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Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE. Buy THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 18 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, November 10 de 1934 Price: 15 per copy THE BROKEN DREAM TROPICAL COCKTAIL News From The Point of armistice someby a War Veteran Rather fuddled thoughts of a Girl of Popps, and a pair of Rolls.
By The Observant Pointer Sixteen years have rolled by sin sent by longrange guns. The war on Deparure: Wonder why they ordered everyone off ages ago. and We are rather saddened when Mr. Mrs. Hatch entertained Au revoir Audrey, and the best of ce the Armistice. And somehow was machine made, and the men the ship still lingers. Heavens, if we think of Lott wife. who must at a cocktail party November 2, in luck.
can 11th were all victims together of the tor1918. was up by Mons. It was turers who had made this kind of have to hold this grin much go through life victimized by puns honor of Mr. Tomilson, Author rather foggy. Things looked just war.
longer, ll have to massage The Annual Halloween sponmy ters, each with a reference to the and Lecturer. As is usual at the enjoyable sored by the Caribbean Club was as though the war were going on am convinced that on that face back to normal. Wonder why Biblical pillar of salt story, and Hatch Home, a most for years longer, as most of us night, sixteen years ago, all people they don throw off all the ropes each under the impression that the evening was spent by all present. held at the Community House on had expected. The tired troops who had been at war were at one time and let the ship go. idea is original with his own clever Peeking through the keyhole we the evening of November Music were marching, guns were going tionalized and spiritualized by the m beginning to feel foolish with self. But we are simply aghast at saw the following: Mr. Mrs. furnished by the Costa Rica Mas forward, and transport trailing hope and belief that never again this highball in my hand. The what a creature with a pun com LeBaron, Mr. Mrs. Chittenden, rimba Band kepe pair after pair Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Krauth, Mr. Mrs. of feet dancing the very late hours behind. There was no drama. would such a war happen; that ocean nice and handy down there, plex might do to no pageantry. Only, at 11 o clock, pease would give new security to but suppose it would look like Popp, and to Mr. and Mrs. Roll. Prince, Mrs. Scoot, Mr. Mc until sheer weariness forced them the bugles were blowing the Cease all nations; that leaders of the world wasting te Company stuff if For instance, his reply to the ques. Elroy, Dr. Mrs. Salisbury, Mr. to their homes. Most appropriate chil Mrs. Satterthwaite, Miss Hazel prizes were given for original cos Fire. The Signal that the sonseless would establish some system with threw the glass down. And then, tion Has Mrs. Popp any gruesome business of killing men, a better way of argument, and that somebody might think was tight. dren? might so easily be Yes. she Douglas, Miss Sue Repa and Mr. tumes and in a hall most beautiLeo LaPlace.
fully decorated the following came which had been going on for four there would be liberty, a better There that good looking man is a ma and also a Popp. or, at forward to receive their most well and a half years should end.
chance for civilized democracies, a looking over the rail at me. Hope some benighted moment he might man of the he unattached. For the trip, any jocularly call the soldier near by to where was new advance toward the age camned prizes: Miss Julieta ManMrs. Salisbury left for San Jose standing, hummed the tune of the reason, after this downfall and way. Dave signalling something family Soda because, you Tuesday in order to attend a birth. gel, Miss Margarita Sheehy, Mr.
is Popp. day party celebrating the 8th.
Gaston Michaud. Among those song, The Rose That Grows in degradation of all civilized ideals. If have to think up another know, his last name No Man Land. Another utterThe Tommy, the doughboy, the wise crack my poor brain ll burst. With still more temerity, he might birthday of her daughter, Miss present from the point who caught our eye were the following: Mr.
ed queer words, which have never poilu did not talk in these phrases, Maybe shouldn have left just approach Mr. Popp and ask very Maureen.
Mrs. Satterthwaite, Dr. Oreamuinterested. innocently if he still goes weasel.
forgotten. He said. Back to life but, more roughly put, those were now, when Dave so AU REVOIR no and wife, Dod Peet, Mr.
and not too soon for me.
likes As for the Rolls, heaven forbid his thoughts when peace came, as been clinched. And Helen Mrs. Sheehy, Dr. Mrs. SalisThat is what is meant really to heard when talking with thous Two more weeks and it might have that at home there be six of them.
bury, Miss Melva John, Miss millions. this armistice, which ands of them between Armistice him, too. They re waving. Gracious Consider a situation involving the Agnes Donegan, Mr. Mrs. Otto was to be followed by peace. They Day and the coming of Wilson to forgot that the dressmaker made family being invited to a picnic Starke, Mr. Mrs. George Graand some bright soul exclamation.
