
turday, November de 1934.
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA Our Radio Service B AFIASPIRINA Albino Villalobos this were tract Daniel Zeledón Limon Trading Company an area.
Millions all over the world DESENZANO, ITALY. hest awards for public service in of the creed of international usury know from personal arrant Officer Francesco Angelo the Medical profession, was award whereby they live Mosley said in is said unofficially to have set a ed three United States Professors conclusion.
experience that by world air speed record of in ceremonies here on 25th. uit.
10. miles an hour in a flight They were given the prize for their LOS ANGELES. Luu Tel(BAER. work on a cure for pernicious ane legen, Matinee idol of the silent NORTHBAY, ONT. Formia. The three will divide a prize film days, died on 29th. ult. from first time Dr. Dafoe stated all of 41, 806 at present exchange seven stab wounds in his breast e Dionne quintuplets are prac rates, giving each approvimately which police said he apparently in is the safe remedy for cally normal. He said the two 14, 000 as his share of the prize flicted with a pair of scissors. The peaker sisters have improved re of 1934.
former husband of Geraldine FaHEADACHES. PAINS. COLDS markably since being removed into MEXICO. The Chamber of prar, the Opera singer, was found he Dafoe Hospital Deputies was informed on 26th. lying in the bathroom of his home, Ult. that 15 persons were ambush the bloodstained scissors near his ed and killed in a fight between outstretched arm. Tellegen, 52 tenant Frank Eagan who conductThe Banana Contrac.
militant catholics and local autho years old, died an hour later. med an investigation reported the rities near Tantuate. The ambush, health and the fear he was losing death was undoubtedly suicide.
From page The above are the principal points of the agreement to be pasDeputies were told, was arranged his mind were ascribed by police Attorney at Law and Notary BERLIN. Storm by a religious faction. It was rep and his physicians as the probable desiring to remain in the Organ but for the renewal of the suceed to the producers of fruit, and it is Troopers life of the contract of six years, sed on before Congress of interest Public. Office and Residen.
orted that seven soldiers, an Army reason for the act. Detective Lieu. ization must prove that none ce: Upper Floor of residen.
Officer, a municipal Councilman of ing five years the price will be re hoped our Deputies will waive all their 16 great great grand parents duced to forty cents per and six civilians were killed.
count other matters and go into ce of the late Juan José León were Jewish, must not marry non bunch for the American market, business at once, so as to enable us Chicago. Murray Humphryes, Dr. Carlos MI. Fernández Aryans or half castes and must and thirty five cents per count for to go planting at once to recupe.
Chicago public enemy No. Cirujano Dentista immediately sever martial ties with the English or European markets, rate the value of the Industry to and former lieutenant of the imWILKESBARRE, PA. FifSAN JOSE non Aryans or bastards according the Community. We have already teen hundred tons, of anthracite prisoned Al Capone, pleaded guilty to an announcement in the Storm Colonization Purposes lost a year labour and production and gravel topping 50 feet, snuf of Federal Income Taxes and was to four counts charging evasion Oficina: Clínica del Dr. Facio Troop Organ. The Organ demandby the postponement by the govfed out the lives of three Plains sentenced to 18 months in the Pe.
Teléfonos: ed Aryan purity in Storm Troops In consequence of the present ernment of the vital proposition Township youths culling refuse ranks far exceeding that demanded agreement, which is an addition in made them by the Company; and Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 coal for use by their impoverished nitenciary and fined 5, 000.
among State Officials, whe are complement of the 1930 Contract, while they are waiting and watchparents during the winter. Two Apartado 1252 required only that none of their by which all differences as to the ing; because whe can plant and other youths from Plains four grandparents were Jewish. nonfulfilment of the 1930 Con the Banana Industry is deteriorathurt.
