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Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 17 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, November de 1934.
Price: 15 per copy The Banana Contract Before Congress Tropical Cocktail News From The Point was some we pay cents perience stems of Six contracts severe measures, as soon as once more reFor the benefit of our readers, will be for fruit destined for the we reproduce the principal points North American market. For fruit By SALLY Jing to the neighbors.
fy The Observant Pointer of the Banana Contract which has destined for the European market The inevitable catalog The Annual Schoolchildren the bridal couple. Mart and his been put before Congress with the the prices will be, for nine hands Ours are not by far the years of strung up with the stout but fancy Party was held at the Schoolhouse wife will return to The Point in a recommendation of the Parliamen and over forty five cents; for eight a grandmother, and yet, among red ribbon (probably a Xmas on October 31. The affair was in couple of weeks and THE OBStary Committee, in whose hands it hands bunches thirty three and our childhood memories we number relic) run through a small rod; charge of the Misses Huntoon and ERVANT POINTER takes this was placed for scrutiny before three quarter cents gold; for seven esoterica entirely unknown to nie the forerunner, very likely, of our Johnston. and much credit must opportunity to wish them many being sent forward to the House of hands bunches twenty two and a ces and nephews who came along ubiquitous present day gadget. be given them for the splendid en happy returns and the hope that Representatives: half conts; and eleven and a quar small seven years later. Of that How this proud beauty of the tertainment provided. The school all their troubles will be little ones, Art. 1, We, Leon Cortes Castro, ter cents for six hands bunches Hudson river town where age before the widespread use of was attractively decorated in Hall though not too many.
Secretary of State for Public whenever the Company resolves to we were born, we remember clearly modem plumbing had suvived oween colors and the pupils suitaWorks and Agriculture in repres take these.
our older sister being taken buggy other Hallowe ens, was, we surmise bly garbed in keeping with the We are told on good authority entation of the Government of the On the Pacific Coast the Com riding by her beau, and can re because of the great admiration in general scheme.
that Paco Fonseca visit to The Republic, duly authorized by the pany will pay thirty cents gold for member being sent to purchase, at which it was generally held. Not Point last Sunday was not a success Deesident of same, and George Lunches of nine hands and over; che dry goods store, the bones for once, but many times, we children Just an old fashioned Saturday from a financial point of view.
Peters Chittenden, acting as the twenty two and a half cents for her high net collar, and for the had taken advantage of the easily night party was held at the resiAttorney of the United Fruit Co. bunches of eight hands; fifteen narrow black velvet ribbon she credited excuse of childhood, and Jence of Mr. and Mrs. Mac It is with greatest sorrow with a view of augmenting the cents for stems of seven hands and used for threading the embroidery had availed ourself of the opportu Gowan on the night of October learn of the unfortunate accident Banana Industry of this country, seven and a half cents for six hands trimmed sleeves and belts of her ity to gaze long upon its wonders. 27th. The MacGowan were hosts that befell our friend Mr.
have agreed to celebrate the foll: bunches when it is decided to take frocks. We have a vivid recollec Into whose be deviled mind the to The Point younger set. Among Layton. We extend our most sinowing Contract: these, for fruit destined for the tion of the first automobile we set unholy thought occurred, we have the notables present were the follow cere sympathy.
The United Fruit Co. or its Suc American market.
eyes upon, and the elegance of the never known, but the Jumps awoke ing: Irma and Jose Dudley, Lucky Two representatives of the cessar the Banana Company of For fruit destined for the English hong pongee duster and veil that morning after Hallowe en. Laplace. and Sue Repta, Eddie Goodyear Tire Rubber Company Costa Rica, agrees to enter into market the Company will bound headgear of its lad; occu one jump behind the mischief ma and Hazel, Bernie and Peggy, were recent visitors in Limon pass Contracts for the purchase of Ba twenty five cents per stem for nine pant; and the swirl of dust that kers, to see their pride over turned, Benny Duplantis and Audrey, Bob ing through to San Jose from Alnanas with private growers of such hands and over; eighteen and three enveloped everything at their pass their work of art defiled.
Johnston and Aggie Bowden, mirante. They were the Messrs.
fruit, or enterprises who We recall very plainly the may quarter for eight hands; ing.
