
34 Saturday, November 10 de 1934 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA OUR RADIO SERVICE To rid yourself of an ache or pain quickly, take ser AFIASPIRINA SC re Hop Lee Lung Establecimiento de licores, Tienda y Abarrotes at war United Fruit Company war ted ALBANY, hunger PARIS. Former King Alfon MOSCOW. The government army of 200 men and women, who so marriage, 28 years ago, to has announced the first application came to Albany to demand ten Princess Victoria will end in a for of its drastic law which provides lis.
dollars weekly, and a regular sup. mal separation agreement; and that the families of persons who a ply of coal from the State this that of his eldest son, the Ex desert the Soviet Union shall 14 winter, shivered in a make shift Prince of the Asturias, to a Cu suffer in place of the actual des(BAYER camp on a hillside and criticized ban commoner, will be laid before erters. The Military Collegium police for repulsing their march the Vatican Rota on an annulment of the Supreme Court pronounced with nightsticks. The marchers appeal. These were the latest de the death sentence against a young were denied entrance to the city velopments on Nov. 3rd. in the seaman charged with deserting his the world famous Bayer product to lay their demands before State former Royal Spanish family ma ship and refusing to return. was at, officials. Thirty five were injured rital difficulties, according to a stated that if he set foot on Soviet Quick acting and Safe!
in a bitter clash with the police. Iclose relative of the ex King. soil he would be shot immediately, and it was added that his property would be confiscated and all his near relatives arrested. The sen Broken.
There is only one hope ahead tence was pronounced under a Deplete the ruin of the last. In the cree of last June against Traitors very countries where the war and Deserters which aimed (From page 1)
and that is not negligible. In mil spirit is most manifest, there is sé making the family of an offender The Broken Drena lions of minds there is the El más surtido en Matina conscret resistance to its brutality and suffer in his absence. It provides period of depression and economic ciousness that another war would madness. There are passive resischat if a soldier or sailor escapes, paralysis. due in the first place write the word finis to our era of ters even in France. English youth KASAS CITY. Mary Pick his immediate household of people to the last war, which loaded the civilization and that it would com is deeply resentful of the BELGRADE. The prices ford told interviewers on Nov. living with or supported by him peoples with debt and wrenched was interrupted by young French spirit. And do not believe that paid for wives by the Moslems of 2nd. that she and Douglas Fair. shall be deprived of all civil rights the whole system of civilized ex militarists. who chanted the refrain, every Nazi is longing to die with South Jugoslavia have fallen heav banks, Sr. are reconciled, Hap and be exiled to Siberia for five change. We want war.
a piece of shell in his stomach.
ily. The prices used to be high pily reconciled. She did not am years.
The Supreme Court also But though there is no solid Fear is the prevailing impulse There is enough intelligence left because there was a shortage of plify her statement concerning her handed down a death sentence ground on which a new order may behind all the activity of armament in the world to stop the signal for suitable women, but many women marital affairs, but switched to her against the Station Master of Osbe built, the mind of the world is and destroys all chance of security. suicide. So sixteen years after the have now gone there. Numbers of career, which she indicated is cu mova for criminal negligence. He thinking again of war. During And sooner or later, will come the first armistice the forces, working them are actually prepared to bring rrently wrapped up in radio work was held responsible for the wreck cecent months there has been cea challenge and the conflict. For the in thoughtful minds, in tolerant a dowry to their husbands, instead The report of the reconciliation ing of two freight trains. signal seless talk about war. It has been hopes, the dreams, the visions of hearts, in the soul of humanity of having to be bought from was received in the Motion Picture operator at the station was sen a subject discussed at every dinner the first armistice night have gone itself, are discouraged but not de their families.
Colony with mixed surprise and tenced to five years imprisonment table, and most pecple believe that down in disillusionment. feated.
elation and a switchman to three years.
at any moment now the flames will burst out again.
BREMERTON, WASH. Is it possible that men and Guillermo Niehaus Co.
The last word in small fighting women have forgotten so quickly LIMON ships, the Destroyer Worden, of the agony and horror of the last SERVICIO DE VAPORES the United States Navy, was war all its slaughter and senMaderas Extranjeras y del País launched at the Puget Sound seless ruin? Yes it is possible. It COMPRA CACAO Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Navy Yard at Bremerton. The has happened. The present generaMATERIAL DE TRANVIA con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
Worden is 334 feet long and of tion of youth in many nations have 1, 500 tons displacement. She is paid no heed to the warnings of Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo.
VAPORES SALIDAS powered with 35, 000 horsepower) the World War. Our war books Importación de mercadería en general: turbines and is expected to do have done no good. Our films dePETEN.
11 de Noviembre about 36 12 knots.
picting the realities of have NEWS FROM THE.
not frightened the younger mind 18 de Noviembre SALOMON CHING WE LEE have indeed only excited it to (From page 1)
Layton at the Point Hospital.
QUIRIGUA 25 de Noviembre taste that fierce intoxication.
Our stroll past the Community On Monday night, thru the win.
Estrada know a young German boy, House last Sunday was rudely in dows of the Community House, FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
who confessed that the prayer he terrupted by an awful hullabaloo.