are settled amicably, the ing; bacuse whe can plant and HAVANA. Naval IntelliCompany agrees to hand over to care bananas at thirty cents per gence Officers said they believed the government 5, 000 hectareas of count? The Company knows it they had baulked still another plot the uncultivated lands held by her cannot be done, or the Managers against the life of United States in the Zent District and another would not be generous enough to Ambassador Caffery with the Abogado y Notario y 5, 000 of uncultivated lands in the offer forty and fifty, but in the arrest of three men in an automob.
vicinities along the Old Lines, to meantime that there is no ruling ile with Sawed off shotguns on the be alotted to Costa Ricans in lotsagreement in the country she is 23rd. Oct. The men were identi Oficina: Ciudad de Limón to be decided by the government bound to protect herself by mak.
fied by the authorities as members for purposes of Colonization.
ing provisional contracts at thirty Formal notice BELGRADE of the ABC Radical Revolutionary that Yoguslavia intends to avenge cents, to protect the trade which Society.
Hospitalization Funds she has built up for so many years, the assassination of King Alexan.
MARYVÁLLE, MO. This So that all labourers working against the instrution of sharpers City of 3, 000 began on the 24th. der was given by Premier Uzonoon the banana farms of private and grabbers, who are willing to vich in his first appearance before Ult. to count the cost of farmers as well as those of the rush in and buy fruit at very con En sas almacenes de San José, Puntarenas y Limón Autumn tornado that struck with parliament since the crime at MarCompany may be entitled to me venient prices at somebody else terrible force over a small seilles. Yujoslavia demands clarification of the killing he said, and OFRECE AL COMERCIO EL MAS EXTENSO SURTIDO dical attendance, a deduction of expense and brain, without making Two persons were dead and two insists also upon establishmen of one per cent will be made from all an effort to plant a root. It will DE ABARROTES LICORES ying, and two score persons sustain cheques payable for fruit sold to therefore be seen that it is not the ed minor injuries. Property da responsibility for it. so that we will the Company; these amounts will wish of the Company to punish mage was estimated in excess of be in a position to apply the necesbe paid over to the government to her producers, but we are suffersary sanction. There must be an Depósito permanente de los afamados productos: 100, 000 defray Hospital expenses for such ing on account of the tardiness of end to these assassinations the NEW YORK. prisoner Premier said. Jugoslavia is doing labourers falling ill on the farms; the government to bring this most Cigarrillos CHESTERFIELD.
in the Welfore Island Penitentiary whether to be cared for in the essential business to a close. Let us was stabbed as he exercised with benefit of European civilization.
her part in this respect for the Company Hospital or the Govern hope it will be done this week. The Swift Company. Tales como manteca LA PRIMERA la other prisoners. With the handle ment Payments will thus be Company Officials are of a kitchen knife protruding He did not give any clue as to the favorita de las familias; carnes en barriles, etc.
made by the government for such wishful even than the producers, from his forehead, the prisoner tends to impose, but his address type of sanction Jugoeslavia in.
services rendered at a price to be that this long suspense should be Libby McNeill Libby. Leche Condensada, Carnes, Frutas, calmly stepped from the group was regarded as clear indication agreed upon per patient. brought to an end, so that a sysand asked an amazed Guard for The prices for transporting fruit tematic modus operandi can be his Legumbres, Encurtidos y todo extenso surtido de latería de esta medical attention. He was rushed government will demand full for small farmers to the platforms enferced by which the producers, renombrada Fábrica.
to the Prison hospital where the satisfaction if any foreign power on the Railway lines, shall be ten and labourers alike, could know is found to be in any way involved.
handle of the six inch blade Té Salada Un prolucto que ocupa lugar preferente en todos cents of the colon per stem; but exactly what they are doing and Coincident with his appearance in broken off as physicians attempted Parliament members of the Relos hogares, por su exquisito aroma.
if the farmer transports the fruit what to expect by their labours to extract it. Smoking a cigarette on his own vehicle, it shall be one and the Company Officials be gency Council issued a proclamaLevadura. Marca CALUMET.
and chatting quietly with attencent per stem, and no owner of enabled to lay out reliable estimation stating the policies of the slain tramlines can refuse to dants, he said he felt no pain as King would be continued.