Seldom have we seen rage great Chubby Johnston and Doctor Harges and Ingle and to our inexlaunch into cultivations and up to twelve and a half cents for stems jingle of sleigh bells and the ex er than the desecrated owner Maxie. It is rumored that on this perienced eye they seemed to enjoy this moment have not had any of seven hands and six and a of being tucked very Or swifter retribution. He ap occasion young Benny Duplantis being shown over The Point. by contracts with the Company or its quarter cozily in a sleigh between two he proached the father of each boy, cutdid himself and will never be Mr. De Graveles, Superintendent cents for affiliates, or for fruit which may hands when they are needed.
avily coated adults under a long known or not known to have been the same.
of Cia. Bananera Farms.
be produced as a result of these These fruit from the Pacific haired buffalo robe. These me among the miscreants, and, under Sitting around the round table It is understood and will be transported over the Pacific mories reocaur only so frequently threat of more Twas just five years ago the we notice Frank Riley Spanish agreed that this obligation ceases Railway lines by special arrangeas a chance conversation, or a claimed and collected one dollar night of the 24th that Carl took a has improved considerably. Would 6, 000 hectareas havements with the government at five movie, or a book, reminds us of toward the re building and beauti wife. Twas little Lilly Smith who you believe that he uses such highbeen contracted for, being 3, 000 to cents gold per stem from Punta that period. Regularly, however, fying of his profaned daring. Our would stick to him for life. Yes flown Castellano that it goes right be contracted for on the Atlantic renas to San Jose; and from San Cach Hallowe en, we do not fail to own brother. Tea cat by nickname, folks, the Krauths have passed over our head. Who is the teacher Coast and 3, 000 on the Pacific Jose to Limon they will be trans recall the Hallowe ens of old, and protested his innocence with ton their Wooden Wedding Annivers. Frankie?
Coast of Costa Rica.
ported over the Northern Ry. Co the very real fear the neighboring gue in cheek honesty, but father, ary. The happy event was celebratThe Constractor on the Atlan lines in the cars of the Govern farmers had for the rustic humor with the wisdom and experience of ed in the true Krauth hospitality Fore! We rush to the passenger tic Coast must begin his planting ment Pacific Railway, where and bucolic pranks of the boys, having four older boys, paid up with an excellent dinner and even list in the Steamship Office and within six months from the date they will be placed aboard ships.
who might on this night, set fire without a murmur.
ing entertainment to more than carefully examine the list of inof his signing such contract and to a haystack which had lingered The house was handsomely re a score of their friends. Congrats. coming passengers to see if Bobby complete his planting of the lot of Loans to Cultivate too long in the field; or cause him built, but received, instead of the Carl and Lil. May we be present Jones or Gene Sarazen are among lands contracted for within a year; to awaken to find his pet calf tied respect due a lady, the jeers which at the Golden Celebration. the landing passengers for the port and on the Pacific side he must Loans will be made by the Com to the weather vane on the roof of are the lot (or used to be) of a of Limon. You may ask us why?
begin within 18 months and company for the cultivation of lands his barn. Many a farmer sent a jade. Paradise was The Community House has We duck our heads. there is plete his alotted contract within a approved by its Supervisors, where wild shot ringing out into the gained for the Jump family, but been the scene of many a tear and Lucky Laplace practicing so diliyear from the day he begins to there is sufficient guarantee in the night, just for luck, to ward away with it a very hollow peace. And laugh. Ia has seen christenings, genty his golf in back of the Complant; in case of nonfulfilment of recognized capability of the far these just for this night witches and every subsequent Hallowe en, theirs dances, parties and funerals. On Imunity House that we are sure a this part of the contract the Com mer to carry out his contract. The goblins.
was a very restless vigil.
last Saturday the Community championship match is in the forth pany will acknowledge that area sum hundred thousand House had the initial experience of coming. What sayeth thou Leo!
of lands planted and proceed to dollars will be apportioned to farUnfailingly, too, on each Hall Human foibles we wonder at: its first wedding celebration. One alot the deficiency to some other mers on the Atlantic Coast, and owe en, we recall, as one of our Why all references to this utiliza of the most popular boys of the Mr. and Mrs. Smith enContractor who will be able to ful. an equal sum to those eir the Pa deep childhood impressions. the in rian edifice are still made in hus Community House, Armando Mar tertained to dinner on November cific; such loans to bear interest at cident of Mr. Jump back yard hed tones and screened by stiffly tinez, went and did it and now he 1, Miss Misses Andrey Syrell and six per cent per annum.
house. The Specialist himself must polite phrases, when pictures of its can play ball with the married Sue Repta and Messrs Frank Biley The Company reserves the right have built it, but credit for its de modern counterpart are blazoned men team. After the return of and Leo La Place. We understand to approve of the lands such cultiva Renenal of Contracts coration to the Jump over the pages of magazines, and the bridal party from the Church Mr. Smith carefully cut out all tion, and such lands shall be comfamily, which was, oddly enough, its modern names can be mention a champagne breaksfast was serv. mtoors to enable his radio to be prised with in Limon and Guapiles Contracts which exist and will now that we come to think of it, ſed in the best company?
