
Buy Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday TIIE ATLANTIC VOICE THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 14 Limon, Costa Rica, Saturday, October 13 1934 Price: 15 per copy Laurel to the Negros TROPICAL COCKTAIL NEWS FROM THE POINT we our ΤΟ our Get your by SALLY We recently sent a letter to an Kress there went another colorful We chronicle with deepest re to enter into that wonderful state As a word of warning to the their pleasant little homes, encirc old classmate of ours of the pro character, more in keeping with gret the death of de Merca of matrimony. Approximately fifty thoughtless among our coloured led with flowers, yucas, yams and fessional school we had attended. the Nothernor conception of the do, one of the oldest members of well wishers gathered at the Com people of this Community who had other vegetables; they are not to be We had been a bit impressive, we old order of the White Man in the Cia. Bananera de Costa Rica munity House to cheer up these been led away by the tricky pro found in the rumshops getting thought, when we had offered the che Tropics. With the taming of personnel. positions and groundless hope of drunk, nor in the gloomy meetings information that we lived in Costa the warm latitudes, and the con Mac as he was familiarly known Among those present were the folon Sunday October two young men on their last spree.
the get rich quick ideas put forw of the Communists, nor in those Rica. Which is sufficient to send quest of their concomitant disease had made a wide circle of friends lowing: Dr. Umaña, Francisco ard by the leaders of Communism of foreign agitators, in which are in the recent supposed strike, as discussed plans to dynamite the most people scurrying for their perils, the ranks of the old timers during his many years in Costa Fonseca, Julio Jurado, Rogelio Gu: Further, map books. well as an expression of apprecia guardians of Order and Security related, with becoming modesty, of the emigrant to the Tropics is a good friend to many. To his mos. had have grown thinner, and the trend Rica and his passing is the loss of tierrez, Dr. Gamboa, Gabriel RaGaston Michaud, tion to those thoughtful ones who at the precipices of Las Lomas, or have abstained from entertaining to assassinate the Authorities with our romantic meeting with our definitely collegiate, urbane, and family we extend sincerest Krauth, Dudley, Quintin any thought or action that would astuteness by means of the aid of husband, and a description of our white collar. The hard, mysterious sympathy.
Andes, MacGowan, lend colour to the idea that they a clever marksman as it is said, in life in the Tropics.
stranger with the past he dunked Beuchot, Pauly, have made themselves a Party to his incredible and impossible mass Just the other day, we received in strong liquor and never alluded We pause a moment to record Woodbury, Corse, for these inharmonious, uproarious, of literature by the famous leader her reply containing much inforto, quick tempered, trigger draw the sailing of Mr. Quintin An Parkherst, Leo Laplace, revoltingly criminal acts committed Mora whom all thought made of mation about our former fellow ing among women a devil may des for New York, Veragua Graham, George Graham, against Law and Order by those flesh and bone, but has resulted to classmates. One had become a care rake; who came to fierce grips October Quintin little boy. Ellis, Green, Kewho foolishly called themselves be of pure Papier Mache (paper whiz of a publicity agent and with the soil as a planter. with dam friends, Willy Hug, Spike Gillmor lley, Gilberto Odio, Phipps, Strikers under the mantel of Con pulp moulded) made in Moscow handled this work for Kathleen and bridge building projects as an and last but not least Limey Lit. Sawyer, Smith, Raul munism: The Malditos Negros do not Norris, Ann Morgan and Eliza. engineer, and with mining as a pros tleton, were present to see him Velazquez, Carlos Vaglio, beg to translate for their gui belong to these despicable combina. beth Arden, among others. Anot pector, has become almost as rare. aboard safely. We grow a little Vargas. Franklin Venegas. Modance the following article found tions; these people of colour bel. her was personal dramatic coach for in these parts. as the virulent Tro bolder and say. help him rales, Lopez, Horacio La.
in the Diario de Costa Rica of a ong to the legions of Labour, noe Marion Davies. and still another pical diseases themselves. This is aboard. But we speak from hear porte. Herrera, Gutierrez, recent issue, which arise out of the to those of vagabond agitators, they for Bette Davies, the movie actresses. probably a natural comparison, say. Alvarado, Castillo, Photograph of letters of instruc belong to the open free field of One of our former teachers was since it took the hardest and fittest Alvaro Goicoechea.
estions sent by the Communist Lead labour, where the sweat flows and nationally famous and was getting to brook and to survive them The Warren Prince entertain After the refreshments had er and Lawyer Manuel Mora to his the tools bite, not to dismal witch 500. 00 per dramatic performan. when they were rampant. ed delightfully to dinner on Octo taken affect some wonderful and Chief of Staff at 26 Miles when meetings where the necessity of ce. We, ourself, last winter paid ber 6, Mrs. Prince sister recently humorous speeches were made by the Cuartel General of Commun using dynamite bombs against the three dollars, and worth it, too, to arrived from the States, and many Gabriel Ramos, Gaston Michaud, ism was destroyed and several se Police, the shot by a sharp shooter see a Broadway show by Dorothy Occasionally nowadays, a feeble of their Limon friends.
