
PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, November 10 de 1934 TEACHING SAL UVINA comno For Liver and Stomach Ailments ing Indigestion Beauty Contest the art.
SANTAMAND ing Two Tragic Endings Teaching is one of the finer arts school doors are closed, with able During the night of Saturday was well known and respected of professional study and practice teachers outside, while the last, the Mandador of a farm si throughout the district.
and forms the basis on which all munity suffers menacingly by the tuate in the vicinity of Alajuela other arts hang lack of education.
was most brutally murdererd. In the forenoon of Monday The study is the force behind Parents and guardians should fatal accident occurred at the dis.
the practice, but both go hand co operate with teachers for the THE RIGHT SALTS It appears that much of the rice trict of Piedades de Santa Ana in hand for the success of the art. common good of the community.
which is under cultivation on this causing the death of a girl of 14 Knowingly and unknowingly, skil The dignity of the profession farm was being stolen and on re years and serious injury to her fully and unsfilfully, to the detri puts the teacher on the standard ceiving certain information, Mr. father.
ment or upliftment of the scholars, which commands respect, but Lisimaco Alvarado, the unforunate For some time past he governteaching is being practiced through teacher can remain on a lofty stanvictim, personally visited the section ment have been taking stones from out the world.
dard when financial remuneration on Saturday night to investigate a quarry in that locality for use Since all knowledge is acquired does not hand in sufficient help.
matters. As up to early the follow by the public Works Department.
by learning, which in turn is co Without this able help, the teaching morning he had not returned While blasting operations were pied, it is quite safe to include et influence drops, the noble Invaluable for everybody as partakers in the call ideals of the profession dwindle, the Treatment of home, his family became alarmed being carried out on Monday mornand a party went in search of him. ing, one of the charges of dyna.
proper training loses ground and His body was, after a couple of mite exploded with such terrible When the profession takes a the community suffers a loss in the Flatulence course of theoretical instructions competition for intellectual aspiraAnd all forms hours search, discovered lying in force that it threw a large quantity to be studied and executed, teach tion.
la pool of blood. There were sev of stones on to a nearly house ing becomes an art, which is a Jeral chops about his head and face occupied by one Marcelino Solis.
of Stomach community should not be unapparently inflicted by a machete. The man and his daughter, Horsource of intellectual wealth and concerned about its intellectual Colics Disorders Various versions as to how the tensia, were on the verandah of power and an invaluable service to pursuit, but should give every asmankind in that it is capable of sistance crime occurred have been in circu the building at the time of the exto promote it, and no lation, but it is strongly believed plosion. The girl was so badly bestowing the gift of education. teacher would be lowering the high FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES that Mr. Alvarado must have come hurt about her head that she died Elementarily it embodies a curri standard of the profession when in contact with the thieves and was shortly after reaching the San culum of seven subjects. Writ he resigns a post that would cause MANUFACTURED BY: done to death by them.
ing and Grammar, Geography, him to represent the profession in Juan de Dios Hispital, while one Several suspected parties have of the man legs was badly injurrithmetic, Scripture, Science, Dra lany other form than that for which Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa been arrested already, while a rigid ed.
wing and, last but not least, itself it was intended.
Teaching We understand that the ExecuSAN JOSE investigation is being made by the school is the foundation of local authorities. The deceased tive have ordered an nvestigation The mere knowledge of the education, and every community first six subjects, does not quali should see to the keeping of one, was of about 50 years of age, and into the matter.
fy for success, as the last mentio especially for the young, who are Valuable Radium Discovery ned subject takes in the study of the future generation.
the pupils characteristic which Teachers are highly essential According to the Trinidad is indispensable to the success of where intellectual welfare is con Guardian, the greatest radium the Doctor claims he found a deAfter searching for ten months Grand Beauty Contest be on the 28th. February 1935.
Each Vote will cost the small cerned, yet the goal for which the deposit yet available to every Coloured to be discovered has posit of pitchblende, the substance To possess the tact of teaching community should press forward been located by an eminent Young Lady of amount of FIVE CENTS Costa Ger from which radium is extracted, technique is a sign of achieved should be firstly EDUCATION man Bacteriologist on the border greater in radio activy quality and has been organized for the Year The Province of Limon Rican Currency.
ability to succeed in the art.
Fly Sheets with full conditions and when that is the need, prov. of British Guiana and Brazil. The quantity than anything known to Even as it is impossible for one ision will be made to get and sup exact location, however, is being science at this time. He expects 1935 with Headquarters at will be out at an early date.
to impart that which he has not, port it. When a teahcer is wanted, kept secret by the discoverer until to begin operations in Siquirres Siquirres, 7th November 1934.
December The Commission so is it equally impossible for one any teacher can come along; he the necessary terms have been processing the pitchblende on the not knowing how, to be able Contest will consist of FIVE The Atlantic Voice will give to can be got and disposed of easily; agreed on with the government site and conveying the refined ra Scrutinies, the last of which will the result of each Scrutiny.
give away that which he has, as far but when education is wanted, only concerned. Dr. von Sickengen, who dium and kindred minerals by airas teaching is concerned. the right man will do, and he is made the discovery, regards the plane to the coast to obviate the The intelligent sphere of a com not so easily got. His business is to region as superior to that of the building of a railroad, the cost of munity is greatly indebted to teach give what is wanted to educate and Ural Mountains where the world which would be prohibitive.
place the community on a high present greatest mines are situate.