ed to over seventyfive friends of heard.
and between Limon and Rio Estre expire up to the end of 1935 will be family of boys. It boasted a wide lla, and the Cuabre Road. renewed for a term of five years vindow, high up of course, with Most commented SUBSCRIBER OPINION In no instance shall any one (except those for cultivations on iny ruffled curtains. Delicately New York columnists (We have One of Limon most urgent one of them bi weekly. Many trips Contractor be alorted more than lands rented from the Company lesigned wall paper covered its walls seen it at least three times. That needs in the matter of roads is an to and from the landing field are 300 hectareas of lands in his con which are ruled otherwise) at the ind magazine cut outs of Gibson bananas grow up and not down, improvement in the condition of made each week by automobile. In tract, so as to divide this 3, 000 hec goodwill of the Company, but such Girls looked down from them with us most artists mistakenly depict the road from Cienegita to the air the United States, there are many arcas among the greatest number renewed contracts will be subjected heir famous The eyes say no, the them.
plane landing field. This stretch bridges called roll bridges of contractors possible; and in case to the demand of delivering all of ips say yes expression. Someone of a mile or so is in a pitiable con where drivers of vehicles crossing and Radio announcement which of loans to well recognized farmers, the fruit produced, if the Company had, with fine pointed pen we dition, and during the past few are obliged to pay a small fee for no higher loans will be granited so desires, for the English market, shaded handwriting, painstaking admite and wish we had invented: months has been in regular use for the privilege. This fee is used for than fifteen thousand dollars. at the following prices: for nine written and then framed the widely Gruen Watch Company Gruen, automobile traffic. It does not give expense of maintaning these bridhands and over 35 cents per bunch; known verse of four lines, which pronounced as it is spelled, pro: passengers a very good impression ges. This system could be put into These agreements however do 26 14 cents for eight hands; was, as a general rule, scribblednounced Beautiful, pronounced of Limon when they travel through effect at the Cienegita Bridge, to not limit the Company from enter 17 12 cents for seven hands and with lead pencil on the less preten Accurate, by thousands of discri the center of the town over smooth, further help accumulate the necesing into weightier contracts with 3 4cents for six hands stem when tious walls of like houses, belong minating people.
well paved cement roads, then, im sary road repair fund. man other Companies or individuals for required.
mediately they cross the railroad could be stationed at the bridge.
vast areas, if she so considers it In case the fruit from these reCosta Ricans Deported from Panama tracks at Genegita, wallow and Each and every person crossing the necessary at any time newal contracts may be required bounce through a mile of ruts and bridge in an automobile could be The life of these contracts shall for the American markets, the pri Among the recent arrivals at by the government of that country ditches. In days gone by, there was obliged to pay say twenty five cents be for six years, prorogable for a ces will be: forty cents for count this Port were four Natives who The incident has been brought perhaps no need to give thought to of a colon as toll fee. The sum period of five years at the will of bunches; thirty cents for eight had been residing for quite some to the attention of the Central this portion of our system of roads, collected in this manner would be the Company hands; twenty seven time in the neighbouring Republic government by the Comandante but now that the airplane has come considerable at the end of a six Paragraph (f) of Article hands and ten cents for six hands. of Panama, but had been expelled of Police.
and is apparently here to stay, this month period, and would go a long says the minimum price to be paid Open cuttings will only be given important piece of road could well way toward getting the necessary for the fruit contracted for on the once per fortnight.
Lottery Protection Law in Force afford to be considered for repair. work done. five colones landing Atlantic Coast will be fifty cents There are many ways in which tax should not be an exhorbitant for bunches of Paraphaph (d) of Article 4, The Law recently passed by issue, the Law strictly prohibits the funds for the purpose might be collection to make for each land.
lands and over; thirty seven and a cites that the Company was not Congress in further protection of importation of foreign lotteries accumulated by the Municipality. ing.
half cents for bunches of eight disposed to give but forty cents our National Lottery having re and enacts drastic penalties for Those most affected by the air ands; twenty five cents for hun per count bunch, but by the wish ceived the approval of the Chief any infringments.
plane traffic should be willing to This thought certainly merits es of seven hands; rwelve and a of the government and the country, Executive and been published in The Authorities in the several contribute a share towards defray the consideration of the officials half cents for bunches of six to which she acquiesed the price the Official Gazette is now in provinces have been instructed to ing repair expense. Two airplane and it is hoped that someone will hands, whenever the Company de of fifty cents is given for the first force.
see to its enforcement without any companies make regular weekly take the necessary initiative to put edes to take these; these pricesTo page As we outlined in carlier las undesirables.
trips from San Jose to Limon. the idea in motion.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
of one fil same.
must go upon fact by cents for nine an

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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