons acaudalado miembro de la alta so mosa mantequilla y queso es society. The King was hit by six and Chaverri, the Comision de earning a salary of more than ſciedad a suien apaleó y la secues ROSSI y Co.
nblic bullets and died about 15 minutes Hacienda will shortly be introduc. 200 per month.
tró en su propio carro dejando una Finca Saborio afterwards.
ing in Congress a project to amend It is futher suggested that the nota en la cual pide 50 mil dólares kado y Notario the existing income Tax Law. additional revenue to be obtained. de rescate. Se erata de una mujer PAPEL PERIODICO In various European centres, the Among the changes likely to be in consequence of these changes, bella que actualmente sufre un res fria por lo cual y Tamaño 28 42 belief is already gaining ground proposed will be one for the in shall be earmarked for the carry familiares temen po sa parte, ha RESMAS PLANAS Oficin Ciudad de Limón that this tragedy may produce crease of the contribution on ining out of works in each of the ciéndose grandes esfuerzos para ha 50 la resma Tava serious political complications. comes from 10, 000 upwards, provinces concerned.
cer contacto con el plagiario, IMPRENTA BORRASE HER Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Vanta pemanente de LOTERIA NACIONAL net and the inauguration of the he is associated. had struck at prin Polacos to Pay Increased License new recent ter.
el proceso con more Hop Lee Lung announEstablecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes FDP e Chong León sen កS onb Avelino de la Peña Cia. Sucs. IP dos Political Tragedies bus Bonilla y Co.
Azan puP Ноу hiel Zeledón 50


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