Most communities boast of a standard of intelligence whereby El Gran Depurativo school for the training of the honour, fame and other invaluable Soberano para toda clase de reumatismo, útil para las young, who by education become wealth is added to the laurels of useful and worthly citizens, yet the art of teaching.
enfermedades del cutis, cura las ronchas, manchas de la for the lack of co operation caused It is learnt that the Special Com On such approval being obtained piel y es un gran purificador de la sangre.
Rio Hondo.
by disinterest or otherwise, many mission of Congress, who have the rates to be valid for one year.
Con Adj Howlitt.
been investigating the subject of De venta en todas las boticas, pídaselo a su boticario report on these lines will be the Minimum Wagol have decid submitted to Congress.
quien con gusto se lo dará.
ed that this wage should be fixed, We beg to call your attention to our remark in each Canton of the country, by The West Indian Tour at the back of receipt which reads: a special Committee appointed by the Minister of Labour and The following has been publish Test Match. Feby. 14, 15, 16 consist of representatives of the ed as the provisional programme and 18.
This bill must be paid at our Employers and the workers.
FRANK MADURO Jr. of the Tour of the Jamaica. First Colony Match These Committees would fix the Prop.
West Indies during the coming March 5, 6, Second Colony office before the 15th of the month wages in accordance with the agri1934 1935 season: Match. March 9, 10, 12. Fourth cultural and industrial posibilities Best native lumber, Team leaves England on 15th. Test Match. March 14, 15, 16 Be so good as to comply with this request of each Canton and refer same to December and arrives in Barbados and 18.
the Labour Department to and do not oblige us to suspend our service, be at moderate prices Team sails for England on on the 27th of the same month.
finally approved by the Executive.
First Colony Match. Dec. March 19th.
a step which we would much regret to take.
29, 31 and Jany. Ist. Second Colony Match Jany. 3, 4, First Compañía Eléctrica de Limón SIQUIRRES RESTAURANT Test Match, Jany. 7, 8, and 10th.
The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 MiTrinidad. First Colony Match nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be The Religious Conflict in Mexico Attorney at Law and Notary served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. ResJany. 15, 16, 17. Second Coltaurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo ony Match. Jany. 19, 21 and Public. Office and Residen.
According advices deral districts to twenty six, but re ken, Se habla español, On parle Francais, Man Spricht 22. Second Test Match. Jany.
from Mexico, the conflict between gardless of such efforts, services are Deutsch 24, 25, 26 and 28.
ce: Upper Floor of residen.
Sate and Church in that Republic said to have been held in one hunW. KISSLING Demerara. First Colony Match ce of the late Juan José León Manager is assuming more serious aspects. dred and fifty churches. The regu. Feby. 5, 6, Second Colony On the 3rd. inst, armed police lation which allowed but one priest Match. Feby. 9, 10, 12. Third paraded the Capital City and drove to each church was also stated to From Waldeck all Catholics out of unauthorized have been ignored as more than Municipal Boards Request Speedy Approval Churches where they were wors two hundred took turns in saying of Banana Contract hipping in celebration of All Souls the masses.
We regret to report that within Mr. Benjamin Gordon, who has Day. An effort was also made to Meantime it is rumoured that the the past fortnight this district has been a resident of 28 Miles for In view of the further delay of the Atlantic Zone.
rigidly enforce the law which li Vatican intends to direct all the suffered the loss, by death, of two over twenty years, also passed to which the lengthy discussions in Similar requests have also been mited catholic churches in the Fe Clergy to leave the Republic.
of its residents: the Great Beyond, he was ill for Congress is causing to the final made by a large number of persons Early on the 26th. ult. Mrs. but three weeks. He is survived by settlement of the Banana Contract, who are interested in securing a Jane Barker passed away after an his wife.
the Municipal Boards of Limon, speedy settlement of this long Un verdadero Salón de Novedades. Lo más reciente de illness of several months. She The Atlanic Voice takes this Siquirres and Guapiles have con pending matter.
la moda solamente lo encuentra en la Tienda leaves her husband, Mr. Charles medium of tendering its sincere sidered it essential, in the interest Barker of Shonfield, and four condolence to the bereaved fami of the Province, to pass special resmall children to mourn her loss. lies.
solutions requesting that the matter At a later hour the same day, Corresponsa!
be given approval as quickly as Crespones de Seda, Medias las más finas, Souvenirs de possible.
Costa Rica. Artículos para niños, Sombreros EXCURSION TO TURRIALBA In the resolution which each para grandes y pequeños The Salvation Army Annual Round Trip Fares: Limon, Zent, Board has sent to the President of Cantina, Posada y Cafetería Excursion to Turrialba will be held Estrada: 50; Matina to Pacua Congress attention is called to the Felipe Wing Ching Un buen artículo a un precio bajo, búsquelo en la on Wednesday, 5th. December. rito: 00; Siquirres 50. fact that the approval of the conApartado 95 Tienda de Novedades THE LITTLE PARIS Special Train leavers Limon at Children half fare.
tract is of vital importance to the economic life of the community Limón, Costa Rica de Bibitatea nanda Tugrindbregat LizarMel Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The Minimum Wage Maduro Lumber Yard to Albino Villalobos to recent THE LITTLE PARIS El Caballo Blanco


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