
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, November 17 1934.
SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments or a Hotel Limón ESSAY ON SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Japan and the Washington Treaty Japan has been warned by Amer. ated that she is prepared to proceed By EGBERT RIVERS ican Delegates to the Naval Con alone, scrapping the Washington versations that if she scraps the Treaty and presumably the LonThe Muse compels me to treat the latter, complementary. They Washington Treaty, the United don Treaty unless Britain and the with this composition sectionally, go hand in hand. The able typewrStates may be forced to fortify United States are ready to concede and with not a little unrestraint. iter with its 30 odd keys has come her possessions in the Pacific. This equality demands at least in prinTo probe into dark recesses in into popular reception to supplant THE RIGHT SALTS information has been made public cipio.
order to determine the high value the keys of the hand, slow and after a lengthy conference between Both American and British re of the arts of Shorthand and Ty. ponderous compared to the lively representatives of both countries, presentatives, however, are of the pewriting. or shall say Steno spring of the keys of the typewat which, it was understood, Japan opinion that Japan may be induced graphy is impolitic, so unneces riter. Who can resist such improv.
refused to budge on her Navy to submit proposals of a more con sary it is. The value of the art sugement? Its use is universal. Schools equality demands. Japan has indie ciliatory nature.
gests itself in just a mere glance have ceased to teach the art of of the mind eye, even to him Penmanship Business men have The Foreign Lottery who casually glances. Hence disregarded the beauty in signamust not exert myself to lay mare cures, depending only upon the reNotwithstanding the serious ef drawing effected a fortnight in bare that which is already nude, production of facsimiles Why? Invaluable for the Treatment of forts of the government to elimi Panama, was sold in San Jose nor to emulate that which is alre simply because the demand for nate the trade in foreign lotteries, among various parties.
ady exalted.
writing is at such a discount. The it would seem as if it is still being typewriter has taken its place.
Flatulence And all forms successfully carried on, for it is ru The value of the prize is estiSHORTHAND The foregoing deals with the moured that the ticket, which remated at about five thousand doltypewriter as an individual thing. Indigestion of Stomach presents the second prize in the lars.
Stenography builds its science In its relation to shorthand, it has Colics Disorders upon systems of arbitrary strokes a higher bid for a respect and adLimon Band for San Jose Fiestas and curves, etc. called Shorthand. miration. The arts of Typewriting So simple, if not funny are these completes that accomplishment FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES At a recent meeting of the Com. We are confident that the remittee in charge of the Civic Fies quest will be granted and we con signs, that were given the choice which gives the regal title, Stenoof definition, would liken them grapher, a title which commands tas to take place in San Jose at gratulate our City musicians on ancient hieroglyphics, but aclmiration, a title of posisbilities.
MANUFACTURED BY: unto the close of the present year, it this opportunity afforded them of Pyyhin its funny outlay it codifies The Stenographer has many was decided to request permission taking part in the country prinHermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa for the Limon Band to assist along cipal Fiestas.
the longest terms, enabling the reasons to be proud of his position.
SAN JOSE with those from other provinces.
writer to capture the discourse of a He may find it equally profitable, fluent speaker, though he races even equally pleasureable as a volike a wounded Trojan. Then cation avocation. From the when the race is over, with an air steady motion of pliable fingers Machado Reported Poisoned Alcalde takes Statement from Fallas of self confidence the writer strides to the din of the clicking machine We observe it is stated from to him by his cook.
across to complete his course upon the combined art lends a palatable New York, that information of a Investigation into the activities The Alcalde recently at It is supposed that the cook is of the leaders in the recent labour tended at the Hospital and took a the coeffecient machine. attraction, and when steno private nature has been received in a Cuban and a member of a secret troubles in this Zone is still being declaration from Carlo Luis Fa.
typist passes from this stage to a that City announcing, that ex group but was able to pass himself conducted by the First Alcalde of llas. The declaration was made, it THE TYPEWRITER higher calling, he recounts with President Machado of Cuba is se off as a Dominican in order to the Criminal Court of San Jose, is reported, under a very rigid exhappy reflections the attractions, riously ill in Santo Domingo as secure his position in the household by request of the Criminal Jodge amination which lasted for about Stenography is based distinctly the pleasures, the possibilities found the result of poison administered of the ex President.
of this City.
three hours.
upon Shorthand and Typewriting, in the practice of Shorthand, TypThe former is a primary basis and ewriting. Stenography. Deaths in San Juan de Dios Hospital AMERICAN BAR Among the many persons who October 19th. Fidelia Bustos, TUBORG BEER ON DRAUGTH died in the San Juan de Dios Hos 32 years old, from Limon.
pial during the month of October, Eecialidad de la casa: Helados de las clases siguientes: Vai.
