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PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, October 13 1934 COMMUNISM SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments we These are Indigestion Albino Villalobos tuted authority, obey the laws of INTERESTING BREVITIES to an cas mined United Fruit Company Correcting a Grave Error Mass.
me to PIRATE BAND INVADE: LA UVITA ISLAND Every now and again we read, The chaotis winds of that horrible or hear that a spark from the fires The chaotic winds of that horrible Plundering and Sacking of Treasure Island Feared of Communism at present raging sparks earthwards, with the result Jas ignited in some part of the we are all witnesses of. However On Tuesday, at 30 a juncle, gave an exhibition of supe We in Costa Rica had our we wish to point out what appears strange scene was sighted on Lahorsemanship over a log. Pira first expetence a few weeks back to us to be a vital difference bet THE RIGHT SALTS Uvita Island. Shades of Long Joan Woodbury was enticing aw of the dangers of such an outween the pioneers and the modern John Silver, Morgan and Captain bags of booty with her blandis break. And for the future we have Communists. The former, be it Kidd! wild pirate band, red ments. Pirate Billy Chittend to be areful that the embers lying observed have a leader. Lucifer, kerchiefed, with long gleaming cu was figuring how long it wou about are not again fanned into the Prince of Darkness, is head of tlases in black belts, were seen be before he had become the flames.
ar that bloody gang. the first rebels disembarking from their great ship land ruler. Pirates Victoria But in those parts of the world in the world, who demanded flying the Jolly Roger, and with Edgardo Yglesias planned to sta where the terrible conflagration is equality for all. The today Com.
blood curdling yells made their way a bank with their spoils. Pirat fiercest, the minds of the right munists have varied the form of to the great banquet tent on the Raymond Sheehy and Warre type of men are dismayed. They Control. For if understand Invaluable for the Treatment of south westerly side of the Island. Prince, observing the progress o are baffled at the inroads that this aright, their pronouncements, they There an orgy of ice cream and some ants, agreed that they coul awful, cruel curse is making on have no leaders at all. If our read.
cake took place, and bags of pirate be put to good use dirt haulin our civilization. What has caused ing be corret, then they are woe booty containing treasure Pirate Flatulence such as during the next slides.
And all forms it? How is it to be extinguished? fully illogical. And we are consraisins, candy and peanuts, were Yvette and Giselle Michaud, thei indeed apt questions. trained to ask, what about their distributed. Yonder sat Pirate Car chemist blood coming to the fore of Stomach The events which have led up to representative in Congress? What lota Krauth counting over her collected the greatest variety o its breaking out are too numerous about the outstanding figures who Colics Disorders raisins one by one, with Pirate stains. Pirates Alexander and Jean to detail and consider in a short were taken when their Camp at 26 Arleigh Sawyer assistance. Tis nette McInnis (whose birthday artide of this description. But a miles went up in ashes? Communists said her ancestor was an accoun was) stood on the bridge and com calm and deep reflection of its please put this stuff in your pipes FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES ant Pirates Edward and manded the vessel. Mrs. Yglesias history, we submit, leaves no room and smoke it. We hope you will Frisky Salisbury stalked a crab and Mrs. Krauth, Mrs. Woodbury for wonder of the infernal regions, enjoy the mixture.
neatly dissected it; we are told Mrs. Michaud, Miss Isabel Johns headed by Lucifer. And they are MANUFACTURED BY: their forbear was a surgeon. Pirate con and Mrs. McInnis were will now working overtime at the fur The remedy we suggest for ren Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa Nicky Oreamuno, lineal descen ing and well treated prisoners. The naces of evil, crime and disorder. dering harmeless the fires of Com dent of a Supreme Court Judge, feast started with the two Nubian SAN JOSE munism is to always wear an as.
pondered over two pieces of cake musicians playing La Carioca bestos uniform of right thought, and was about to render decision but the Pirates threw so many co right speech and right action. We Pirate Eberhardt Platte had stow. conuts that the tune was changed shall then have respect for constied away his own booty with Ger to Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of man foresight, and was helping rum. and a jug labeled Rum Attorney at Law and Notary our country and be a credit to our himself to someone else Pirate and containing lemonade was pasPublic. Office and Residen.
manhood. If we do this the large The 32nd. International Eucha months of the present year have Hazel Sullivan with an inherited sed around.
industrialists who are responsible ristic Congress was inaugurated, amounted to 2, 407, 957 or practise of eye calculated how The Pirates later circled the ce: Upper Floor of residen. for the world work, will, we are on the 10th. instant in Buenos 303, 969 more than the amount luncheon. Pirate Arturo Alvarado, the Point, and then came much would be left for tomorrow Island in their good ship, skirted ce of the late Juan José León sure have a care of us and follow. Aires, Argentine, by Cardenal for the similar period last year.
ashore ing our example, be right in their Eugenio Pacelli, the Papal Delega.
a throw back immediate somewheer on the mainland.
thoughts, speech and action to us. te. choir consisting of 600, 000 Last Season Coffee crop is voices assisted at the opening stated to have amounted to 292, 859 sacks with a total weight of 19, 058, 812 kilos, the majority of The Editor of the years as a peaceable and respecta An aerodrome, said to be the which was sold in the London SERVICIO DE VAPORES Voice of the Atlantic. ble Citizen, as a father of a very largest in existence, has just been market. Two thirds of the exporDear Sir.
Large family of eight sons, and it completed at Barksdale, Louisiana, tations went by way of our AtlanSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Kindly allow correct would be very unwise of me to It occupies 20, 000 acres tic Port.
con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
through your accredited paper a create an impossible atmosphere and will accommodate 200 military of things for them in VAPORES grave error.
