
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA Saturday, November 17 1934.
Our Radio Service PROTECT your health and save time and money!
BAWER AFIASPIRINA two months ago Cats and Mice as Food in Russia men had voted seven to five for Jaime Cerdas under Arrest Maduro Lumber Yard Chong León were Suero Butantán United Fruit Company CHICAGO. Federal Court real source of the Chaco war. Fo ARUBA, Ten seBailiffs have taken unusual pre reign interests, it said, frequently cautions to guard the life of Sa. entangle che international relations caped Devil Island convcits pressed a sailboat over the morthern muel Insull as trial of the former of Latin American acions, especial coast of South America in their mula millionaire and sixteen of his ly when it is necessary to find the long flight to freedom. Members associates entered a new phase of shortest way possible to export a of the American and English cotechnical debate over accounting product.
lonies contributed towards the practices. Doors to the courtroom WOODLAND, CAL. The purchase of the 25 foot craft in were guarded carefully. Visitors Jury which heard Judson Duke which the men have set out from for Headache, Neuralgia, were watched closely and court trial on charges of murdering his this Port. The convicts fled from Rheumatism, etc.
attaches circulated through the wife Poet lover, 23 year old La.
te penal colony more than corridor crowd. court officer is mar Hollingshead was dismissed stated to have overheard an appar as they were unable to reach a deent plot to attack the aged chief cision. The eight women and four defendant.
Speaking in the British House food.
acquittal. The Unwritten Law. which from almost the dawn of On Tuesday last Jaime Cerdas, First Alcalde of the Criminal of Parlianment during last Sep He had photographs, the authen.
Can ticity of which it was impossible time, has held that a man is jus the other Communist who had Court, San Jose, Cerdas attended tember, the Archbishop of tified in killing his wife para taken an active part in the recent that Court and gave the required terbury said that after a long and to doubt, of corpses lying in the connec full study of an immense lot of streets and other bodies simply FRANK MADURO Jr. mour, was responsible for the re. Labour Movements in this Zone, declaration regarding his Prop.
sult. middle aged farmer and a was arrested in San Jose and is tion with the movement. As soon documents and evidence from all waiting on the pavements for death, housewife, it was said, insisted that now under detention to the orders as he had finished doing so his quarters, and the examination in while the people of the town were many cases of sufferers themselves passing by as if there was almost Best native lumber, Duke be freed on the Unwritten of the Criminal Judge of this City. arrest was effected.
In response to the order of the the impression left on his mind nothing particular to notice. He was that the conditions of things hoped that some of these appalling at moderate prices last year in Russia, and particu events belonged to the past, but Costa Rica Soda Dr. Carlos MI. Fernández larly in part of Southern Rus there could not but be apprehenBUENOS AIRES. Primo Camera sia, was appalling.
sions about the future.
former heavyweight champion, has Water Factory LIVERPOOL The Jamaica Times Cirujano Dentista The number who died of hunbeen signed to meet Victori ger was nearer 6, 000, 000 than.
LIMON pola, Argentine heavyweight, for Licores ExtranjeSAN JOSE WANTED 3, 000, 000. In the town 40, 000 out a 12 round baut at Independiente Oficina: Clínica del Dr. Facio ros y del País of a population of 240, 000 died; Used Postage Stamps of the Fábrica de Hielo Stadium, which seats 40, 000. The in another 40 per cent out of.
West Indies and the Coun.
ABARROTES bout, set for November 24th. will Teléfonos: 40, 000 inhabitants. There tries of Central and South be Carnera first since he lost his y Refrescos Precios Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 América places where people were living on ticle to Max Baer.
Económicos Apartado 1252 cats and dogs and where horseflesh was a luxury.
Good prices paid Florida Ice and NEW YORK. The boycott There were places where the war on Nazi Germany will be conThe Central Stamp Exchange Farm Co.
Suicide in San Jose tinued in America despite the readvent of mice in spring was re Apartado 66. Cartago garded as a providential source of port that a Jewish Committee in LA FLORIDA It wold seem as if, in addition Keith district for his business London had offered to make peace, to the epidemic of Typhoid, there place where he conducts a butch Jamaica Banana Trade if German Jews were given back Fábrica de Hielo is also one of suicide in and around ery, and a couple of hours later their civil rights.
San Jose at this time.
shot himself in the head. He died According to a statement pu (of the present year totalled blished in a recent Venta de Leche During the earlier hours of later the same day in the San Juan Gleaner, the quantity of bananas 8, 942, 867 for the same period last issue of the 12, 442, 874 stems as against SHONG LUNG FAI Tuesday last, a man of about de Dios Hospital. He leaves two LIMON y Maderas years of age left his home in the young children and their mother. exported from Jamaica during the year.
period January 1st. to October 21st.