Joe Dudley and Franklin Vene.
9ditious letters were found. The against those who surpass them. Sands. male classmate, to attempt is made, in our city, to School Days, School Days, dear gas, to all of which the guests of Article proceeds.
selves in signs of consideration and whom our correspondent had for a don a ten gallon hat la Ameri and golden rule days. Not half honor fittingly responded. The sympathy in favour of rogues who time been engaged, was now Asst. can, or a white pith helmet la enough has been said regarding party broke up at a late hour afte LOS MALDITOS NEGROS plot against their very lives. They Executive Editor and City Editor British, but the result is inevitably. the charming mite who rules our much advice and admonitions belong to their homes, to theit of the Christian Science Monitor of one who is assuming, rather children with the firm but guiding the future benedicts.
In the famous letters from Mo children, to their future progress; One girl had entered a convent than of one who is, the character. hand. Betty Jo Huntoon is new to ra, which exhibits that Leader in not to the bands of Apaches of the and had died there, a few had the Tropics but has already carved cursory examination of The his full moral and intellectual fugitive Bustos, who set fire to committed suicide, and several The noises issuing from a drink her niche in our local hall of fame. Goma reveals our suspicions were Statue, there is a paragraph in Commissariats and plunder them, were confined in sanatoriums and ing bout of the younger generation We salute the attractive wife of well founded as regards our stawhich he refers to the Malditos who blast up bridges, who destroy in insane asylums. Surprisingly seem to us to have an undeniably our Medical Superintendent, Mrs. cement to the effect that a dance Negros (the damned Negroes. In our Railroads; no, they belong to few of these latter, considering undergraduate sound, and the cuss Edward Salisbury, on the an was contemplated by the Caribthis manner does he qualify the pacifism to order and harmony, the bedlam some of our classes words. although we have kept niversary of her birth, October 8, bean Club. From past experience group of coloured West Indians, to labour, not to uprising violence used to be. One had married a poker faced and lady like, we have The Observant Pointer and staff we feel safe in saying this will be nearly all of whom are Jamaicans and crime.
lieutenant in the Navy, was living heard them) seem less picturesque send kindest remembrances. a huge success. This hustling or who have been trained and disci These Malditos Negros, as Moin Guam, and expected, at any and imaginative, less zesful and ganization deserves your assistance plined to Civil Life by England, sa calls them have given a very moment, to hop over to Japan. hearty than those of that older We had a brief but pleasant in its endeavor to pep up and whom he abhors and execrates, very high example of sober judg. The writer herself had married and type, and are more reminiscent of visit from Mr. Guillermo Jimenez various entertaiments.
why! simply because they have not ment to the profligates who at. had two children. Besides this able the small boy being naughty beh of our capital city. In company costume ready and remember it is hurled themselves forward to com tempted to overthrow and disrupt and productive performance, she ind the old fashioned out house with our well known friend, Frana Marimba Orchestra.
mit violence and outrages as has our peace and order and ruin the bad just played the lead in a play klin Venegas from La Perla, Mr.
been done by his associate Bustos; country. They were the basis of written by the socially prominent Everything about the late Sam Jimenez spent his time visiting old We welcome to The Point, the for whom on account of his sha the recuperation of the Banana Mrs. Larz Anderson, and enclos Kress was large scaled. Big man, friends around Limon. It is hoped George Esquivel family.
meless outrages and savage atroci Industry against the life of whiched two full length photographs of big bluff voice, big movements that the next visit will be of longer ties there is an enthusiastic revolu the Communists conspired. They herself as the star of Freedom. He had had massive furniture spe duration.
The Veragua brought us back tionary greeting were terrorized by the threats of taking up a quarter page in a Bos cially built for himself. Two pielast Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. SydTo these very same Negroes which they were victims, they sub ton paper. To cap it all, Mrs. An ces of this, were, up Oh! Boy, Oh! Boy, what a ney Scoltock, Mrs. Graham, whom Mora now styles Accursed, mitted by secluding themselves in derson had given her the use of time ago, moldering in a yard next party that was organized by Ma Mr. and Mrs. Hatch.
e he himself made affectionate over their homes and waiting till calm her suite at a famous hostelry, and to our own.
cho Sandoval, Marc Vanderlaat, tures so that they might launch and order was re established; and had daily sent her flowers.
Lawrence Schaefer and Frank Ri Mr. Odell from Cimathemselves in the uprising by when the evildoers fled, leaving The ego we possessed diminishIt was a sight for tourist eyes, ley, on last Saturday night, as arrones spent the weekend at The means of honeyed handbills in losses in their flight, their panta ed with each sentence. It was as fed up with effete and gigolo like testimonial to the immense popuPoint with his friends the Harold macaronied English as well as by loons and the epistles of their though a pair of binoculars had men, to see Sam at a dance, white larity of Armando Martinez and Gores.
