
sibuer le THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, November de 1934.
PAGINA The Writing on the Wall SAL UVINA time not For Liver and Stomach Ailments on can Indigestion that some us should FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES brought in to San Jose a an Dogs Control Prison Order tarenas are a curses such a The Costa Rican Negro Place in Costa Rica?
Dear Mr. Editer: country who are either Costa RiIn all ages mankind has been Turrialba district has happily been Among the many items of inte. cans by naturalization or by Birth rest in the agreement between the are constantly being hunted down guided, in all clamities, by an an brought to a settlement under the seen hand; whether such guidance above conditions; hence the labourGovernment and the United Fruit and even paid for their votes when Company, over the Banana Con election comes, and great has been exhibited by the pro ers are all back to work after being THE RIGHT SALTS tract, there is a clause somewhat promises held out to them of faciverbial handwriting on the Wall, out for eight or ten days, and perplexing, that is, the 8th. clause lities should their party get in powor by the mouth of prophets or these men have been sensible of the Executive recommendations er. Does this discrimination philosophers, by way of warnings enough to refuse to join in with to Congress, agreed upon by the seem ill advised?
of impending occurrences, there the Federation of Labour in these Company, which says that all prehas always been the casting of that surroundings. If therefore, the naIf preference must be shown to ferences of work in the Banana Costa Ricans in the public engage.
shadow, as the forerunner of com tives in the interior have looked ing events.
Industry must be given to Costa ments of the country, where does upon a Labour Union there with Ricans, and it goes on to demand this class come in? How can Pressuspicious eyes, how much so ought that, It is prohibited to employ ident Jimenez government now atWith regard to the strike in the the coloured labourers the people of colour in such works in tempt to push them out the way. Invaluable for the Treatment of Turrialba district, the government Coast to suspect something funny has clearly expressed itself as oppo in it.
the Pacific Zone.
Did they not help him into This discrimination seem ridicu Power?
sed to any movement that tends to And after all, what hopes or lous and lacking in vision, educatFlatulence paralize any of her industries; as a inducements There are very many highly inMr. Dermont, And all forms proof of which she is disposed to Mr. Josephs or any body else hold ed men are really not always wise; telligent and even educated Costa to suit the clamour of the rabble Rican Negros in this country, how of Stomach suppress, with all the energy and out to us on this side of the counmeans at her disposal, any attempt try of a Labour Union, where here, we find the more prepared will they stand by and allow this ones, lending themselves, by their inserted against them.
Colics at subversive acts in this respect.
Is it Disorders every third man is his own master As a means to an end, it is noti and needs no advice from the head prejudice against a few whose only not of paramount imporfailure is that they may be born of tance ced that the government has of a labour Organization to grow, of a different hue but equal in every get large harvest or sell his products.
up a memorial to be consignment of Arms, and these We wont say that some hot other respect, to a stupidity border wedge teeming with insults to be were discharged, at night, in the headed youth among us wont try ing on Savagery. The Constitution sent to the Chief Executive asking MANUFACTURED BY: Bella Vista Cuartel. Iit is evident to form a Club for the purpose of of Costa Rica provides that all his interpretation of this paragraph races and creeds within the country of the agreement and to enligh Hermann Zeledon Botica Francesa that the government is alive to the bringing fame to himself as are free to labour where they ten his countrymen as to a point plans of movements, whether by your homes. Only then will you SAN JOSE strikers, under an organized la see please, and in whatever recognized of Citizenship: Children bom of that Communism, Labour bour Union, headed by Commu Unions and their result strikes profession they may choose; yet Aliens in Costa Rica, not registernists, as has occurred in Cuba and shall not walk in your pathway.
here we find our Deputies doned in the Consulates of their Alien Juan Romagosa included, discri parents, to what flag or country Spain, or under any other guise of Dont allow yourself to be fooled, disturbances. She is on the alert minating against a coloured la. do they belong. Eight Belgian Police Dogs are eight hours a day in two shifts and will not be baulked by strikers in a country like ours; no strikes, bourer. Is this not ridiculous. to no Labour Unions can Can we not awaken the smoul regarded as the Heroes who ma patrolling the grounds and are of any nationality.
say the least of it. when we find dering embers of the Club Criollo? terially assisted in subduing a riot feared by every What is the use of your walking convict. They There is a rumour about that that 23 of the population of Pun Thanking you, Sir for your in which occurred in the Eastern Pe obey but two men, their chief out when there are five unemployed there is in formation a Labour people of coloured dulgences nitenciary, Last August. Trainer and the particular master Union on the Atlantic Coast and men to walk in and take your place origin, being a mixed breed of NeThey were officially mentioned by of each one. The general guards all the Malditos Negros will be under government protection.
gros and Indians. Besides thous Yours sincerely the Deputy Warden in his report, and prisoners are warned never to induced to join the new movement, Labour Unions are more In my next, will that prove ands of people of colour in this Nation on the matter, to the Board of talk to or attempt to pet them.
with the pretentions of getting than blessings in large countries Trustees.
