
Buy Best advertising medium for English speaking community Published every Saturday THE ATLANTIC VOICE THE ATLANTIC VOICE The best English newspaper Published in Central America Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Año No. 19 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, November 17 1934.
Price: 15 per copy Point Bloodless Surgery made Farewell to Archdeacon Oakley News from the Possible by Wireless in our as into We Thesivedonly one of the marvels anticepties which could kill the bac Bank to Discount Giros of Municipal Employees weck that they must have had a tions early because we want to give were to war On Wednesday, the 31st. ulti Mrs. Chambers deserves great The Observant Pointer mo, the St. Mark Parish Hall praise for assisting this band to Gone: But not Forgotten, Trav. would like to point out to the was comfortably filled with a very once more come to the front. From the Jamaica Times)
representative audience to bid adieu Mrs. Weeks, on behalf on the their stay this trip the gentlemen Club Miramar the need for posting eling Auditors 1934. All during Entertainment Committee of the pound of flesh without they enter and leave the spinal to Archdeacon and Mrs. Oakley. Mothers Union, of which Mrs. of the Traveling Auditor Staff notices of dance to be held in plashedding a drop of blood was an cord can be made numb. In this fine variety concert was stag. Oakley was President, made an were right and royally entertained ces likely to be seen by residents impossibility when Shakespeare way a greater part of the body can ed. The Church Choir, under the address and presentation to which but the final week called for sev. of The Point. Residents of this lived, but now surgeons cue withbe rendered insensible without the able direction of the Organist and the retiring President suitably eral strenuous nights, at the Mc community enjoy very much the out knives and operations are per patient losing consciousness. Spinal Choirmaster, rendered an excellent replied.
formed without shedding blood, anaesthetics is of great use in oper programme.
On behalf of the Ist. Limon Clure s, Beuchots and the Ste dances promoted by the Club Miall because of inventions originally ations on old people who are not The Ist. Limon Troop of Boy Troop. Mr. Dobson, read an ad. nog We grow lax when we fail ramar but oftimes they are to mention the final night when ignorance of these occasions.
designed for wireless telegraphy able to stand the strain of an Scouts, under Brewster, dress and made a presentation, breakfast was served at FOUR and telephony writes John Beattie, anaesthetic which causes complete gave a fine exhibition of Acrobatic after which three cheers were given THIRTY Were you at the Buffet Supper Sc. Director of Rese loss of consciousness.
feats which won great applause. for Scout Commissioner Oakley.
held at the Eustace on the night arch, Royal College of Surgeons of The conquest of pain and the The Camp Fire Sketch was also The Concert closed with a song by The other morning during our of November 10? We saw England.
elimination of bleeding have been well presented and received. Our Mr. Robinson entitled Good bye stroll over The Point we happened popular younger set present By using wireless valves built two of the great triumphs of sur local Harry Lauder, Mr. Leonard Archdeacon.
to drop into thanked the Hospital; our present as usual!
a machine almost identical gery, but without another they Dobson, scored a big hit when he The Archdeacon then fine genial Superintendent was inspect usual!
with those used in broadcasting, it would have been but empty victo mounted the pulpit and preached all the contributers for the is now possible to produce currents ries. Pasteur, studying the process a sermon, shewing that among send off they had given Mrs. ing his latest addition to the buildunderstand Mr. Krauth which can cut through any tissue of fermentation, discovered that it other things, he would undoubtedly Oakley and himself. He also ing proper. To our question as to of the human body except why the addition we were inform took a party to San José urrente bone was due to the presence of minute make an excellent parsen. He, thanked the audience for their ated that a need existed for a new morning of November 11th. It was and gristle. The currents are con bodies. germs. which were dis. along with his mate, Cub Master tendance. He encouraged the delivery room. To some of our more or less in the form of an arcentrated on a fine needle which tributed almost universally. Lister, Mason. we went use his pet Scouts to keep up the good work readers it may appear that this is mistice, one party was glad to be burns its way through the parts in England, was the inspired genius name) brought down the house they had begun, and assured all, a new bundle room (for the Laun rid of the other. We have not had which the surgeon wants to cut. who thought that infections of with the Darky Society Sketch. that though he might be separated dry perhaps) but no! we are told an opportunity to interview any of The burn is so shallow that when wounds might be caused bf similar It was a masterpiece.
by the seas from Limon, he would the edges of the wound are brought germs or bacteria which gained still keep all in his heart and be there have been several new coupl the contestants.
together, they join and knit as entrance and set up the disastrous Mrs. Chambers, with her Hot ever interested to hear how matters ings lately, hence the need.