03 articles which appeared in the prophet, the Malditos Negros, been turned around and that we handkerchief about red perspiring Carlos Velazquez, who are about tu Relajo, the official Organ of the with a smile of satisfaction, buck looked through the large end to neck, coat and shirt soaked with Mr. Sullivan, genial Ma.
10 Communist Party. But the Ne led on again their tools and again see ourself strangely minute and perspiration, whirling one of our croaking with supreme nager of the Community House, groes did not fall into the snare of were the bananas of Costa Rica far away. The letter did us much smaller in wide swaths his small puddle. Small wonder spent a few days in San Jose this by Communism which they scented made to be converted into Gold in good, however, and our slumber about the Community House floor, then, that taken from the element week. Mrs. Sullivan, you will long before the famous epistles foreign markets.
ing ambitions awoke anew. Which with that amazing lightness and upon which it throve, placed in a recall, is convalescing from a serknew the country God grant that the Communists is probably how this column was grace which always comes to us as a larger pond where the frogs are ious operation in San Jose and Pat The Damned Negros, as their and other agitators of the Atlan born, and you are reading it, surprise in big men. Here was one bigger and croak more loudly, in uses this as an excuse for his freself appointed protector, now callstic Zone, may learn the severe les today.
who looked the part, and who ex. a climate and life more rigorous, quent exoduses. them, are people who have come son which has been handed out to tracted full flavor from the role of and in a milieu less soul satisfying, here to work, to respect the laws them by the Malditos Negros. The With the passing of Big San Tropical big shot. The big frog, he did not heed his incipient orgaWe nitice Traveling Auditor ed of the Country, to share the life of entire country sympathizes with nic weakness, and did not long McElroy and his assistant are tak.
any endeavour, thrift and labour of the them, with their respectful attitude, nation in Race nor Colour yet, is a glorious recognition of the survive.
ing full advantage of our swimuogood Costa Ricans, not of Com with their good judgment, with these are the very Costa Ricans good judgment of Negro inteming facilities. We also notice munists. For them the Law of Cos their decorous proceedings. The who are trying to enforce a Law grity for having kept themselves This is, of course, the version of their presence is attracting greater ca Rica is the Law that they must country now knows that they are by which Negros should not be out of any combination that would a writer, whose business it is to noon attendance.
obey, not the Law of the Third ja wholesome member within her admitted beyond the Tunnel at tend to assist an uprising against deal in imaginative psychology and The Observant Pointer International, nor that Law which national organism, as well as she Peralta, now these same people the Peace and Goodwill of the in the well turned phrase. The me according to Mora, the represen knows that Communism is a Can are demanding of the Cia. Bana Country as well as an exhibition medical men, are, of course, a mutatives (without a country) of the cer that must be eradicated. nera of Costa Rica that they must of ingratitude against the hand source of information more exact, Assyrians may Settle in Third International, the The above will serve as a great not bring Negros to labour in the that has maintained them all these if more laconic.
El Agents well paid by Gold from lesson to the coloured people of Banana Industry of Puntarenas. years.
British Guiana sex, Moscow wish to impose here with this country that while the leaders Is this not discriminating; and now What an inspiration it is to Ne Things which flabbergast us: l shouts and threats.
of every turbulent movement will they are found styling the same gros to feel that while agitators The American woman of delicate The matter of the settlement, The damned Negros of Mora, use every means of strategy to get people whom they are alluring into under Communism vilify them for sensibilities who requested her Ja outside of Asia, of Assyrians, who hate honest, vigorous, indefatigable them involved with them in the their revolutionary Camp, Aceut being judicious workmen the Coun maican maid not to address her as desire to leave Iraq, has been workmen; from sunrise to sunset, spirit of revolt. yet in the inner sed Negros. Why? because they try must feel that they are the sal. Mistress because it means brought before the League of Nathey can be seen in the Atlantic recesses of their heart they are de say, the strike cannot be effective vation of the Banana Industry of something bad in the States. We tions; and it is stated that Great phe, contributing to the National preciated and villified by these on account of these damned Ne the Country and recognize them honestly did not invent this. Britain has notified her willingness galth in the Banana Industry. same unworthy Costa Ricans. gros who are always willing to now as an intellectual factor in The Big Banana Tycoon, who to place 13, 000 square miles of her These same damned Negros, after In the manifiesto of the leaders work for the Company from Sun the economic and industrial life of priced a pair of five colon stirrups territory in British Guiana at the working hours bathe themselves, of Communism the Negros have to Sun under any conditions. the Country.
in the Commissary and then bought disposal of the League for this dange their clothes, and retire to been told that there is no discrimi. The above article reproduced Practicus one stirrup, not one pair.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
to a short gusto, in AN women nor

    CommunismCommunist PartyEnglandManuel MoraViolence

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