SALIDAS matters planes and 2, 000 men.
It is reported that the Directors Among a certain class of per which, apart from being against of the Jamaica Producers Associ sons, nothing pleases more than my conscience, would not benefit Up to the 5th. instant, the govation are considering the necessity QUIRIGUA 14 de Octubre to see their superiors or competi us neither politically financially ernment disposed of 7, 500 quintals of increasing their tonnage for the PETEN.
tors humiliated or put out of the nor socially. In my discretionary of Sugar imported from Nicara transportation of their bananas to 21 de Octubre way as if to give them more space and legal interventions, do help gua. 4, 000 more quintals are ex the English and European markets. VERAGUA 28 de Octubre and play for their nefarious in at times, persons who are not of pected today. Selling at the price The Association, at tentions.
present, an agreable moral standard, but of 17 per quintal, it is reported owns three ships, the Pro FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
As a sample, the recent strike this could not be reasonably const that the government makes a progress. Pioneer and Producer, and its concomitant train of evils rued to mean that, because a law fit of 5. On the 7, 500 quintals and it is expected that the building Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON has given to this class or parties yer defended or prosecuted a cri already sold a profit of 37, 500 of this fourth one will take place Para otros informes, diríjase a las oficinas de la United an opportunity of venting their minal that he too is a criminal? has therefore been obtained by the during next year so as to be ready Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica pent up political bile and spleen, Being fully aware of my politi. Public Treasury.
for service the early part of 1936, for such no other occupation cal liberties, at times within the TELEFONO 3156 when, according to estimates obpleases than to resolve themselves limits of such attack fearlessly tained in planting circles, it is aninto secret and in most cases gra irregularities both in my legal intuitous secret informants to lieterventions as also Social discrimi of the Administrator, the sales of Island exportable fruit will exceed Police against, in most cases innocent and nations which are illegal and vile, the products of the National Li all previous records by amounting taw abiding persons and such a disposition especially quor Factory during the nine to around 26, 000, 000 stems.
Carlos Luis Fallas, the principal place kept under a strict and consI refer to the idea of holding treating with persons of lesser figure in the recent Communistic tant watch with the result that me up to the minds of certain Of. enlightened mind is at times taken movement in our Zone, is now in Fallas surrendered himself last af.
ficials as a Communist, and would and seized on as a pretext to bes!
the hands of the Police.
Fallas surrendered himself Thursseek my destruction, were not God mirch their opponent.
At a late hour in the night of day afternoon, on our side. therefore by this have been brutally attacked in We beg to call your attention to our remark Wernesday last, he arrived in San means desire to make it known to the communist paper Trabajo of at the back of receipt which reads: Jose accompanied by two Nicara he found to be all and sunday for all time, that Sunday the 26th August last, and guans, it is said, and stopped at sick, he was immediately taken to was never, am not, and will never all this and more here, should the residence of Manuel Mora. the San Juan de Dios Hospital be a communist, because, firstly, prove that am rather appreciated As soon as the Police Authori where he now remains a patient there is no reason why should, by them in a different light than office before the 15th of the month ties got the news, they had the under the vigilance of the Police.
am not of the labouring class. what certain good for nothing cha.
To me Communism is repugnant racters here in Siquirres are trying Be so good as fo comply with this request SIQUIRRES in all or most of its phases, and to make out against HOTEL me to their believing as do that only Jehovah satisfaction. Time the great teachand do not oblige us to suspend our service, COSTA RICA can and will bring order and jus. er and father of will vindicate and tice to selfish humanity and a step which we would much regret to take. Trains from Limon stop 20 minutes at Siquirres for Lunch.
so clear up all things in their due Buy your Lunch ticket on the train so you will be quickly served rectify this caotic condition, time.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón on arrival. Price 2. 50. Costa Rica Currency. Restaurant is would be less than a fool to at Thanking you Mr. Editor for right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Gigarrettes. English, French, tempt to deceive myself to propa your indulgence.
German and Spanish spoken.
gate or believe otherwise. am yours sincerely, have lived in this hospitable KISSLING Petgrave, ARCHDEACON OAKLEY Republic for nigh twenty seven Siquirres.
Manager After six years of toil in the It is understood also, that the Master vineyard, in these parts, Rev. Archdeacon will be entering Passport Restrictions the Rev. Austin Oakley, Arch. into relations with the Union of deacon of Central America and the Greek Orthodox Church, the In view of the recent arrest, in their issue.
Rector of St. Mark Church in Eucumenical Head of which is Peru, of the man, James Goldem Instructions to this effect have Importer of merchandise in general and Limon, will soon be leaving us for still centered in Constantinople. berg, who was found to be making been sent to the governors of the the Near East, whither he goes to COCOA. EXPORTER The Atlantic Voice along with improper use of the Costa Rican various provinces. Parties who take up the important appointment its many friends, take this medium passport extended him four years may wish to be absent from the Consult my special prices which in all cases will be the of Chaplin to the British Embassy of saying un bon voyage to the previously, the government have country, for a longer period than and Padre in charge of the Cri Archdeacon and Dr. Oakley, his decided that, from now on, pas twelve months, should therefore best in the market.
mean Memorial Church in Cons wife, and wish them every prosper sports shall only be valid for take the necessary precautions.
ity in their new field of labour. twelve months from the date of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
According to a recent statement ticipated that the output of the Fallas in Hands of a was This bill must be paid at our Anian Sime

    Carlos Luis FallasCommunismManuel MoraMilitantes del PCCR

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