Cemento Leon Danesa. el favorito de los constructores, transport tes in the daily routine of their physicians sought unsuccessfully to such fruit.
business, making ones duties por su insuperable cualidad y alta resistencia.
remove the blade. Xray pictures The preference of all labour much more of a pleasure than the showed it passed through the brain.
shall be given to Costa Ricans on burden and unpleasantness it is to Antes de colocar sus pedidos consulte nuestros precios. coloured labour shall be employed and anxieties.
the farms, and it is agreed that no them in these days of depression Abarrotes. Mercadería en general Compra de productos del país, tales como in banana farming on the Pacific Venta al por Mayor y Coast.
Practicus LIVERPOOL cacao, coco, etc.
Menor Agentes exclusivos de la faLimón, Costa Rica, América Central.
Licores Extranjemosa mantequilla y queso ros y del País ROSSI y Co.
ABARROTES Finca Saborio La mejor manera.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES Precios PANAMA CITY, FLA. Viene de la Página TRES) Oportunamente tendremos el gus Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Económicos Firemen were forced to abandon reconocer que todos estos pueblos de conocer las distintas tesis que con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA the burning freighter Panamerican forman una sola legión de una mis aportaron en este Congreso los dis.
early on 28th. ult. to halt thema raza, de una misma lengua, de tinguidos galenos que formaron el VAPORES SALIDAS REVAL ESTHONIA. spread of flames that destroyed una misma religión y costumbres. Asi Congreso Médico; pues será de es.
Presidential Decree has been issued four homes in the fashionable es, que, los inicjadores de este Contimable valor que se QUIRIGUA de Noviembre making it possible in future for Bayfront residential section. Loss greso que acaba de dausurarse, tu importantes trabajos científicos. Ya vieron un pensamiento grandioso al que me he referido to death in to ship and home owners PETEN 11 de Noviembre persons condemned Esthonia commit suicide by placed at approximately 140, 000. llevar a efecto este Congreso de hom portancia de este Congreso, quiero VERAGUA.
bres de ciencia: pucs en el han te. aprovechar la ocasión para presen 18 de Noviembre poison rather than wait to be hang LONDON. Sir Oswald Mos.
ley, Leader of the British Fascists nido la oportundad de conocerse y tar mis más efusjvas felicitaciones al de hacer más efectivas y cordiales eminente profesional doctor don AnFELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
PARIS. News of Italy deci violently denounced Jews in a las relaciones entre estos pueblos los tonio Peña Chavarría y demás ini.
Agentes para PUNTARENAS sion to begin work at once on the meeting of his Black Shirts at cuales no deben tener fronteras.
LIMON ciadores por haber logrado un fin 35, 000 ton battleships was follow Albert Hall on 28th. ult. ReferrEstos Congresos sin duda alguna. tan louble como ha sido la realiza.
Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United ed by reports in Paris that the ing to the Jews as sweepings of vienen a robustecer más los vínculos ción de Segundo Congreso Medico Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica French Navy is studying plans to a foreign Ghette Mosley assert. de unión y de solidaridad que debe centroamericano efectuado en la caTELEFONO 3156 build three battle cruisers of ared that the organized power of de existir entre naciones que forman pital costarricense pund 30, 000 tons.
Jewry had striven incessantly for la garganta de dos Américas del Puerto Limón, Costa Rica STOCKHOLM. The Nobel the past year and a half in favour vasto Continente hispano que nos Octubre de 1934.
Prize for medicine, one of the hig of war. We stand for the ending dió el inmortal Colón.
Humberto Ulloa Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
more was 50 Bonilla Co.
Chong León United Fruit Company conozcantan was to a Imprenta BORRASE HERMANOS


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