Says a notice in the Community easily as they do when the cut was inflamation which might cause the Six Band, contributed to the pro were progressing from time to We assumed from the smiling House Make your reservations made by a knife. Bloodless surgery death of the patient. He reasoned gramme in their usual fine style. Itime.
countenances of those who were early for your Thanksgiving Dinarrived.
if air were at will which make operations safe and teria, and if all the dressings were We are pleased to note that, as te very reasonable rate of one per Iglorious time. From the heap of the Cook the night off, but why modern surgery the wonderful similarly treated, then it ought to thing it is. Anaesthetics, years ago, be possible to have clean wounds a result of the suggestion made by Icent, it should, as we pointed one, coconuts standing silently by the call it a Thanksgiving Dinner?
were not very pleasant. Ether and without inflamation or blood pois. the International Bank, in this er of the employees, many of whom cracking contest was in order?
us some time ago, the Director of be of immense benefit to the poor track are we to figure that a nut We are informed by the boarders that it will be just another with the chloroform the only two oning. He succeded. Modern exception of an additional charge.
which could be used for long oper work has shewn that it is easier City, is now prepared to discount have had from time to time to Thanks for the buggy ride says ations. Gas used by dentists and safer to kill the bacteria by the Giros of our Municipal Em resort to the assistance of the usployees. notification was only of value for short opera sterilizing the dressings by steam. effect has been sent to the local be so exceedingly heavy that more Comp. Operator in the Accounting Sheehy, first class this urers whose charges are known to smilling Peg Dater, For San Jose the 13th Mr. Frank Superintendent of the tions like extracting a tooth or two heat and by thoroughly cleansing the skin through which wounds or Authorities.
or sewing up a split scalp.
often than not the results were Department of the Cia Bananera. Northern Railway.
As the charge which the Bank disastrous to such employees.
Seems as though Interior DecoraNow there are scores of drugs cuts have to be made.
and gases which can be used.
tors came to Peg room and took Thus antiseptic surgery was folis making for this service is after several days to put new paper on The 1935 appropriations call for Many of them are so easily admi lowed by the aseptic method which the walls and take the furniture a new lining for the washing manistered that the patient, after a is used today, small injection, while lying in bed, apart. As a result the room was chines for our Laundry. It is now The experiences of the We beg to call your attention to our remark uninhabital for three or four days. guaranteed complete satisfaction.
goes off into a quiet sleep. When showed that dirty, infected wounds at the back of receipt which reads: more worries, merely telehe awakes he is in bed again could be treated by following the The OBSERVANT POINTER phone Mr. Green.
wondering when operation is going antiseptic method until the noxious This bill must be paid at our to take place.
bacteria were killed off, when simSometimes, when it is not possi ple sterilized dressings could be office before the 15th of the month Consideration of Banana Contract Deferred ble to use these new anaesthetics, employed. One terrible scourge reAt the Session of Congress last the Company with regard to other ingenious methods are avail mained, but, fortunately, only a Be so good as to comply with this request Tuesday, it was decided to suspend new submissions and report anew able. Cocaine, the most abused and rare one in time of peace. Blood the debates on the Banana Con to Congress. Meantine the report misused drug in the world next to poisoning caused by the distribu and do not oblige us to suspend our service, tract and to refer the entire matter previously presented has been withopium, has the power, when brought tion of bacteria or their poisons a step which we would much regret to take. Iback the Comision de Hacien drawn.
into contact with a nerve of caus through the body by the blood or da, along with the many propos In order to avoid further delay ing it to go numb so that it can che lyg stream, has not been Compañía Eléctrica de Limón als and amendments which have when the matter again reaches the impressions of conquered completely.
been submitted by various Depu. Congress, the President of that pain. Dentists have used this propIt is impossible to inject into ties, for further consideration. Body has requested all Deputies erty of cocaine for painless den the blood large quantities of drugs muth meals which are opaque to there is any distortion of the form It was also agreed that the Com. who have any proposals to make tistry. When it is injected in large to destroy the harmful bacteria. rays and which enable competent of the brain, and in this way to mittee should be increased by two to submit same at this time so that quantities into the tissues of the The body possesses a mechanism radiologists to determine the con locate the exact position of the additional members.
they may be given consideration body, it will allow operations even for dealing with them which is ditions of the stomach and intesti tumour.