October 20th. Maria Marti nulla, Fresa, Cereza, Tutti Frutti, Frutas y Nueces, Melocotón SAN JOSE we notice the following from this nez, 41 years old, from Limon.
section of the Country: October 23rd. Ruben Cordoy otras muchas. Son deliciosos y los mejores del país 150 yards South of the Central Market ba, 28 years old, from Limon. BEAVERS, Proprietor Special attention given passengers from the Atlantic October 17th. Charles Fal. ctober 30th. Rosa Bruce, coner, 58 years old, from Matina. 70 years old, from Limon.
First Class Accommodation Fatal Occurrence in Lunatic Asylum Terms Moderate English Spoken Un verdadero Salón de Novedades. Lo más reciente de During the past few days it was serious wounds on the head of an Escarré la moda solamente lo encuentra en la Tienda currently rumoured that a fatal other patient as to cause the death occurrence had taken place in the of the man shortly afterwards.
El Salvador and Her Population The victim, it is further stated, It was stated that one of the was a coloured man from Limon, El Salvador is stated to be hard Gulf of Fonseca, the largest of Crespones de Seda, Medias las más finas, Souvenirs de patients, arming himself with a who had been a patient in the Asyput to for space for her popularion which is Meanguera with an are a of more than 1, 750, 000 souls. She of 3, 000 acres. Three of the other Costa Rica. Artículos para niños, Sombreros piece of lumber, inflicted such llum for some time.
is reported to be endeavouring to larger Islands are also believed to para grandes y pequeños provide them with the required be suitable chiefly on account of Un buen artículo a un precio bajo, búsquelo en la space outside of her mainland ca their extreme fertility.
pacity of 13, 000 square miles.
Tienda de Novedades THE LITTLE PARIS It has been suggested to popuThe entire scheme is now under Excursión to El Encanto late some of the Islands in the consideration of the government. 66 The Baptist Church hopes, all country, and should be largely paThe Hauptmann Case being well to have their usual out cronized by all, who wish to get From Havana it is reported that Island and has brought himself to ing this year to El Encanto on the out of the same old monotony of Asserting that he was confidented in the payment of the money an authorized spokesman of the a high position, in the United 26th December, boxing day. This city life.
he could convince Dr. John Con Dr. Condon statement is regard Communist Party declared openly States and other countries, in the will furnish an opportunity for all Full particulars will be publish don that he was not the man to ed, by high officials, as effectively that the organization of Cuba as interest of Communism. to spend a fine day out in the ed later.
whom the 50, 000 ransom was dealing a death blow to the latest First Soviet Republic in the Wespaid, Hauptmann made request defense theory.
Hemisphere was approachfor a second interview with the Meantime Edward Reilly, ing rapidly. The spokesman, one Doctor. The latter is, however, re noted criminal Attorney of Brook. Felipe Gonzalez, is further reportported to be still firmly convinced lyn has been selected to replace ed to have stated that the Party that the accused is the person, and James Fawcett as Chief Defense program was prooeding steadily the only person, whom he contact Counsel.
and merely awaited a propitious moment to step in and seize the government. He stated that such Banco del Estado PARK HOTEL State Bank moment would not be in the distant future.
Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated Among the chief things which dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar.
were to happen under the projected Se complace en anunciar al Soviet State were. outright conBegs to announce to the Sample room fiscationwithout compensation, público la apertura de su Public the opening of its LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress of all sugar mills, sugar and tobacPost Office Box 236 Telephone W plantations, factories and Banks: All national loans, both To Share in Agricultural Profits foreign and domestic, would be repudiated. Treaties, and particuA revolutionary profit sharing (products on a percentage basis, the larly the new Reciprocity Treaty system in agriculture is reported to employment of more workers, an with the United States would be IN THE have been recently approved by the equal distribution of work, the denounced. As a matter of fact, government in Italy. The plan emelimination of overtime work and Gonzalez said that this Treaty with braces land owners as well as farm of farm work by women and chil. Washington was bound to hasten workers and was to be applied on dren. It also contemplates the re the Economic Rule of Cuba, and nationwide basis as soon as the moval of unemployed workers pave the way for a successful Com para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service necessary organizations can be de from regions oversupplied with munist revolution.
servicio bancario.
veloped. The system contemplates Labour to sparsely settled districts. Gonzalez is a sugar technician a distribution of farm profits and in the Communist Party of that Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
THE LITTLE PARIS Lunatie Asylum, San Jose.
Imprenta BORRASE HERMANOS Sovietism for Cuba tern Banco Internacional de Costa Rica со SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA TO CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON WI an ha

    CommunismCommunist PartyItalySoviet

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