had neve expected to got back to Versailles.
that sleeve too tight. ll have to Now don forget the half dozen ham, Alex Gillmor, Mr. Mrs.
civilian fe, with its decencies and In millions and tens of millions remember to wave the other arm. Dudley, Mr. Mrs.
securities, with such things as tenof human hearts on Mmm. Goodlooking is smiling Rolls. Murder, so we hear, has Pauly, Mr. Mrs. Woodnis, golf and base ball, with the night there came the vision of a down at me. Bet he thinks m been done on less provocation. The bury, Mr. Mrs. Sydney Scoltock.
chance of a decent job, of meeting peace which would be enduring, popular. hope the crowd doesn possibilities for the incurable punsare infinite, but if the Rolls a nice girl, with children with a closer sense of brotherhood leave before the ship sails. They ter THE OBSERVANT POIN.
where in the future, with no nasty among peoples, and with an end stayed until the last when Mary and their children can survive the cruder jokes of being designated TER was on the job as usual and bits of steel flying about, slashing at least to high explosives poison left. and guess m just as popucarefully watched Jose Maria Casmen bodies to bits, maiming gas, military parades and the cons lar as she is. Still, after the mis as Jelly, Bank, and Frankfurter tro moving bag and baggage to them, blinding them, making holescription of youth for the shambles take made last week, ll be lucky Roll, none of the rest will much the Community House last Sunday.
in their stomachs. The chance of of war.
to be asked back. Dave looking matter.
What is the matter Joe? Limon getting back to such a life seemed That vision has faded. Looking blue. The fool, the fool. m beginWe were very early and very getting too hot nights, and then very remote.
back to one own emotion on ar ning to feel maudlin myself. Miss Audrey Syrelt the seawall walk is so refreshing.
Yes, back to life that was mistice night, one must smile or wish the ship would go, before thoroughly inhibited against the what Armistice Day truly meant to one must weep at the betrayal make a fool of myself. That man pun. Our English teacher, who was From out of the skies last Saturall fighting men, who had smell of hopes, and the grim history we certainly is swell looking maybe a Purist, branded the brightest At the Stenographer Home on day there dropped two old timers the stench of death, who had lived have made during these years of he not even married. Looks like pun as the lowest form of wit. last Saturday night mirth reigned in the persons of Jorge Clark and in dugouts and filthy trenches, peace.
plenty of pocket money too. m Meanwhile. those two irrepressiwho had seen their best comrades sadness for the armistice, what is happening dresses made. Nothing like a smart deprived of the benefits of a higher marked the farewell pary given in then anything is liable to On this sixteenth anniversary of glad had those two new evening bles, Eddie Cantor and Ed Wynn, fupreme. But it was the occasion Francisco Pearsall. It certainly It was a pleasant surprise boys, but killed, who had lain behind sand.
ni men minds up and down the evening dress, some of that Colon education, were already growing honor of Miss Audrey Syrett from Almirante. Upon questionbags with screeching shells searching for their bodies, and who as world? Have they any sense of perfume, a ship and a moon. No wealthy through the use of this security? Has the world been made kidding, this is a smart looking form of wit. and were rolling them who leaves Costa Rica shortly to ing the boys admitted coming to soldiers had no liberty of action, safe for democracy? Has there out fit. Wonder if that drink Joe out of their seats in the vaudeville take up residence in the United Limon only for the dance. Anyway no right to think, but were States. Over 80 people were gat we were glad to have them and it just been a Farewell to Arms? Have Brown spilled on it will houses, and are, apparently still the gun fodder in a mechanized wo said Good bye to All that. Joe always so messy when he doing it through the medium of hered together that night for was with regret that we watched Audrey final Costa Rica party. them take their departure in the war, where not bodily strength, nor Have high explosives, poison gas, tight. paid eight colones a yard radio. We, personally, remain, human cunning nor even courage military parades been abandoned for the material, too.
same form as their arrival.
Now we re however, sober as the proverbial counted against high explosives.
for more intelligent ways of argu moving.