The Committee will consult with along with those already in hand.
of quite an intensive nature to be very successful, but only at a heavy nes. But other parts of the body Now another development of performed, but it has two disad cost. Bacteriologists are still trying can be seen without difficulty by rays has arrived. Certain salts Government Obtains Valuable Electric Plant vantages. The numbness does not to find ways of helping the body powerful ray apparatus. of the metal called thorium can be last very long and it is liable, in to increase its powers of resistence, The lungs and heart can be injected into the arteries of a limb Among the large quantity of been giving unsatisfactory service, some people, to cause a form of and they are succeeding. snap shotted and even cinema or even into those supplyin the paraphanalia confiscated by the it was decided to install the newly poisoning. Chemists and doctors Perhaps before very long wecograph films made of their move brain in a living person without government from the English Ex acquired plant in the penal sethave eliminated these two draw shall see a complete conquest of ments. The condition of the lungs discomfort or danger. Abnormal peditionists who recently endeav tlement. This has now been done, backs. The chemists have made this last bacterial menace. in tuberculosis is accurately pictur conditions of the blood vessels can loured to operate on Coco Island, and according to the report of the new drugs like cocaine which are ed, and in some cases small masses thus be recognized without diffi was, we understand, a splendid government Engineer, has affornot nearly so toxic or poisonous. Development of Rays of opaque oily substances can be culty. There is no doubt that electric lighting outfit.
ed splendid results. It is capable The doctors discovered that when blown into them through the wind have not yet seen the limit of the As the plant which supplies the of supplying power for 200 lights.
a very tiny quantity of adrenalin The forging of the three great pipe to give a true picture of obs uses of rays in finding out what San Lucas system with light has)
was added to the solution of the presentative condititions Certain dyes is the matter with our insides.
drug its effectiveness was prolong. above has rendered surgical treat opaque to rays injected in the This wonderful story of modern Political Trouble Brews in Ecuador ed.
ment very safe and has opened the blood are cast out by the liver into surgery is but beginning. All its Adrenalin is an extract of a way to the invention of ingenious the bile. They pile up in the gall most effective weapons are weapons Latest advices from Quito indi over construction of the governgland lying close to the kidneys, methods of diagnosis.
bladder, which is thus rendered of defence in the truest that the long brewing con ment.
which has the property of narrow fourth weapon in the survisible. The kidney can be injected Surgery will not rest content with troversy between President Jose ing the bloodvesels and so prevent geon armament. the Rays without discomfort and the presen those which it has now. Just as Velasco Ibarra and a dissident Simultaneously it was disclosed ing the bloodvessels and so prevent has been the most valuable aid to ce of stones determined. wireless has made bloodless surgery Congressional bloc struck that that a regiment of Arrillery had washed away from the region of diagnosis and to proper treatment. But the most wonderful applica possible discoveries in other fields Republic with full force on the been transferred from Tarqui to the nerves. But an more For years it was thought that tion of ray is to the diagnosis will also surely bring fresh weapons 12th. instant, when the Chief Exe Cuenca at the orders of the Preswonderful use can be made of rays could be employed only for of brain diseases, such as tumours. to the hands of the surgeon. cutive was forced to publicly defy ident. will not resign he said: these new drugs.
the examination of the bones of Air can be injected around the Scientific progress is not a series attempts to make him resign. He will wait until they order me ret If, instead of injecting the solu the body. Now there is scarcely an brain, or even into spaces inside it. of divergent attacks on the unk issued a manifesto saying he would moved from office and in such a tion of the drugs into the tissues, organ which, by a comdination of By the comparison of the appear nown. Surgery today depends on pot resign despite persistent reports case shall go before Congress Dit is injected into the water bath methods cannot be examined by Xances of the air bubbles as seen by the co ordination and use of that a group of Congressmen were and defend myself and make cer.
which surrounds the spinal cord, rayas.
the ray with the normal condi knowledge in different fields of determined to force him out of rain declarations on matters which inside the backbone, the nerves as Most of us are familiar with bistion, it is possible to recognize if work.
loffice because of the disagreement the public ought to know.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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