For any one to run when the dogs more wages; but let us ask, how where they are fostered. Never enThe Dogs form part of the are in sight is said to be certain can movement succeed, We beg to call your attention to our remark Prison regular Guard; they work) death for the person.
courage the idea of linking your when already the government has self to any such Organization.
at the back of receipt which reads: Co Employee meets Accident all her exports in foreign markets investigated the present prices of Philosophus This bill must be paid at our Early last Sunday morning Mr. the vicinity of Penshurst his car and come to an agreement of a Leyton, who is attached to the collided with another journeying minimum wage that must be paid Medical Department of the United towards Limon.
to labourers in the country; being, office before the 15th of the month LUIS WA CHONG Fruit Company, left Limon for Es Mr. Leyton sustained the fractu in the interior, from one colon GUACIMO GUAPILES trella by one of the Railway more of a leg while the two occupants and seventy five cents to two coBe so good as to comply with this request tor cars and shortly after leaving of the other car were badly bruised. lones per diem, and on the Atlan Cantina, Licores Extranjeand do not oblige us to suspend our service, tic Coast three colones. What then ros y del país a step which we would much regret to take.
Guillermo Niehaus Co. can a Labour Union do? Can it Tienda bien surtida y make demands over and above LIMON Abarrotes en general Limón Compañía Eléctrica de what the government has decreed?
Maderas Extranjeras y del País Can the government countenance Precios sin competencia such demands? The strike in the COMPRA CACAO MATERIAL DE TRANVIA From Estrada Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo. Dear Mr. Editor: were arrested and are now in the Importación de mercadería en general large quantity of wet Cocoa, local lock up awaiting firther dev.
In view of the interest which to 200; Incomes in excess of amounting several hundred clopments centers around the proposal for 200 and not more than 500 pounds, was stolen from the It is hoped that Mr. Bougle will the establishment of a local Work to pay plus on the excess SUGGESTION United Fruit Company farms on be duiy compensated for his serv.
ers Fund, it may be of interest to over 200; Those above 500 and the ent and Louisa East Lines last :ces, as this is the first step to put state that we observe the Panama not exceeding 800 to pay 12 Monday night.
an end to praedial larceny in this National Assembly is being asked plus on the excess; Those from The Editor, Many of those who served on By the careful investigation and important Cocoa district.
by the Secretary of the Depart. 800 to 1, 000 22 plus Sir: that Board are still with us and skilful maneuvering of Mr. Willment of Agriculture and Public and from 1, 000 to. 1, 500 32 With regard to the fear which would, am sure, be quite willing am Bougle the suspected parties Resident Works to approve a similar Bill. plus All incomes over 1, 500 is possessed by many in our com. Ito once again assist our Province, The Bill proposes the imposition to pay 60 plus on the excess. munity that, should the proposed if required.
MC. GUINNESS CHAMBERLAIN of a tax on all wage earners The Bill is said to have created Workers Fund eventually become Should you consider my suggesthe following scale: Tax of strong criticisms from the law, Limon may be deprived of tion of sufficient worth, trust LIMON 50 on incomes up to 65; mercial community and the Asso. her proper share of its benefits, you will as the Editor of the only from 65. 01 to 85; 75 from ciation of Commerce, and it is exam thinking that this may be paper devoted to the interests of 85. 01 to 120; 75 from pected that the scale of taxation guarded against or minimized to a our Province, use your very best Maderas del país. Existencia permanente en nuestro de 120. 01 to 150; from 150 will be finally reduced.
very great extent by the creation efforts to have the idea carried into pósito 50 varas al Sur del Correo, y en los almacenes of a special Junta or Board effect.
the empowered to check up on With my thanks in anticipation, de los Sres. Gmo. Niehaus y Avelino de la Peña y Co. Suc.
y amount of contributions paid in by An Optimist Hacemos facilidades de pago The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Mithe wage earners of our Province nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be and see that she receives her proper served on your arrival. Price 2. 50 (Costa Rica money. Res. proportion taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English SpoAccident Insurance for Municipal Employees Such a Board could also prepa EDGAR YOUNG We understand that on the in. nicipal empleoyees would be ken, Se habla español, On parle Francais, Man Spricht for the information of the Deutsch KISSLING Public Works Department, a list itiative of our Municipal Author titled to be insured against acciComerciante RE ities, consideration is being given dents while in the performance of Manager of all the works required to be undertaken specifying, separately, to a project under which all mu their regular duties.
those which are urgently needed Establecido en toda la Provincia por más de 20 años.
and should be given precedence. Vende al detal, vinos y licores ex The Board may also be empowered tranjeros y del país, abarrotes en geto supervise the expenditure of the neral. Micelánea.
It is reported that the Sandinis. Gregorio Colindres, who is in Ca fund generally.
SAN JOSE Trato especial para su distinguida y tas are making preparations to lifornia, at present, is supposed to recollect that a somewhat siminumerosa cliente a y, muy especial150 yards South of the Central Market combat the government of Pres be directing affairs, and General lar Board was appointed at mente para el público en general.
ident Sacasa as they allege it con Altamirano has been named for time our streets were being recons Mercado entre la Av. 3a. y la calle 4a.
the Establecimiento Esquina Norte del Special attention given passengers from the Atlantic tinues to permit the United States the position of Commander in tructed, and believe am justified First Class Accommodation Refrescos y aguas gaseosas.
to unduly intervene in the internal Chief in conformity, it is alleged, in saying that it was of material Terms Moderate English Spoken affairs of Nicaragua with the expressed desire of San benefit to the financial side of that LIMON, COSTA RICA. Escarre The Nicaraguan General Juan dino.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Workers Fund for Panama TO nd to an brok And Oy on comSIQUIRRES RESTAURANT enre, Jeesid Sandinistas Preparing for Conflict Hotel Limón lakin Krson Esthos poison.
PA tonte 35, 000 by french wald und STO


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