Goodbye. Goodbye. judge throughout all their protrust that they will Mr. Mrs. Chitrenden had as On the night of Armistice Dayment? Have we made any kind of They re a swell old bunrh, alligrams, and react to the howling with us, we the minds of men reacted differ family and qualify the statement that the pun weekend guests, Mr. Mrs.
peace, giving to righty. Swell. Certainly gave me melyaccording to their tempera. pouth? Have a bettemarcheancang dahay sendoff. Good lake bare friends with the same wonder and is the lowest form of wit. by add LeBaron.
ments. and may be, their length further in (To page 6)
sixteen years of service. There was shouting and toward Good old Limon. Good old Costa disdain we would experience atſing that it. frequently brings the cheering along the lines, speechmak prosperity, liberty, tolerance and Rica. Now they re singing. If seeing an Eskimo smacking his lips highest form of compensation.
Death of ex President ings and if drink happened to be good will among the nations? don get away quick, rll over a piece of soap. As a result Lines written in a very different am afraid we have not. In bawl. They re there yet, can still of our own pitiful case, we hope going on, some got drunk. Others Bautista Quirós enthusiastic prayed. Mad scenes here and there. there is proof that so far from as they do Mary. m glad since our time, and although Pu who has paid us every cinema, on every news reel. see them. They do like me as much educational methods have changed mood to an Appreciative Reader Juan It is with profound regret we suicides of report the passing at the advancsomething that seemed to snap in kind of peace making any kind of permanent bought Bacardi instead of that rists, like the Poor, will always be tribute are Junk Mary gave them. Make ed age of 81 years, of General minds so long accustomed to war busz drilling, marching, parading them think more kindly toward me, You, who heard my wings first beatings Juan Bautista Quiros, ex President that the shock of peace was over for another war. Munition facto tomorrow. Darn, there good lookAnd the first notes of my song: of the Republic. The sad event whelming ries are working full blast in many ing handing some woman a letter.
Caught the sounds which made them different took place at his home in San Jose Peace. Home again. The old countries. In quiet laboratories Bound to be his wife. Just my luck.
Singled me from out the throng.
during the afternoon of Wednes.
job. Houses with roofs and shops, thoughtful men in white coats are won have dinner tonight. ll Made to me your Salutation day last.
with plate glass windows. Happi devising new and more deadly turn right in. Gosh, but m tired. Grace of Mary Mild, be mine. As an Officer of the Army, the ness. No more war!
forms of gas; and in the illustrat This will be once that the celery Whispered that my soul gives shelter deceased was accorded full military One officer spoke to me that ed papers there are pictures of and olives wone look good to me, To a Thing men call Divine.
honours and the funeral ceremony, night in a thoughtful way. He school children and adult citizens This my coom key? Thank you conducted in the Cathedral the said. This must Fledgling, hail! And do not tremble never happen practicing anti gas drill as one of steward. Grlight.
following morning, was attended again. It has been a frightful les the useful At the tidings that bring.
by President Jimenez and his Caaccomplishments of son to humanity. Civilized nations modern education. What an introFly, and lift your voice to heaven One of the chores of traveling is binet, the Ministers of State, the will never arillow such a crime duction to the beauty of life!
You will soar and you can sing.
to get our fellow pasengers properDiplomatic and Consular Corps, against life in To day the mind of the world is ly tagged. Of two couples travel.
Prophet bold! To name my kindred the members of the Supreme Those tharTam certain haunted by the fear of anothering together or seen much in one Lark and thrush and nightingale Court of Justire and the Legisla.
were in the mishah nor on war before long. The ruins of another company, we have freMine are untried, feeble pinions tive Body as also various other the lios. of million men who the last war have not yet been re quently paired the wrong Officials and an extremely large people, They may falter yet, and fail.
had seen war at law. This paired. On the contrary, the whole and once, only by the simple marBut if one day accomplish number of the general public.
war had lasted too lonem.
of international trade, ter of seeing the husband give his Golden notes and skyward flight, By the death of the aged Gen.
her the pricinal causes. There was the stability of the financial sys wife their room key (quite pubI shall listen on Parnassus eral, Costa Rica has suffered the no more hare. There was no evul tem, have disintegrated. Millions lidly) did get a certain loss of another of her illustrious group For your words to make it right.
ration of victory. The war had of men are unemploved. The re of four straightened out. Our and patriotic sons. The Atlantic become dehumanized. Men were serves of wealth have been exhaust sympathy, therefore, was with the Precious above all their praises Voice tenders its respectful and no longer fighting against other ed. Many nations are bankrupt. passengers of a recent ship who Shall those words be, on your tongue: deepest condolence to the sorrow hor each side were We have not yet emerged from a were given this combination You have done your Prophet honor, ing members of the bereaved Bravo, Songbird! You have sung!
crouching beneath high explosives. To page 6)
untangle: pair of Lorts, a pair family Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
come we some most nations ructure men on to


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