Licores LONDON. The impression Artículos del País has gained ground rapidly that paLos precios más ralled to the Naval Negotiations, bajos.
intense secret activity has broken out between the British and JapaContra merdedura de serpientes. Téngalo siempre a mano SERVICIO DE VAPORES Manzana 23 nese on the economic and political en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Lote número front, with Japan strongly bidding Existencia permanente: con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
for British naval support to her Accord Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del Lic. Carlos Víquez PHOENIX, ARIZ. The gov. naval equality demands.
VAPORES SALIDAS ernment six months search for the ing to a reliable source, the Foreign Avenida Central. Frente a las Compañías Eléctricas men who kidnapped six year old Office and British Board of Tra.
18 de Noviembre June Robles, and left her chained de are considering a Japanese se.
in a desert hole, resulted in the cret offer of concession regarding Sensational Demand QUIRIGUA 25 de Noviembre arrest of a schoolday chum of her the new Manchukuo oil monopoly PETEN. de Diciembre father on extortion charges. Oscar and the Japanese government con Following on the recent decree the Chamber of Deputies in which Robson, former night Club pro trol of the oil trade in Japan of the government of Mexico un they formally urged the execution FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
prietor, was arraigned here and der which the Clergy of the Catho of all Catholic Priests in the Re.
held under 50, 000 bond. June GENEVA Further lic Church were being expelled the public at the hands of a firing Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON might be brought to the Phoenix tional disclosures concerning alleg. country, it is now stated that a ra squad. The group charged the Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Jail to see if she could identify ed Nazi activities in the Saar were dical group of Professors in the Priests with treason against the Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Robson voice.
contained in a report by the Saar Federal school for the proletariat State as the basis for their sensa TELEFONO 3156 Commision to the League of Nae Matamoros, in the State of Ta tional demand.
tions. The report asserted that do maulipas, have sent a perition to cuments seized in recent raids on the so called Deutsche Front offiColoured Aviators on Goodwill Flight ces in the Saar, proved that this Will Visit Costa Rica Attorney at Law and Notary organization was a continuation of With reference to the inter ra we understand it is the intention Public. Office and Residen. the Nazi Party. It was alleged that cial goodwill flight, to a majority of our government to give them an the Deutsche Front Leaders of the Latin American Countries, official reception.
ce: Upper Floor of residen.
bringing pressure on the Saar rewhich two famous coloured aviat As no mention of Limonis ce of the late Juan José León sidents to vote for a return to Ger El más surtido en Matina ors, Dr. Albert Forsythe and made in the above list, we hope many in the plebiscite on their Mr. Alfred Anderson, com later on to be able to state that our future.
menced, from Atlanta City, City will be included.
MIAMI. Dr. Ramon Grau on Thursday of last week, we The flight is being sponsored by San Martin, former President of SALOMON CHING WE LEE are now informed that Costa Rica the Tuskegee Institution after Cuba, has sent two representatives scholarly Negro Lawyer from was declared elected by the First is included in their intinerary. whose founder, the famous educato Havana to discuss the advisabil.
Estrada the Old South, has unseated Re. Illinois District which, since 1928, Continuing from Miami, the cor, Booker Washington, the ity of his return to the Island. The presentative Oscar de Priest in the has been represented by the only aviators intend visiting Nassau, mono coupe, in which they are Interior Secretary invited Grau to Abarrotes y Licores recent Congressional Elections in Negro Congressman, the elderly Havana, Santiago de Cuba, Kings travelling, has been named. It is return to Cuba to participate Artículos del País the United States. By a margin of de Priest. he Constitutional Elections guar 3, 000 votes, Arthur Mitchell, tort, Port au Prince, Port of Spain, painted Orange and Black.
Grenada, Georgetown, San Juan anteeing him safe conduct.
Precios Econó nicos (Porto Rico. St. Thomas, ParaMOBILE. Fifteen seamen were seriously injured when the LA IBERIA maribo, Cayenne, Para and Brazil.
On their return trip they will call Tanker Caliche, heavily loaded LIMON with high test gasoline, exploded at Bolivar Caty, Maracaibo. BaVIENNA. Government autand caught fire 12 miles ar rranquilla, Cartagena, Cristobal, sea, horities were disturbed by rumours Maderas Extranjeras y del País y The Captain was most Panama, San Jose (Costa Rica. seriously of severe rioting in various localiCOMPRA CACAO Managua, San Salvador, Tela, injured ties throughout Austria on the Unconfirmed reports MATERIAL DE TRANVIA Ilth. inst.
Belize, Guatemala. Vera Cruz, Abogado y Notario Mexico City, Tampico, BrownsLIMA. The Newspaper, said that Scialists and Communists Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo. ville and back to Atlanta City.
Cronica, in an editorial, charged held riotous mass meetings in many har Petroleum Imperialism is the cities and towns. Este documento es propieda Importación de mercadería en generalIt is not yet stated when the Oficina: Ciudad de Limón totie de ceea diventestpeesta Riga. arrive here, but sensaAlbino Villalobos ne o Hop Lee Lung are Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes Coloured Congressman Elected in Guillermo Niehaus Daniel Zeledón

    CommunismGermanyImperialismJaime CerdasMilitantes del PCCRNazismSpainWorking Class

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