Abarrotes y Licores offered at his first communion, of course we had to investigate who were running an opposition we saw a gahering of the fair sex Agentes para PUNTARENAS LIMON Artículos del País that he might die with a and there we found Mile SchaPara otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United French bullet in his heart. Some fer and Lew DeGravelles having party to their husbands and boyfriends. On closer examination we Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Precios Econó nicos times ago when Lord Cecil made a party all by their lonesome find the opposite sex (ugly a speech in Paris, pleading for There did not seem to be any TELEFONO 3156 LA IBERIA oyster peace by international control, he occasion for the affair but we af. imagine) were having an terwards found out that things like supper parando and as no com plaints were Tuesday, WASHINGTON. The 1933 MADRID. Premier Lerroux HAZELTON, PA. Three this run into money, etc.
both parties must have been highly Bank collapse will cost American has announced that two of the persons were shot to death and 19 successful.
depositors 2, 000, 000, 000. That 22 rebel leaders in the recent Soothers, including six women, were Abarrotes. Mercadería en meeting of the Caribbean was the figure set by Chairman cialist uprising, who were sentenc wounded on Nov. Sth. when maClub was held on the evening During the Dance on Saturday Jones of the Reconstruction ed no death, would be executed, chine gun fire swept a Democratic general of November at the residence nite noticed our friend Venta al por Mayor y Finance Corporation as the proba the other twenty being pardoned. political parade in a moning vil of Mr. Phipps. The mem Mc. snoring peacefully at one of ble loss to thousands of bank de. One of the two to die was convict lage five miles south of here. The Menor bers were afterwards entertained the tables. Music hath charms they positors whose banks have yet failed of tossing a bomb into a truck crowd surged toward a brick resiAgentes exclusivos de la fato a late supper.
say, but hey me doors, if it was carrying loyal troops.
The other dence from which marchers said mosa mantequilla y queso music that made him sleep. Hey! killed a Guard pursuing him.
the fire was directed. State police ROSSI y Co.
We are pleased to write of the Hey! He was just bored with the battled the crowd in an effort to Finca Saborio splendid improvement of Tom dance. Ha! Ha!
keep it from dynamiting the house.
La Gran Casa de Café Sheriffs Deputies augmented by ra, ganadería, cría de chanchos a dozen State Troopers assited in Breve entrevista con el Consul.
y aves de corral, y otros produc carrying the dead and wounded to con su cuartel, un bonito parque tos de gran consumo en Colón y hospitals and private homes. Viene de la página CUATRO)
sanos sin prejuicios y se hacen y todos sus habitantes tan ama Cristóbal, con lo que se llegaría todas las facilidades posibles al bles como hospitalarios hacen una conseguir darle vida propia a SHONG LUNG FAI tráfico. Yo supongo que dado el conjunto muy simpático; lástima tan importante provincia Ventas al por mayor y menudeo del Mejor Café Me encontré en Bocas, congue establecimento de esta nueva vía que carezcan de elementos tan LIMON dos nuevas compañías estaban molido y en grano. EXISTENCIA PERMANENTE aérea, cuyo tráfico es mayor ca. importantes para la vida y pro Licores da día y que será en adelante la greso de los pueblos, como de comprando bananos que pagaban LYMPNE, ENG.
Lieut, Artículos del País preferida, el Gobiemo de Pana cañería, teléfono, telégrafo, inn. e cincuenta y cinco centavos oro CHICAGO Samuel Insull, Cathcart Jones and Ken Waller, má, tomará las medidas del caso lámbrico, así como un campo de el racimo, pero supongo que es shouldering full blame for the de British Aviators, arrived on Nov.
Los precios más de modo que si por ahora se pre. aterrizaje. La población se en tas compras son temporales y que baios.
bade that wiped out the Utility 2nd. after a round trip flight to sentan agunas pequeñas dificul cuentra cas aislada del mundo, no constituyen una base fija y empire and the savings of investors, Melbourne, Australia, in 13 days, Manzana 23 tades de fórmula, en lo futuro se porque aunque en Almirante, hay permanente del negocio.
Cuando fuímos por la línea, de denied in Federal Court that he hours, 43 minutes and 30 seconds.
den las mismas facilidades que una buena estación de inalámbri Rigged the market value of his They flew more than 22, 600 miles Lote número del lado de Costa Rica. De lado brico, los de Bocas solo pueden lGuabito a Almriante y en todas y hacer uso de ella, mandando sus en la parte de Costa Rica, tuvimos Hocks in a yigantic fraud.
de Panamá, no hay Aduana la record por consiguiente la introducción mensajes por lancha que hace el la oportunidad de ver muchas de BERLIN. The plight of two de equipajes y algunas pequeñas servicio a Almirante dia de por las nuevas plantaciones y traemos United States citizens, one wo cosas que siempre llevan consigo medio, de modo que para casos a impresión de que estos bank man, held for months in German los pasajeros, según las actuales urgentes habría de ponerse una nales serán de muy poca duración Jails. without formal charges disposiciones, tendrían que llevar lancha expresa que no todos los Creo que le he dicho bastante, Contra merdedura de serpientes. Téngalo siempre a mano against them, aroused concern las a Bocas para la liquidación de habitantes podrían pagar, con la aunque como usted sabe cuando en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
among American authorities. The los derechos, lo que como se puedesventajosa circunstancia, muy se viaja con Chequelito y Cabito, Existencia permanente: man was arrested on June 22nd. de comprender resulta un gran improtante para el caso, de la siempre hay mucho que contar.
and the woman on August 10th. inconveniente.
pérdida de tiempo, Hasta aquí lo dicho por el sLaboratorio de Análisis Clinicos del Lic. Carlos Viquez and are held on suspicion of espioBocas es una bonita ciudad, La Bahía de Bocas, es lo más migo don Alcides, el activo y com nage and treason. But the Nazis muy bien delineada, un magní. pintorezco y bello y hay muchas petente Cónsul de nuestra veci.
Avenida Central Frente a las Compañias Eléctricas so far have made no formal char fico palacio de Gobernación, bue islas que tienen un rea suficien na de Sur que mucho agradece.
ges against either of them. nas calles, cuerpo de bomberos te para emprender en la agricultu mos.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
was we heard on Bonilla y Co.
ed to reopen. LG LIBIA Suero Butantán

    Death SentenceFranceNazismSovietURSSWorld War

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